When I learned programming it was Fotran 77 and Pascal. C was just coming into being. I would say as a programmer you will always be learning the latest language.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: Python or Javascript
RE: Town Sieges
@Znirf That is really good to hear. I mention it so that for the planning stages things are considered that hurt other games. UO has a bank box that holds items you can retrieve from any city bank. Alot of other games have this same kind of setup. It makes for ease of play for a player because no one wants to spend endless amounts of time between adventuring to regear. Also no one wants to spend weeks or months accumulating stuff that is gone in the blink of an eye.
Thanks for the reply
RE: When will shop items become available ?
I would have to agree on removing stuff tested during alpha/beta. Accounts are wiped anyway for anything accomplished on characters so why not wipe the purchases as well.
RE: Games that didn't make it
Firefly Online. The Cortex on steam was supposed to prepare players for the game. Sadly the game died with no explanation to anyone
RE: Dont forget the RPG
@Crowdac If that is the case then that would be great. As you get older your hand eye coordination gets terrible and pvp becomes more frustrating than fun. I tend to steer away from solo pvp these days lol. Are knowledge gains general gains from which you can spend them on the areas you wish? Until I actually see the knowledge system working I have no clue. I will have to wait until beta to start to find out. I'm not complaining, I'm just gathering info for my gaming community
RE: Areas on map
I like the idea of predetermined spots. That way the world doesn't get cluttered.
RE: What to do during this meantime?
I play solo games. I'm on Pillars of Eternity 2 right now. Love the series. Pathfinder Kingmaker is good also.
RE: The End of most Sandbox PVP Games-The losing side.
It's hard to translate real life into a game. Most normal people do not spend every waking moment care taking over their account. In a perpetual world that you have to leave for large amounts of time there needs to be safeguards in place to prevent others from taking your stuff. You can't expect players to be guarding their belongings while they are offline. Hopefully there are tools within the game that can help with that. Maybe the ability to hire town guard npcs. In LIF when judgement hour came you better hope most of your players can be online or you stand to lose everything.
RE: When will shop items become available ?
People are less likely to test the shop if they know they are stuck with the item after purchase. I know that can be said of any player starting out the game even when the game is live. I just think testers will be less likely to spend their dynamight gold with so many unknowns. Once the game launches you will have some places on the internet to research those items before purchasing via youtube or wiki. At least I'm speaking for myself.
RE: The End of most Sandbox PVP Games-The losing side.
@Tuoni I was thinking the same thing. That's the reason devs have to put filters into place lol.
RE: Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
The majority of the guys that I know who pvp are definitely min/maxers. Trying to be better than other players is what they do. Roleplay, exploring, socializing with others at make believe tea parties is not their thing. Whether you pvp or not you still need to know this info because everyone who wants to explore everything will be forced into pvp at some point. I'm really interested in how a character improves. I'd love to see some hard numbers on gear, stats, knowledge and any other damage modifying effects that improve a character over time.
RE: Real Crafting
SWG had special blueprints that dropped as loot. UO also had the BOD system that dropped different items from doing those. SWG had one of the best crafting systems I've played in a MMO. Having resources spawn with different stats made crafting very unique. It just made it hard to break into crafting if someone was sitting on a huge pile of the best resource that ever spawned.
I don't mind quality of tools being tied to the crafted item as long as there isn't a durability factor that causes you to have to replace your tool ever few hits. I liked SWG having factories where you could load it up with a schematic and it pumped out items while you were sleeping lol.
RE: Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
I wouldn't say looking at min/maxing is completely useless at this point. We are at a stage when those numbers can change easier. If no one looks at them then the devs may not see any issues. I agree those formulas/tables will change because I'm sure they are not perfect from the start. I must say I appreciate those guys that do this and put it up on the third party sites because I'm too lazy to do it myself lol.
RE: Real Crafting
Or...like we have done in other games a community has a guild on both sides of the border where their alts play and one group meets the other half way to make the pickup. Large organized communities have benefits. Back in the day we had to use instant messenger programs. Now with real time chat things are so much easier to coordinate.
RE: Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
So all items will have a specific amount of stats and how those are distributed will be different? Does this mean that even the basic items will have the same amount of total statistics as the items created with the best materials possible just spread over more categories? Are there going to be categories not allowed with base materials where advanced materials are able to cover?
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how I'm going to be improving my character if a newly created character has access to the same stuff as my guy who has been around for years. If all there is to do is explore and see new stuff and gain knowledge eventually a player will achieve all of that. In fact, it is my experience that hardcore gamers will blast through new content at a rate much faster than devs can produce. Without vertical advancement on characters what will keep those players from leaving?
I hope the devs are not trying to create a world where everyone is equal in power. That's not realistic nor will it be fun. Players have to see improvement in their character or what is the point of playing? Just like in real life not everyone is created equal. You have professional sports players and you have backyard scrubs who don't get picked for teams. The good thing about a game is with time and work you can be that professional. However, if everyone is equal and never hopes to be more than that what is there to do in the game? Exploration and socialization will not compel a player to stay long. I also don't even see the point of treasure if it basically does nothing other than alter cosmetics. If there is no increase in power other than across a horizontal tier that gives you better stats for a specific situation why chase loot? I'd much rather have armor that covers a broad spectrum than have to have 10 different sets of armor depending upon where I was going for that day. Not to mention you aren't going to carry all that armor with you to trade out for each area you travel through.
I will just have to wait to see the system working for myself before I understand it I guess.
RE: Unique mounts
I think you misunderstood my post. When I said I want them to be purely cosmetic in differences I meant for them to still be mounts..not a pet to follow me around. To be correct semantically they would also not pull carts. A mount is something you ride. I personally have also never liked games in which I had to eat and drink to survive. To be clear I also don't want to have to go to the bathroom. You'd be surprised how many alphas I have been apart of that players actually asked for that much realism. I'd rather food only be a combat buff if it is included. I'd rather it not because any kind of buffs make balance issues in pvp.
RE: Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot
Cheating is one way to kill a game. When I finally left UO the hacking was awful. Unfortunately there are those people who canβt play a game well so they find a shortcut to get ahead
RE: Int, is the most important crafting stat!
I don't know why this issue is coming up with concern of how crafters are going to compare in combat to noncrafters. Each account is going to have more character slots. I've never played a game where I tried to min/max my crafter for combat. That is why I have another character slot...for combat characters. Are people hoping to do everything on one character?
If int is the only crafting stat then make the character a spell casting combat character. I'm sure we are going to see cookie cutter characters all throughout the game once the best builds become known.
RE: Trading, In-game market
@ManosMer You can't give rewards to a player based upon how long they spend in the game otherwise players will just find a way to macro to those rewards. It would also put an unfair disadvantage on casual players. To me 2-3 hours of gaming a day is casual lol. Back when we played UO many of our players did 8+/day. It became their second job. As Xzait said a big name crafter is the guy who has the steady flow of goods. Nothing kills your vendor business more than people showing up and there is nothing in it to buy.
RE: to the developers
There have been alot of games made with Unity that have done quite well. I play one all the time called Battletech and it runs fine even on my old rig.