What I would like to see is protection in place to prevent bots and scripts being used to run alts. I fully support alts as long as the player is actually playing them.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: The Potential City Problem.
RE: Power Gap Struggles
In simple math that logic might work. But in reality the idea of the assembly line is more productive than an individual doing everything. When a person can focus on one task they are much more efficient (faster, less mistakes) concentrating on one task rather than trying to do all the tasks in succession.
RE: Travelling is "complicated" to be mild
You're enjoying it right now because it is all new. Once you have explored everything (and yes you will eventually when the game goes live) moving from your home or town to the location you wish to work a spawn it will get old getting to the destination. Now if travel times are low say 15 mins or less to get to places then no problem. But if a location takes an hour to get there and you are the type of player that doesn't have 3 hours to play then you will never get to play in that location unless there is a way to log out safely in the wilderness say with a bedroll. If there is then you can continue to travel there at a later time. However, you can't plan to do things in locations that far away with a group unless you set it up in advance and tell everyone to meet there and log back in at a certain time.
I also saw someone mention gold sinks. Why exactly do we need gold sinks when at this time the game is not producing coins for players. It is my understanding there are no loot drops. At this point in time I have seen no reference to putting coins into the system.
RE: [Feedback] Party Knowledge sharing feels bad
I wouldn't consider grouping to be abusive. If someone is willing to spend their time leading another player around to get knowledge more power to them. That's the part that makes a mmo great...cooperation. By taking away the ability for everyone to earn the same amount of knowledge points you will in effect push players toward solo play. Aren't we wanting to help people enjoy group play?
I remember the early days of SWG, we would fill our groups to max so everyone could run around and get the achievement nodes. It was saddening that when most got those they didn't group up for anything except major hunts.
RE: Damage bonus: it could be so easy
@Meziljin You sound like a first edition dnd player
RE: City / Town Plots Removal
Oh man I'm big on changing things. Even real cities reallocate land in their cities as they grow and the need arises. As anything evolves change is often necessary, be it changing up your character choices to city layouts. It's a game. People need to have fun and not have reason to just quit.
RE: Changing stats from 1~25 to to a larger number for future possible growth
I don't see any changes like this simply because they have said from the beginning they want players to be able to new characters able to compete with old ones. Higher stats with much higher bonuses will definitely defeat that notion.
RE: Fractured Alpha Stream
Added your link to our community page. Hopefully it will generate some interest in the old fogies in my community to get into gaming again lol.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 22, 2019
The tanning process is similar to Life is Feudal. Nice graphical rendering
It would be nice to have an actual character builder eventually. One where we can select stats and expand out into knowledge with unlimited knowledge access to see how skills stack in stats.
RE: Progressionsystems
@Tuoni I disagree there are many mmos that have loot drops that still have a fairly lucrative player economy. From what I have seen with games having all player crafted items there end up being a few crafters who dominate the entire economy. Those guys are the ones who rushed to be the top crafters. Since all items will be player crafted then all items will be pretty much be the same unless specific materials alter stats on the items. I'm just saying from a hunting point of view it will become boring if all you get in loot is resources and currency.
RE: Every Ability Detailed!
I'll be relying heavily on content posted like this and in the wiki because even though I've been here in the forums I have yet to spend any real amount of time in the game. I've never been much of an alpha tester. I just don't have the patience for it lol.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 22, 2019
I personally don't like any kind of pay to win
RE: Market
I prefer ingame tools for being a merchant. However, during my UO days I used UO Auctions which was a 3rd party website alot of people used. It was well ran and there was a rep system built into it to avoid bad sellers/buyers. I would much rather have ingame stuff. I'd rather have one market area than have several player run markets. SWTOR has a nice system. It is quick and easy for both seller and buyer. I'd also like some kind of auction system because high end items you want to get the most out of. Auctions is the best way to do that.
RE: Progressionsystems
If the top tier stuff is crafted only the economy will be player driven. That doesn't, however, mean you can't drop low end items. I was playing the free UO server Outlands where that is the case. Crafters using the high end materials craft the best items in the game. They also look the best lol. Still other items drop in loot that you are still able to sell to starting out players. Another problem there though is a few players rushed to the top crafting positions. They secured the prime selling spots and basically they control the market on crafted goods.
I like the idea of dropping cosmetics. That makes looting exciting for the player to see what they might get to keep them going on grinding kills yet not change the idea that players craft the usable items in the game. I played Life is Feudal which is a total player crafted economy. Devs said all along that they would only allow animals to harvest resources for targets to fight. They wanted players to fight each other. Their player base dropped so fast shortly after launch they almost tanked. People got bored not being able to kill anything for loot. I saw recently they added some npcs in the game with their own villages. So much for never doing that. Devs will adjust to their player base if they want to stay in business. So the idea that the economy will never change may or may not happen.
Another subject the devs will need to consider is durability of items and how their stats are affected. If items do not degrade then the economy will stagnate without a steady influx of new players needing new crafts. If items do not break then players will never replace those items. I hated LIF durability/crafting system. Items degraded every use even tools. So the only 100% item you made was the first item you crafted. You then had to repair/recycle your tools and even the building you used if you wanted to make another 100% item. It was an awful system.
RE: FRACTURED - The DETAILED Breakdown of A Full Loot MMO! (MMO Alpha)
Shared with my community. Hopefully it will cause some interest
RE: Former GoTA player checking things out
I'm guessing Game of Thrones Ascent. I think PeachMcD said at one time she was from there.
RE: Guild Towns and Guild Mergers
Since the leader of a town is the guild leader and if you merge with another guild I would say it is possible the other guild could in effect initiate a coupe. In SWG, UO and SWTOR all those guild leaders are chosen by majority membership support. A member can freely choose to throw their support toward another person for guild leader. When that leader gains majority vote the leadership changes. There are reasons why these systems work and it is the reasons in the rules they already have in place. There is nothing worse when a leader up and quits and no one has control of guild functions and in this case town functions. That's alot riding on one person.
So back to a merger. If the new guild has more members I'd say they have a good chance of wrestling away control. I'd say you need to think before inviting larger groups to your town
RE: One can get stuck at 23'26'' W 11'40'' N [a.2.1.2d]
Hopefully there will be an "I'm stuck" function.
RE: What part of the game is most intriguing to you all
I do like the idea of being able to choose to pvp or pve at will. One of the worst things in a game is forced pvp. One thing the introduction of Trammel in UO showed is the majority of the players do not wish to pvp 100% of the time.