No matter the shortcut if it isn't cosmetic I would personally consider it pay to win. All those little advantages can eventually add up to a huge advantage.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
RE: Talent tree info
Hopefully at some point after the game launches a nice 3rd party tool will come out where you can fill in the tree and see all the results. I used to use one like that for SWG that someone made before I even created the character.
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
I think pay to win is also in effect even if you can achieve the same items in the game by playing if the rates of those gains are highly out of balance. If it takes weeks or months to achieve something ingame it shouldn't take the stroke of a key buying it in seconds. Otherwise you highly diminish the accomplishments of players. The game needs active players more than it needs a quick cash grab.
RE: Other types of "consumables"?
I wouldn't mind seeing consumables that counteract ongoing effects. Consumables are always great for crafters as well
RE: Fractured - a living world?
In the early days of UO there were npc beggars. When you go too close they basically latched onto you and followed you around asking for money. They wouldn't leave until you dropped at least 1 gp on them lol. You had to watch out for npc thieves because they hung out around the bank. If they came next to you they would steal a random item from your main bag. I remember a few times my house rune was stolen until I realized I needed to embed important stuff in more bags and keep junk in the main bag lol. You could go around yelling destination and npcs wanting a lift to another town would come up to you. Gaters would be walking around town with tons of them just gating from one city to the next making gold. You could hire guards to accompany with you to dungeons. Npcs were so vibrant that you almost didn't need other players lol. This system worked until other players were taking the npcs out of town to murder them for their loot.
RE: Do we have any idea of sever localisations?
I like the idea of one player base together. There is nothing worse than playing a mmo and no one is around you lol.
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
We are a vain species lol.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
I like the idea of limits. From a guildmaster point of view having a limit of 100 or less would have actually been enjoyable for me anyway. I usually spent at least an hour a day doing guildstone stuff. I'm guessing this limit is per character and not per account. When you add that in then you lower the numbers even more.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
If food becomes to the point you start dying from starvation then this game is not for me. I don't want real world mechanics in a game that's supposed to be fun. I don't want to be spending all my time working to stay alive. I want time to explore, build and just have fun.
I don't want mechanics that will allow jerks to cause problems within my guild so I don't want friendly fire between guild mates unless they can turn it on and off or goto an instanced battlefield where they can pvp. I want consensual combat between friendlies. In fact, I want to limit as many mechanics as possible that can lead to griefing. In real life I would have more tools in my arsenal to deal with these kinds of people. It's called the law and it comes with its own set of punishments. I can't get that kind of justice in a game. So when you are thinking guild hopping and griefing is just part of a game I say bs. It doesn't have to be. I shouldn't haven't to vette a new guild member as if I was hiring someone for a top secret project.
Anyway those are my rants on some of the subjects in the thread lol.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
@Gothix You're right. One thing may be fun for one person and not another. Those proclamations I made I said were for me. If you played Life is Feudal for a month you would know where I'm coming from lol. Some people do like to be tortured while they play. I'd suggest that game for them. Myself I'm trying to steer the progression of this game's development away from those aspects that are not fun for me. Selfish maybe but that is the reason why I'm here; to help progress this game into something I enjoy
RE: Reagent Enchanting Spreadsheet (Update 2020-Oct-14)
Awesome. I like when stuff like this hits the net. I'm not one of those guys that likes to spend hours figuring stuff out. It would really be nice if the game had an ingame knowledge system that actually had stuff like this. Your character is not you. Just like in D&D I might be playing a mage. That character knows the inner working of spells; how to use them, how to cast them, what is required. Myself, I know nothing of magic. If your character has the knowledge then the knowledge legend in the game should show the specifics that character should know. So if your character is very knowledgeable in enchanting then the tables would be available of what your character knows how to enchant.
RE: Questions and observation on the lack of depth for people who like crafting to define their character
I know that's what is being said. I'm still not just sure how advancing a character is going to be improvement. If I'm not showing improvement in my build I'm not going to be motivated to do anything to advance my character.
Back to topic on crafting. If I advance my knowledge in crafting and use "better" materials to craft my gear, is my gear not going to be better than basic gear? If it is still going to be "equal" to base gear then why advance my crafting skill if it doesn't actually improve the quality of my crafted stuff? You yourself has talked about that special gear you only bring out for special assignments. What makes it so special if it doesn't do anything more than base gear? You have implied in those words that not all gear will be equal which contradicts the above statement that all will be equal just with different "stuff".
I'm not trying to put you down or argue. I'm just showing that I think alot of us hear the words "equal" and horizontal leveling but I think alot of us think in terms of vertical. I'm going to have a hard time playing the game with no vertical growth. I like rpgs because I get to see my character grow over time, not stagnate. If I can do anything more or better than my original character then theoretically my character is better than my base character. The knowledge system doesn't drop off skills as you add them from learning in the tree. That means there is vertical growth. So hence my confusion.
RE: PvE Planet with PvP
Not all pvp is the same. There is a huge difference between wars/tournaments/duels and ganking/ambushing.
RE: PvE Planet with PvP
@Gothix Oh I completely agree that your a toon's alignment has very little to do with the alignment of the player. Blue griefers were just as bad to me as the red pks in UO. I hope the devs are vigilant and try to remove the loopholes that players use to grief others as they are discovered.
That's why I said not all pvp is the same. I enjoy organized pvp. I've lost an edge in the hand eye coordination but it's still fun. What I don't like are the griefing and ambush tactics most pks use. They gank you when you are at your most vulnerable such as hitting you while surrounded in pvm aggro or killing a mule who is not even geared/skilled to fight. Then they have the audacity to berate you for being a noob when in fact they were just cowardly turds.
RE: PvE Planet with PvP
It could mean when your 30 mins is up you have run out of life. I have seen games where you were in an area that drained life and when you ran out of time you just died. The "porting" maybe you resing to your last bind spot lol.
RE: Pure Crafter
Davinci was one of the best crafter/inventers of his day and it was because of his intelligence...just throwing that out there
RE: Is Alt-Spamming even a bad thing?
In UO I ran two accounts on two computers. I had one crafting while I was playing another. I knew a guy that ran 9 accounts at once. 8 of them were running some kind of macro crafting or skill working while he played one. He had several monitors setup so he could watch them all in case he was asked if he was unattended macroing.
I can see players having several alts simply for having different builds for pvp or pve. I ran 16 characters in SWTOR just so I could do all the storylines lol.
RE: Is Alt-Spamming even a bad thing?
If people are complaining about multiple accounts running on multiple computers from the same household, how is it going to be handled for multiple players playing at the same location? I was playing UO Outlands, a free server, and they blocked multiple accounts from the same household. The problem was my son and myself were both playing. What about LAN parties? These do still exist where several players are playing from the same location. I've seen where some games ban you if your account pops up at another location as well. It falls under account sharing. However, some people play at different locations. Some of my friends have popped over and logged on one of our other computers to play together.
RE: Toxic behaviors ......
I have just noticed a difference in people in general. It seems over the years people just get meaner especially online where repercussions for their words are minimal. Then on the other side people have such thin skins they lash out over anything perceived as an insult. Why does this apply to discussing the game? Because people have trouble conducting a civil conversation even about something so trivial as the mechanics of a game that does nothing other than provide enjoyment.