Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!


    Okay, I like this game except for this one thing... having to walk back to HELL to get your gear only to start getting and then dying because life bar is to minimum by the time I get to my body only to make my body despawn and lose all gear and inventory is beyond maddening!

    I'm so irritated right now, I keep wasting so much timer crafting gear, enchanting (with the damn random luck of getting something good), then go farming and happen to die, it's not planned but it f@#$ing happen... and then guess what, you have to walk naked because if my inventory is full when I died and if I pick up any damn thing I can loot my own body... oh and guess what? You have to write down your coordinates of where your body is or you will NEVER find it!

    Right now I'm so mad I'm trying to figure out a way to get my money back but I know it's alpha testing and it will get better... I really like the game except a few mechanics that really piss me off out of my mind.

    Then everybody have the time in the world to give advise but not to help retrieve your body... I guess I need to lower my expectations... quite a bit.

    Here's a few improvement suggestions:

    1- A freaking Death Marker on the map/minimap
    2- When you walk by your body or click on it to auto equip/retrieve it.

    **forgive my anger, I just wasted hours of my life and can't help myself.

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  • Wiki Editor

    Deathmarks are already being added.

    Make sure to always visit (sleep in) the nearest inn to where you'll be hunting.
    The Valley of shadows is the hardest place and recommended group play~

  • Content Creator

    Have to say, this is a pretty standard thing in MMOs as it is. Even not always having a deathmark is pretty common. I do agree clicking on your body should autoequip what you can (unless you have something else in the appropriate spot.

    Retrieving one's corpse though is part and parcel of the MMO experience and shouldn't be made too easy


    As the old saying goes... "your equips are consumables."
    But I suppose you were just ranting over the death lol

    When im playing other full loot pvp games, i'd always tell my friends and newcomers to this idea to "go run into full loot pvp zones and die as many times as possible" just to get the fear of death out of the way.



    I do feel like the game pushes me to not enchant, craft, or ultimately use any decent gear. The benefit simply isn't worth the cost.


    @Roccandil Yes! If your gear is so disposable, what's the point? What's the point crafting, gathering the better mats to improve your gear and even to enchant that is such a crazy hunt for material and kinda luck to get the stats you want... the discardability of gear and inventory is just too much to bare... No crafter that love what they do would invest the time on this... might as well run around on starting ragged cloth gear... I also understand we are in alpha and repair will come eventually (hopefully soon), so it's worth investing a bit of time creating something special.


    Ok @Zori, it's like telling someone to shoot themselves in the foot to get used to pain... I play online to have fun, not to enjoy crafting every piece of equipment, enhance it, enchant it only to see it puff, go up in smoke in the air because I don't have a group to help me get my body back...

  • Content Creator

    I have sooooo many Reagents stored up now, I could make several sets of armor/weapons and place them strategicly around in case I died, really. The gear isn't disposable, as much as it is not supposed to be the focal point. It has a durability after all and wears out and needs to be replaced. The only reason I'm not doing exactly that is I'm running currently 5 different toons

  • @Zori love it! I agree with you.


    @SmithyJones said in Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!:

    Ok @Zori, it's like telling someone to shoot themselves in the foot to get used to pain... I play online to have fun, not to enjoy crafting every piece of equipment, enhance it, enchant it only to see it puff, go up in smoke in the air because I don't have a group to help me get my body back...

    You can complain all you want, doesn't change the fact that you lost your gears that you can literally craft by walking around picking up stones, branches and fibre.

    You can even compare it to getting shot in the foot if you want, but that's not going to change the fact that this model has been running for decades with so many games, and that it has been a trope of MMOs.

    You can say what you want but that doesn't change the fact that in this game, there will be 3 PVP systems, you happen to be living in one of them where lawful PVP/death has a penalty.

    If we're going to use this mentality of "I shouldn't lose equips from dying" then I can yell at you as well and tell you that you shouldn't even die in the first place considering how easy this game is at this point.

    You legit can't die if you just pay attention to what you're doing. You can't possibly die if you pay attention to your debuffs and if you have enough stuff to make a fireplace.

    It is all your fault that you die as every precaution has been placed to make sure that you don't die.

    You came unprepared, and now you're just being whiny cause you lack the ability to prepare.


    i've been sitting here thinking how could you possibly die without PVP, and I just can't wrap my head around it.

    There are so many people walking in and out of the vale, even run around as melee against wisps and not die yet somehow you managed to die?

    What kind of a self-respecting "crafter" dies cause they don't pay attention to their inventory, debuffs and gears? This thread was a waste of bandwidth.


    I would love to suggest a possibility to create a hidden caches (with a limit ofc).

    Dig a small hole ans hide few things so you dont have to drag them around while grinding in woods.

    Only you would know where your caches are, but there could also be a profession involved... both to hide things and to find them. So you could find someone elses cache as well but it wouldmt be easy.

    It would still be a risk to hide your thimgs, same like its a risk to carry them.

    This could also be a fun way for people to make a RP treasure hunt events.


    What I learned from the Alpha and Fractured as a full-loot game:

    • Always carry enough gear with you to change the skills to encounter situations like Wisps
    • Pick up every rock so you can make a campfire anytime (up to 10 rocks)
    • Got a spare armor in the next town cause every town has its own bank. Use the camp fire in this town to return there in case of death
    • Have a skillset that is limited to movement and stealth to get from one place to another quickly and get past enemies.
    • Second Wind is a useful skill, but usually kills you!


    @SmithyJones As much as you said you didn't want any tips or anything... if you carry around a few pebbles and twigs to make a campfire, dying should be near impossible. If your hp gets low, rest up... don't sit on 1 hp for even a mere 20 mins, just coz it isn't killing u then. This game is all about preparation. Gear is supposed to be disposable. Just make sure that you store at least 1 more item than you consume out of your chests each time you do die. If gear wasn't disposable, horizontal progression wouldn't keep you entertained very long.

    I play an archer, so 70% of my inventory literally is disposable... coz it is arrows and hp potions that are consumable. Forever being replaced.


    @SmithyJones i really was contemplating if i should respond to this or not
    part of me thinks your post is a troll post or an unnecessary negative one.

    but nonetheless here we go

    first things first: how did you really die? not just knocked out but really dying ...
    did you played the tutorial? Do you understand the dynamic between life and endurance? Did you read the spotlight in the forum which explain the background dynamics in detail?
    those questions are not here to defame you but for me/us to understand.

    @SmithyJones said in Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!:

    I'm so irritated right now, I keep wasting so much timer crafting gear, enchanting (with the damn random luck of getting something good)

    soooo ... the enchanting isn't random or lucky at all. its following its own rules. pls read the blogs about it or search for the vandir enchantment tool. some people did all this crazy stuff and have something that even say what ingredients you need for which tier enchantment.
    time crafting ... i guess it crafts for like 4 seconds for one part. the materials you find on the way. the starter equipment is easy to catch and you can even craft it on your way with fibers and wood. ++

    @SmithyJones said in Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!:

    What's the point crafting, gathering the better mats to improve your gear and even to enchant that is such a crazy hunt for material and kinda luck to get the stats you want
    the gear at the moment is pretty rudimental. we have 2 tiers for each set with one standard and one slightly better set with direwolf hide and spider silk. both materials are pretty fast to collect if you know where and how. and thats the point in the game. getting yourself more knowledgeable. after your death experience i hope you learned enough to not do the same mistakes again.
    always have enough sticks and stones for a campfire, watch your health bar (the red one), dont collect everything thats lying around (for enchantment you want ingredients with 4 or at least 3 points for the desired effect)

    and the last point:
    @SmithyJones said in Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!:

    Then everybody have the time in the world to give advise but not to help retrieve your body... I guess I need to lower my expectations...
    you expect people to offer their time for your mishaps. if you are in starter town and died in the vale you expect to just gift 1h of the playtime from a random player so that you can retrieve items and gear you can collect and craft in that hour on your own.
    to "expect" people to "help" you with the attitude you shown in your post here ... i would not do this either
    work on your attitude, get some knowledge (either read the spotlights or make your own hard experience) and stop blaming others for your mistakes


    I was a beta tester for Star Wars Galaxies. The idea they have here is similar to that game. It wasn't long after release the mechanic changed because of the outcry of the players tired of having to remake gear lol.


    @SmithyJones said in Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!:

    Then everybody have the time in the world to give advise but not to help retrieve your body... I guess I need to lower my expectations... quite a bit.

    What has this world come to? It's pretty much impossible to die in a PvE scenario. You need to understand the difference between life and endurance. Endurance - the green bar that you have is more like your health bar in most video game, if that goes to 0 you get knocked out and have a 30 sec cool-down to stand back up, that is if you have enough of real HP to do that (the red bar). Both of them can be completely replenished when resting at a campfire or a fireplace.

    I was there in the chat telling you this stuff already.

    You complain that nobody was there to help you? This is already a large map that makes it extremely hard to navigate without markers. Plus no-one is obligated to spend their time to help you get your stuff, which you lost due to you own lack of knowledge.

    It's also extremely easy to get to the endgame point in Fractured, 2 hours is pretty much enough to get yourself pretty much all you need for this test.

    PS: I was there in game when you were complaining, you're so funny. 🙂


    The amount of time it takes to get your gear in Fractured is minimal, especially since you can get the mats and craft it all yourself. It isn't like a game where you need to win RNG in PvE content (ex. World of Warcraft) and where it can take months or possibly even a year or two if you're unlucky.

    Having the penalty of losing your gear and inventory on death is a GOOD feature of this game, not a bad thing.

    I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, some people like to always have everything and never lose anything, but there are precautions you can take to not lose your stuff. Play carefully, remember to watch your endurance and HP bars, carry mats for campfires so that you can heal up. Pay attention to what you're fighting. Don't mindlessly try to fight 10 mobs at once, this isn't a hack and slash game. If all else fails, group with a buddy. There is an option to let your party/guild members loot your corpse in case of your death. Then your stuff is safe with them if you die, unless they die too, which if you are being careful death in the first place is actually hard to achieve.

    Do you have a personal plot claimed? If you do, craft extra sets of gear and store it at your house. This way if you do happen to die, just respawn at home and equip yourself up again. Then the gear/inventory that you dropped on death becomes trivial, and instead of running back naked to try to get your body you at least have your weapon/armor if you do choose to run back to get your other stuff.

    Fractured is not the type of game to mindlessly play while watching Netflix, nor should it be. It's an immersive game with difficulty(hopefully more difficulty coming in the future) where you should be paying attention.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    That is one aspect that I like about Fractured. Death matters. You are incentivized to not let another player take you, because their reward for killing you is getting your stuff. This makes the combat hold weight and pushes players to actually care about trying to survive, which is how it should be. Of course, this is only related to the PvP. The PvE in the alpha is so easy that it isn't actually possible to die, which will probably be adjusted in the future.

  • Content Creator

    I have tested many MMOs recently and there are quite a few that have players killing themselves just to teleport back to town. This needs to be avoided at ALL costs.

    Travel time and death need to be REAL things in Fractured.

    You should be penalized SEVERELY for your mistakes.


    @Nekrage said in Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!:

    I have tested many MMOs recently and there are quite a few that have players killing themselves just to teleport back to town. This needs to be avoided at ALL costs.

    Travel time and death need to be REAL things in Fractured.

    You should be penalized SEVERELY for your mistakes.

    dude dont try to drive your opinions and values on the devs and the game

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