Fractured Content Pills - Week 45, 2018
Hi everyone!
We're just a couple weeks away from the start of the Fractured Pre-Alpha. Here's a little teaser of some of the content that can be found in the world!
A collection of tools, weapons, crafting stations and resources. Can you guess what they are? (note: the large rocks are the only strictly decorative element in there)
An oak at different stages of growth.
A birch at different stages of growth.
A collection of icons of items that can be stored in your inventory. Note: several resources can't be put in the inventory and must be carried by hand!
Ohhhhh, cool stuff! Thanks for sharing!
The icons are very beautiful.
Really like how well designed they are, I'm guessing that's how they will really look in game as well, hope that's the case ahha
The different stages of growth of trees, plants, etc, is one of the things that really took my attention in the game, it will make us feel so much more immersed, at least to me ^^ so it's nice to finally see how that growth will work out
Keep up the good work as always, I'm eagerly waiting for the announcement of when the PA will start
Looks great!
super cool!!! im not sure i understood all the tools, but i will love testing them
will the plants get different stages of growth ?
aaaahhhh, don´t hype me even more when I can´t even play yet aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Good stuff there, thanks for sharing
И это определённо замечательная новость!!!!
Icons seems real nice, good work
@prometheus gj thats what we need!
дефолтные иконки ) вот бы порсонажей разных рас увидеть )
I really like the stone elements, looks like path elements, altars, graveardstones ans stuff.
The mushrooms are also very cool, that means we get different kind of them to find, that also means we will have different recipes for using them.The baskets are cool made, because they look not that usual 0815.
For the wepons and tools i see spears and its elements, axe, hammer, hoe, bow, shield, lance, rod, just the first at right side i can not guess.
Really nice done, it could be cool to have the wireframe on shaded view too
It's cool, it will be possible to carry Nheedra head in your bag
Very simple and very good object resolution . They are some herbs to my tea or to my mushroom soup !
I love the hunting resources.
Nicely done!
Glad to see some good stuff!
do the stuff that have to be carried by hand stack? or do we have to carry one by one? or does it depend on the item (e.g. kindlings we can carry multiple, but a huge tree log we can only carry one)?
MeninoDeOuro TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Nov 11, 2018, 1:38 AM last edited by MeninoDeOuro Nov 11, 2018, 1:39 AM
Probably depend on how much weight your character will be able to withstand the nheedra and hellfire will probably be able to carry more than 1 trunk.
Very cool!