Preventing Bots in Arboreus
A simple reporting system goes a long way with active GMs. I remember a video about a year ago of an AO GM teleporting over in almost real time to a report. The reporter was able to catch justice happening live, ikt was a really impressive video.
Bots may be there if the game gets a good resonance, otherwise probably we'll never see them. But I agree that a report system or some other way to deal with them should be in place from the start.
Anyway, since the level of grind should be far lower than in other games, I don't know how much a bot will be usefull in Fractured.
Monsters and animals that are challenging enough so that dumbbots keep dieing all the time while human players using brain can defeat them.
I have faith this will end up very good.
Maybe have a look at how EVE-online does it. It also has a player driven economy, yet bots are not a huge problem.
@evolgrinz Also Albion Online since launch i've never seen bots on this game
i think the most important thing is NOT to make system that will make it harder for players and not necessary for bots. Reporting and having GMs take care of it seems to be the best system.
In safe zones (on Arboreus) I could read a book while gathering - then I'd miss chat and stuff until it's "too late"
But I could then talk with GM and sort it out.
A good solution to stop most of the bots is to prevent items bought with real money to be traded or sold ingame. If you buy something with money it can only be used in the account that bought it.
while fighting bots is OK, bots is a result of boring and grinding game, if there is bots, that mean the game have some aspects that human hate to do, and i believe that mean that developers need to change this aspects.
@whisper you want a debuff that affects players, doesn't affect Karma negatively, and something that can be bought with money? yeah cant see how that would be a griefing mechanic used by rich players and powerful guilds trying to monopolize resource heavy areas or pick on new players...
Hopefully the game that they promised us can't really be "botted" to glory. Obviously, there will be some grind in RPGs, but if the game sucks enough for bots to be able to live well enough, it probably means their original idea of a "not-a-typical-grind-rpg-game" has failed miserably.
Bots can run Diablo 3s rifts which are procedural generated. The were in Neverwinter Online which had the locked camera to the mouse.Bots arenโt stupid now. The can read the screen and react.
There will always be people who want nice stuff, but don't work it and rather buy gold from a gold seller and buy what they want.
Can't stop that other than be ruthless and ban both the gold sellers and those who buy from the gold sellers.
But then it comes down how well the game is coded and if transactions like that can be monitored.
some people buy/rent the bot software directly.
My question for this thread is, if while gathering resources you will be attacked by the local fauna for 'disrupting the ecosystem,' isn't that already a deterrant for bots? Especially if the bot program lacks the ability to fight the mobs.
At least I think that is what they were talking about in one of the dev highlights where if you start gathering too much you're assaulted by mobs..
i haven't heard of any bot that can't protect itself. if they lose what they've gathered, they will have combat built in.
@jetah Runescape bots from what I remember about them lacked combat ability, focusing more on gathering resources. Then again, this game will have different mechanics and will require different thinking approaching 'botting' So perhaps they will have combat built into them..
You don't need to make it impossible to bot in this game - you just need to make it hard enough, or unprofitable enough, that the bots leave and put their resources into another more vulnerable game.
Effectively and instantly detecting their spam bots is a pretty important step. If players don't see their spam bots, new players will not be reminded they can buy gold.
Making it so that there's no need to buy currency is another major step. The game's non-linear progression might help with that.
Bots these days are pretty smart and sometimes hard to distinguish from a player. They even put delay and randomization in the movements to avoid easy detection by software.
So it's best to find another solution against bots than just have software try to detect them.
Bots can have a good AI, but they can never behave as well as human players can.
Make monsters so challenging that they are challenging even for human players, and bots will have a very hard time.
There is no reason whatsoever to make mobs easy to kill. This will be boring for humans AND easy income for bots.Of course besides this other steps can be taken as well, but making mobs challenging is certainly one of these steps.
I agree with Gothix, make enough challenging monsters can solve some of the problems, there are many games that monsters have weak points on body parts, and hitting those points causes them to receive more damage and in other areas less damage, creating a dynamic similar that creates a need for strategy and care when facing a certain monster, making the bots likely to be easy targets.