I've just seen in some posts kickstarter players are not receiving steam keys. What a bunch of fucking bullshit!!!! We were told when we bought this game we would get one. Why the hell are we not getting one?

Best posts made by Farlander
No steam key??
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
I can see leveling guilds for cosmetic addons. Flags for their guildhall, tabards for their members etc...SWTOR had a similar system. I'm against anything other than cosmetic.
RE: What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?
@grofire Hate speech does not exist? You have got to be kidding. Racism is the epitome of speech with a root in hatred. A player should not have to endure that kind of language in the game. In fact, there is no place for it in the world either. It is a sad individual who has that much hatred in them.
RE: What exactly is the purpose and principle of cities and personal lands?
There has to be safe storage for things in the game. I've already seen what happens when you can lose everything in a raid. Life is Feudal: YO had that. When they implemented judgment hour whole settlements became scorched earth over night. Something that took days/weeks/months to build. Needless to say many of those players just rage quit and never came back. That game took a major nose dive with the forum activity going from too many daily posts to track to almost nothing going on. When people play a game they expect to have fun. Losing everything only to have to restart is no fun. That is why I don't alpha test any more. Having to constantly rebuild after a wipe just gets to tedious for me.
RE: No steam key??
After searching through every post on the kickstarter and here I see no actual reply from the DEVs to this particular question to the positive. However, every time they were asked this question they seemed to have dodged it without saying yes but never saying no. In each instance it was implied we were getting one. I feel deceived so yes I'm pissed.
RE: Forum to Website
I thought the same thing in the beginning until my son pointed out you can click the header to the forums lol.
RE: Merry Christmas everyone and happy hollidays!
Merry Christmas to you and everyone else
RE: The End of most Sandbox PVP Games-The losing side.
@Gothix Sandbox doesn't mean no rules. It means open world with no linear path. You are allowed to go where you want and do what you want. UO is a sandbox and there are plenty of rules governing pvp and other player interactions. The game will crash and burn if there are not rules in place that control griefing.
I was playing Outlands free UO server which started off as fun. But then the pks and thieves started invading and the devs gave in to those same arguments; that the blues just needed to play better. Needless to say the pop of the server plummeted. I personally find players whose only course of gameplay is to hinder other players and laugh as a scourge.
Underground Nodes
I was just wondering if there is any possibility that city nodes might expand to the underworld? I always liked the idea of the UnderDark in D&D lol.
Next test phase
Hope it starts soon because it seems people are running out of things to talk about lol.
RE: Lootable Corpse?
Sounds alot like UO only better. Why should the flags happen without witnesses? Simple, this is a game and not real life. There need to be controls put into place to control griefing.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
Now there is someone researching the forums
Nothing wrong with hashing out old topics with new eyes and ideas.
RE: Will food rot?
I sure hope not. Nothing worse than spending a few hours gathering food only to log back in and it's all gone. That used to happen in another game I played. Very frustrating to say the least. There is a level of realism that just doesn't translate over to a game world where you are not "living" 24/7.
RE: The New Fractured Trailer Is Awesome!
I was wondering if I missed a trailer. Maybe post the link lol. One thing for sure the week of an email update we get alot of new player posts. Probably all that spamming on social media for forum points
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
I don't hang out in discord so I musty be missing quite a bit of ideas. Would be nice if more of the intended content made it to the forums. Thanks for posting
RE: Why we need attribute respec options.
I think this subject has been debated recently fairly hard in another thread. I for one am for it because people have regrets over decisions they made sometimes in hast. With that said I think it should be used as a cash purchase for real money. Gives the devs a way to make cash beyond the release. I think there should be a delay between respecs to prevent players from trying to gain advantages for special circumstances.
RE: The Potential City Problem.
I for one am glad they optioned an area for those who do not wish to pvp. Alot of people said UO died when Trammel arrived. For me that is when the game began. I don't mind organized pvp such as factions and guild wars in UO. I participated in those and quite enjoyed them. What I detest is ganking, hitting people when they are pvming, and killing mules. For alot of players pvp is that style and to me that's just griefing. A test of pvp skills is when it is actually a challenge.
RE: Adding Fractured To Steam In Alpha
I'm pretty sure this was discussed in another thread awhile back. I personally think it shouldn't goto steam until almost all the bugs are worked out. There is nothing that will kill a game faster than a bad rating on steam. Remember No Man's Sky?
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
I know people like the "realism" and having things take time, but I'd rather the tool immediately process your materials. If this is going to be a waiting game where I have to write down times for things to check I;m not going to be long for the game. I gave up facebook games where everything was set on timers for completion. Life is too short to be waiting on a game to have fun.