@Nekrage D&D is the same way. I have always found it best to run high dex with lighter armor than to run with heavy armor and lose the dex bonus. Heavy armor always seems to be wanting in fantasy builds..

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: New Armors and weapons, how do you think will effect the gameplay and your build?
RE: Asteroids, Labyrinth and world Bosses
@FibS Exactly my argument. Alot of folks claim toons right out of the box will be competitive with a toon that's been around for a year or so. I've seen people argue that horizontal growth just means something different than what others have. With knowledge growth and equipment bonuses I can see the possibility of large gaps between a fresh character and a developed character. How much I guess we will see.
RE: Coinage and Monster Gold Loot
One thing I liked about SWTOR it forced all players into one "hangout". That is great for a business. All your customers are in one location with easy access to an auction portal that lists all the items that are for sale everywhere. I loved that system as a seller and as a customer.
Jump to UO and now all the players have several locations to mingle. Eventually players start to gather in one or two major locations to do business. Personal vendor shops are located basically everywhere but the more frequented ones are near moongates and close to towns. Players are seen gating customers to their shops or dropping runes for others to get there recalling. Even out of the way locations were fairly accessible. You could still run a fairly decent business but luckily some third party programs popped up that tried to simplify things to one location. I used UO Auctions for this. Unfortunately that requires people separate from the devs and you can run a risk using it. The nice thing was there wasn't a surcharge and auctions are a good way to make your most money for an item. Still it wasn't used by every player in the game.
Now here we will have to travel to shops physically and move our goods to the location we wish to sell them from where we made them. I'm hoping we at least can get npc vendors or a npc auction portal in the city where we do business. Hopefully at a reasonable enough overhead charge to make it even worth vendoring. Otherwise connecting with customers will be time consuming to the point I'm thinking only those with the most determination will even be crafters. I expect it will be most will just develop crafters to craft what they need personally. You can have enough characters on your account to do this if you put in enough time to develop those characters to craft everything. Since the only drops for loot will be materials for crafting there really won't be anything to sell that others can't make themselves. There are always those lazy players or those who just don't like to craft, but I expect the serious players will do their own.
RE: Coinage and Monster Gold Loot
I also dislike listing fees as well and prefer the fee coming from the sold item. I don't mind a limit of amount of items listed but I would like an option to easily relist my items for the same price I listed it. One thing I hated about SWG was having to gather all my items off the auction terminal that didn't sell only to spend all that time relisting them. A one button click to relist all items back onto the terminal is much appreciated. I would also like if items are able to be listed at least a week.
RE: Makerโs Mark
I liked it in UO. It's a good advertising tool for crafters
RE: Power Gap Struggles
When I farm gold or resources I tend to do that alone as I can get around faster by myself. However, when it comes to about anything else I have found you need a group. I keep coming back to Life is Feudal in my conversations but that game was about the hardest MMO I've played. Hard in the sense that without a group you just couldn't make it. Our group started strong at about 20 players. As time progressed and the game showed it's true colors on being actual work the group diminished fast to about 5 players. We had started a massive castle site. It would take about 8-9 runs to the marble/stone pits at about a 5-10 minute run away just to get the stone for the walls. That's not counting the other materials and the "hammering" you had to do to erect them. There were tons of wall segments and towers. After a few 100 hours of doing this pretty much solo I gave up. We got about half way done. This was after about 2 months of trying. The sad thing is if we had been on a pvp server where they had judgement hour (similar to what is going to happen here) a group could have come through and in less than 5 minutes destroyed everything we had built. Suffice it to say the rest of us gave up. We really wanted to like the game it was just too much work. A game needs to be fun, not just for the group but for the individual because once those individuals leave there can be no group.
RE: Item dropped from mobs
Myself have actually complained about the no loot drop system but alot of people are looking for realism in a game. Myself I'd rather it be more a game than realistic. I get enough of real life living it lol. I'd like to see items drop from creatures as well. For me the majority of enjoyment of killing stuff is "what is it going to drop". That's just not happening here. The best you can expect is some rare crafting material.
The problem with chests spawning items is people would camp them if they were not randomly generated. It would be nice if mobs randomly generated with a chest spawning near the boss. I would even like to see instanced encounter areas groups can fight through for a reward at the end. But that's just me
RE: Idea: PvP Is Determined By Which World You Choose To Play In
I personally do not like to pvp everyday. For that reason I will choose to reside on the beastworld. The devs purposefully developed 3 different game worlds; pve only, pvp only and mixed. That insures everyone is allowed to play their gamestyle 24/7. Those are the choices you have to look at and discount that race and alignment are also attached to these choices. I know this hampers the roleplayers somewhat but pvp is a much larger issue than someone pretending to play a role.
RE: What exactly is the purpose and principle of cities and personal lands?
Speaking from experience in UO being able to store things in your house as opposed to the city bank, or whatever this game uses, is a personal convenience. Depending upon where your house is located it can save travel time for grabbing items you may need in a hurry. I've also always just liked a private place to craft with all the stuff I need close by for easy access. I'm not sure how everything works so far but those were the reasons for me to have a place of my own in past games.
RE: What exactly is the purpose and principle of cities and personal lands?
@d3Sync We may be blowing things out of proportion about something that may not happen but it is best to have the community discuss these what-ifs here and avert them before happening so the devs can so how people would respond. I'm sure there are years of mmo experience floating around the forums, What better the forums if those people share their experiences so that the game can be honed before coding is done and time wasted.
RE: Why don't you open a test server for the packs
I buy games on kickstarter all the time I can't play for years to come lol.
RE: Tame monsters and make them accompany you
Taming in every mmo I have played that had it was one of the biggest areas of complaint simply because it is so hard to balance.
RE: What are people playing while waiting for the next Alpha?
@Gibbx Oh heck yea. My DND group has been meeting regularly through the whole virus. As adults it's hard to find time slots. Our table top game club is about to fire up our monthly gatherings in July again. We do rpgs, card games and board games. We usually handle all the gaming at the area cons. Much fun. I also prefer in person game playing.
RE: Why this game is not fun
For one people should not flame you for posting your opinions on what would improve the game for you
I tend to agree on the left clicking spam for attacking. Reminds me of Diablo. I have always preferred a more strategic combat system with targeting lock. I loved SWTOR combat system with target lock/cycle and a skill bar. However, this is the system they chose and for players who know their crap it isn't about spamming but about cycling the right combos of skills. I was never really good at that fast paced button mashing style of console playing though so I feel ya lol.
I've seen several players say in past threads mages were OP. From what I have seen in those threads it is a matter of correct spell types for combat.
MMOs and sandboxes have always been hard work for what you earn in the game. Thinking that a house is something you are entitled to at creation is not the proper way to approach the game. Not just UO but many other games buying your first house was one of your first major achievements.
Dying and losing everything while spawning back at a location too far to retrieve your stuff does stink. SWG started out that way but soon after release made some changes. There is supposed to be quicker ways to travel in the game from what I have has been discussed via mounts and gates. Whether your mount dies as well when you do or it is something bound to you I'm not sure. No matter though in this game you are going to have to expect to lose your stuff when dying. I fully expect that I will either keep tons of extra gear in storage or I will be done each day with exploring after each death to make/buy new stuff. Crafting is supposed to be easy and in turn supposed to be easy to rearm and get back at it.
With that said every game has a learning curve and growing pains. Alpha/beta testing is not the time to make a rash decision to quit playing a game. It is a time to take a break and come back later when it is released to see if you like it after being polished. This is the reason I don't do testing anymore lol..
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
@Alexian This is roght off the website under About
Fractured is the first open-world sandbox MMORPG mixing action combat with fully interactable environments, appealing equally to lovers of competitive and cooperative gameplay. Jump right into the fray from day one. Defeat your enemies through your own skill and cleverness, not equipment or level. Gather resources, craft, trade and venture into legendary travels as a solitary hero, or start a settlement with your guild and grow it into the next empire.Where in there does it say playing Fractured is going to be tons of time waiting on timers, hardcore real work to play? In fact, the premise I would assert is it is a game where you jump right in having fun. Doesn't sound like they are implying you are going to be having huge time sinks for the things you do. What other players have talked about in the forums or in Discord that you may be inferring to is not what is listed here on the website description.
Life is Feudal had timers on all their crafting/growing. If you weren't there within the hour of it ending you lost everything. I don't want to see that in this game also.
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
Grow? Um that refers to guilds growing not crops. I can emphasize "jump right in" to apply to everything in the game if you like and that trumps anything else you can say about putting effort into it. I understand gathering resources need timers because otherwise someone could just sit at a spot and gather all they need on a macro. I'm talking about timers put on crafting tools. That is mobile game to the core. I fully agree that the game should have ""work" otherwise you don't feel accomplishment for completing a goal. I'm pretty sure this thread was about timers being put upon tools you used to process your raw ingredients for crating. I'm a firm no on having those. I feel tanning tubs should instantly process your hides.
RE: Tanning Tubs Are a Disaster
Stealing is not allowed on the Beast world. So in keeping with that ruleset other players should not be allowed to steal your hides that you spent TIME and EFFORT gathering only to take them from you while they were in a tanning tub. I don't care about realism, I don't care about some fake smell that doesn't even exist. What I care about is the game not allowing other players to steal from me when I can't do anything about it. In real life I could call a cop or just shoot their asses lol. That's not possible in the game so where is the realism there?
It's a situation that needs to be addressed and I'm sure an oversight by the devs. They have alot on their plate right now with all the bugs. I offered a solution with instant tanning tools. Another would be to instance the tanning tub itself to each player so that others can not access your hides. Maybe even have security levels put on the tub to allow all, guild, friend or own to access. I can live with timers as long as the hides do not disappear after a time length because real life happens and being in a game is not the priority of life. It's supposed to be enjoyable. If it becomes a point of frustration and work then what's the point of playing. These are my opinions but I'm sure some share them and some disagree. Hopefully a good common ground can be found.
RE: Change crafting to provide knowledge
Crafting to me is one of the major aspects of any rpg. Just like pvm, pvp and exploring. All of the major aspects should have knowledge you can gain. To me knowledge is the achievements you earn in this game.