You know what is also amazing the amount of people "mistakenly" expecting their steam key. It's all over the kickstarter page, their facebook page and here. Tons of people asking where their key is. Why is that? Maybe because people were lead to believe they were getting one.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: No steam key??
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
Personally I feel if you have that kind of cash to throw down on a game why would a 10% or so difference make any difference to you. If you spent more than you should have....well we have all been there and had some regrets later lol.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 25, 2019
Wow that is some nice graphics.
RE: Dont forget the RPG
I just hope there is a server once/month event run by the devs. Those always seems to hype up the players. I remember when the Battle for Trinsic took place in UO to get ready for the Trammel launch. We had right about 10 people call off work to get into it that night. The next day the bosses weren't very happy lol.
RE: Fractured Online - Early Access
Since it is steam early access can we assume we are getting steam keys for those who kickstarted?
Off to GenCon
First time I've been. I'll be working at Catan Studios tables running games. If you are there pop by
Founder Chests
I was wondering if the chests we receive as foundation rewards will be chests we can actually use to decorate our housing?
RE: to the developers
Shards of Aria was first called Shards Online. The devs were advertising it as the spiritual successor of UO. I backed it. I could barely play it back then. The controls were clunky, the UI was confusing and the lag was horrible. Of course it was alpha. I quit playing but followed it for awhile. The game failed not because of unity. It had tons of issues. One being they wouldn't do anything about the reds. New players couldn't even leave the town to level up because reds camped all the spawns killing everyone. Even res killing. Fine example of how griefers can destroy a game.
RE: Alpha 2
Well it's certainly not unusual for games to miss dates. The main thing is the game comes out with few bugs. The biggest source of downvotes on steam is games not running correctly at launch.
RE: Guild UI/management
I would say something like UO would be nice. The free server UO Outlands has a really nice guild structure. One thing I didn't like about UO was having to guild people at the guild stone. As a gm for 7 years I got tired of being chained to it. I literally had to sit at the stone some days guilding for an hour or two. I much prefer allowing officers you assign being given that ability as well. UO also crashed after about 100 members or so. The stone menus were not made to handle too many players. I would assume most large guilds in games today number in the 100"s, so the guild functions needs to be able to accommodate very large guilds and still be manageable.
RE: Trading, In-game market
@Gothix I hope you are being sarcastic to the other posts against pvp because that statement makes little sense lol. Should I put a wink here lol.
I personally hate decay as well but without some kind of item loss crafters get hosed. I can't think of a solution that makes everyone happy.
RE: Writing books?
UO had the same thing. You could use inscription to copy a book. I would use these for guild recruitment. I also had a book for guild rules. I would just hand them out to new players lol.
RE: Lootable Corpse?
@Jetah said in Lootable Corpse?:
i'm trying to spin the ideals to favor my point of view! theft without a witness means it wasn't theft. a knockout could mean i found a fly on the head of someone and tried to kill the fly. i couldn't help it if the person had less constitution than the fly..
That brings up the whole argument of the tree falling in the woods making sound. However, I think any lawyer will tell you even if you weren't caught stealing it is still stealing, real life or not. The victim is going to consider it stealing for sure.
How are you supposed to "find" thieves also? That's very vague. How would you institute that mechanic? Characters are not logged in 24/7. Also what will happen when you do find them on the mere chance that they are logged in at the same time as you? What's the point? What will happen to them?
To me it just sounds like someone trying to find a loophole to thwart the flagging system and get away with griefing.
RE: People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday
Didn't I read during the last alpha that players were finding items that increased stats? I thought I saw someone posted an increase in the range of 4-6. When stats cap at 18 (I believe) 6 would be a significant increase. I haven't seen how bonuses scale but I would think someone with all stats at 18 from items would do alot better than someone right out of the gate. I just don't see how the game is going to equalize a player that has capped all their knowledge and gear and still have a player newly created able to beat them. If that is possible I don't see how the game is going to hold interest for players who want to see improvements in their characters. You will basically never improve if the achievements are so small to not matter from your initial character creation.
RE: Houses in the wilderness
I think you guys are really overt thinking this. This all sounds like making the game more complicated than it needs to be. A house should be a house no matter where it is located. I also don't see a need for a building to have a quality rating. The devs would just be making their jobs harder if they had to track such statistics. IMO houses should all age deteriorate the same and refreshing them should be easy. If players have to spend a ton of time, energy and resources in the game to keep their houses from vanishing then where is the time to spend having fun in the game exploring?
RE: Next test phase
You must really like capes lol. I do think they make great guild uniforms. All that space to put the guild crest on. Tabards would be nice as well. There is always that one guy though.
RE: What will be the in-game gold sinks?
I'm not starting a political debate with you. Coins for this game as well as real world applications is to help ease and standardize transactions. They were also a way for a kingdom to promote itself. Often ideologies were stamped right on the coins. Today, yes I agree with you. Governments can print and devalue their money, That, however, just devalues their currency which reflects on the open market trading. Coins often not just represented their value but were their value being minted in precious metals such as gold and silver.
RE: Next test phase
I think alot of folks have come up with some interesting ideas. However, I'm pretty sure most would agree we don't want new stuff added as we would like to see the game published close to on time lol. New systems would definitely delay it's official release. Even changes to existing systems, unless they are minor, would cause delays. I mentioned once before that players eat up new content faster than devs can produce it. That's why new releases have so many problems. Publishers are forced to release stuff before it can properly get tested to keep the player base interested. We players are such a fickle bunch lol.
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
Character rebuilds are important for one reason; the game is going to evolve and the mechanics of the game WILL change. With that in mind players initially built their characters based on one set of mechanics and when (not if) those change players should get an opportunity to reevaluate their character and change them if they desire. SWTOR handles this by every huge update that does major reworking of the game you are allowed one free rework of your skill choices (at least they did when I played). This is not unusual, it's available to everyone and is definitely fair (all these proclamations are made IMO).