I'm a big fan of quality of life options. I'd like one click to move as much as I set on anything in any container. I'd also like all the items to stack into one slot and add the number to indicate the amount so I don't have to scroll through tons of screens.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: [QoL Suggestion] Packing Station Storage accessiblity with just one click
RE: Durability is depleting WAY too fast + Tanks are getting screwed!
All I'll say is that the last mmo I played the durability was linked to effectiveness and the items were basically used up in a day and I quit the game. I don't want to play a game where I have to constantly be working to replace gear just so I can have some fun. I agree with items having durability so crafters can be viable, but items need to last days not hours.
RE: Damage bonus: it could be so easy
@Roccandil D&D computer games have always been notorious for thinking you already know the system from the pnp version. I agree the game needs to pull up meaningful information during character creation from the game itself, not some outside source. This is even more important if resets are not going to be easy or at all.
RE: Ranged damage feels too high.
I always liked pvp damage to be scaled down compared to pve. No one likes to get one shot lol.
RE: The current stats system is a turn off for the non dnd players.
These stats are adopted by many other games. Have you not played any rpg computer games? Besides the dexterity stat, for example, affects so much more than just movement speed. Changing that particular stat would definitely confuse people if it was simplified to just speed. Besides you set your stats at creation so doing some research before that point is important. Once you start playing you have less control over manipulating stats.
RE: The current stats system is a turn off for the non dnd players.
@Vaiduoklis I could see hovering over a stat and seeing the breakdown into what mechanics in the game become. That would actually be helpful to a player seeing their movement speed, melee damage, crit damage etc...
RE: unbalanced pvp - unarmed naked mob griefer.
This has been an issue in mmos since they began. I'm not sure if there will ever be a solution for it. Some people are just assholes.
RE: Suggestion: Invisible armour
Hopefully skins match up to the type that is worn. Otherwise we already have some skins that can confuse players as to what you actually have equipped.
RE: Ingots, Leather and Theft
@Logain You will never get rid of the incentive to not have a house. I'm not sure if they are secured storage in this game but that is a huge incentive. Another is just owning one and saying look at what I have. Decorating a house is something people also enjoy.