Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs


    @finland I hope it will be account wise, I don’t want to buy a VIP sub for each of my char 😕


    It's probably account wize (never see a game with VIP on a character, too many dev problem to check)
    For all statues and towns I think it's with the dev themself


    @muker Thanks

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gofrit said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    It's probably account wize (never see a game with VIP on a character, too many dev problem to check)
    For all statues and towns I think it's with the dev themself

    Albion online has premium per character, for reference.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I agree with that @Finland posted in first reply.
    Good to see that no pledge gives foundation points and let's leave it that way 🙂

    Being jobless and cheap I'll try to go for early Recruit 😛

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Hi, maybe they could add a (level system) Pladge Pack for guilds. Offering unlockable rewards upon reaching each threshold. Every user is free to donate how much money he wants. The more rewards are put, they are unlocked. For example, every GM registers the guild (I do not know if this is possible) for the guild pladge pack. Users simply following the ref-link and can donate as much as they want to that guild. I thought this because I have seen many interesting rewards for the guilds but it limits those who do not have much money.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @kostan said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    @gofrit said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    It's probably account wize (never see a game with VIP on a character, too many dev problem to check)
    For all statues and towns I think it's with the dev themself

    Albion online has premium per character, for reference.

    yeah that's a shit. I hope they will not copy from a shitty game 😛


    @prometheus said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    • Do you think prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?

    The pricing looks pretty standard to me and I'm especially okay with the limited-edition "be the king" packs being so absurd. They're priced in Euros, though, which will give them weird non-round numbers in USD. I'm not sure which of the two markets Fractured will most capture though and the difference is probably negligible.

    What pack would you be interested in?

    With all the money in the world I would probably not purchase higher than €375 Immortal (not-so-coincidentally the highest unlimited pack). As I am I probably won't be able to afford higher than €40 Pioneer or maybe €60 / €50 Founder.

    • Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?

    I'm not sure incorporating players into the game lore will work out as planned. That's a very dangerous and delicate road to take and could lead to Lord British-type situations.

    • Do you think Foundation Points should be included as reward?

    Yes, starting from €25 / €20 Recruit, but Foundation Points from Kickstarter should be specially tagged and excluded when checking Foundation scores for pre-alpha access. This tag will of course become irrelevant once pre-alpha is over.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @Prometheus Will the top ranking foundation members receive a copy of the final release for free ?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    hehehehe you wish :P. Personally I care more to have the early access and test the game and give feedbacks directly. But like usually it's something that goes like:

    "The richest persons are the best testers." I don't think so but ok.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Prices seem fair (as I laughed when I saw 10 000$ and more ^^ ). I don't think you shoul add Foundation Points, if someone not engaged on the forum have a lot of money to spend, is it normal he could earn a lot of FP just by spending it ? (sure, it'll help you, I know ^^).

    For me, as a student, I think it will be more the Recruit pack, as it will give me the game ^^ How many time the kickstarter will last ? (if I can found a little job during spring or next school year, maybe I can give a bit more ^^ )

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @finland yeah i wish, i mean everyone that got into top 100 was extremely invested in the foundation, i honestly think that we deserve it

  • TF#3 - ENVOY


  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @ioracle I care bout testing. more than have a free access(I have money to buy a game, but not enough to be an high backer and earn a direct access for testing phases). I really think that the testing rewards should be removed from pladge pack cause It's limiting those good testers that are poor. Would be more fair if the DEV find a way to selec their testers (I would like ot be one but I'm not gonna spend 1000, 2500 or 5000 USD).

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @ladyrowan said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    What happens if I buy the package and then don't play, what happens to my town does it become a ghost town?
    What happens if someone buys a package that includes governing a town and then doesn't play or doesn't create a character? Is there going to be a stone block somewhere that would be their package? Life happens sometimes and plans made now may change
    Since I"m the Governor do I need to pay upkeep on the town like you would for a house?
    Am I supposed to be enticing people to come live in my town? What if I have friends that are also Governors can we pool out towns into a bigger town?
    If someone buys a larger package like a Duke do they still need to Govern the town or are they past that level?

    • Purchasers of the Governor pack (or higher) will have access to a world map to choose what is the town they rule before the start of testing - it's web-based, separate from the game.
    • If you claim a town but don't play, the town will eventually revert from Basic to Ruined, then Haunted - which means it's been taken over by monsters and free to be claimed by someone else.
    • ...but there will be a wipe after each testing phase, and at the following one it will be yours again, so that's not a big worry. Also, your name and commemorating statue stay forever.
    • The whole town management thing will be explained in one of the upcoming spotlights, too long to condensate in a forum post.
    • If you don't have a guild, you should definitely entice people to come live in your town. Ways to do so: low prices on land plots, low taxes, good management, good focus on your target (e.g. you're governing a Good-aligned town -> hiring lots of NPC patrols against criminals to police the territory around the town). Not unlike real life! 🙂
    • No, you can't pool two towns into a big one. You can form an alliance though.
    • Everyone with a Governor pack or higher has the option to start as Governor of a town. Up to them to decide to do it personally or pass the ball to someone else (can be done in game)!

    @zwiterion said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    Would it be possible to buy in-game some of the reward in the pack later on ? Exemple the life-time VIP or the custom guild crest ?

    Some like character slots, sure. Others like the custom crest, not decided yet @Benseine. Others surely not - the Lifetime VIP is a crowdfunding-only reward. You can upgrade to a higher pack from our website once the KS campaign is over though, since crowdfunding will continue there.

    @kostan said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    So devil's advocate here, what makes you think your game is worth the same amount for similar reward to something like Crowfall whose team has a wealth of experience in this industry?

    We might be relatively young, but we don't think it takes away value from the product. Perhaps from the perceived value for people who find out Fractured when the campaign begins, without having been here before, had the chance to talk with us and see our progress. In that case we hope the existing community will be of help to communicate that!

    @Kostan @Deity @Kralith The prices proposed were originally in USD - but sadly we can't choose USD as currency, KS forces us to pick Euros. We might tweak some prices to make up for the bad exchange rate, particularly for mid/high packs.

    @finland said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    @Prometheus The VIP sub is going to be account wise or character wise?


    @esher said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    How many time the kickstarter will last ? (if I can found a little job during spring or next school year, maybe I can give a bit more ^^ )

    30 days 🙂

    @Finland @muker a side note for you two guys. While these forums might have a chat-like look, they're still a forum, not a chat. Please refrain from dropping multiple posts in a row, or in general treating forum threads (I'm not talking only of this one) like your own personal chat. Makes the discussion harder to follow for everyone. Thanks 🙂

  • Moderator

    @ioracle The top ranking Foundation members will get access to the pre-alpha. It's very unlikely they will also get free access to the final game.



    @gofrit said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    It's probably account wize (never see a game with VIP on a character, too many dev problem to check)

    This is how Albion online did it, where you would have to buy VIP for each character. In this case it should just be a VIP subscription fee versus some VIP status.

    I don't much like the VIP per character because it makes me not want to pay additional fees when you can only play one character at a time at the VIP status without it.

    A big issue with having the single character bound items and bonuses is having to get more to play different characters. I started playing black desert and made one character but quickly got bored. Because I am not really one to buy things that don't seem to hold value over multiple characters it was just not worth it for me. Then seeing that everything was much slower and a tad bit harder I just decided to quit playing all together.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL


    prometheus said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    finland said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:
    Prometheus The VIP sub is going to be account wise or character wise?



    I very much like the lifetime VIP status, as this is definitely a great value if continuing to play. so I may or may not go with like 100$ or the 350$. Noticing that this is in euros though, paying 450 USD is quite a bit more than I think I would be willing to spend.


    @finland Thank you fin! I appreciate that. I missed that reading through the posts.

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