Fishing in Fractured
i would like the spear fishing on Tartaros so long as it can be used in combat too!
I wouldn't mind some type of passive fishing like troll lines.
@kellewic And then giant squids to sink the boats or Sirens to lure you to your death if your perception isn't high enough.
Fishing can be part of and require so many other skills as well depending on how other crafting and hunting is accomplished. A master wood carved and treated pole and a thin yet strong line do not come easy in the wilds. Blindly throwing your lures or bait into a stream or body of water may not get you anything.... ever... you might need to know where some types of fish tend to be and based on the season or time of day might directly affect what lure or bait should be used. Or you can just get a mage to toss in magic explosives and pick up your ready to eat cooked fish bits.... your choice!
would be interesting to have Sirens as a playable race.@Mazikar
yeah i don't mind some things being tedious but not getting fish isn't video game things.
@mazikar that's a bit how it works in Warframe. Different biomes (pond, lake, ocean) and different time of the day (day, night) gets different fishes. And some fishes needs special ground bait to show up (again only in certain biome and time).
Fishing is great to have to waste time ; I like the idea of mini games and titles plus housing trophies would be cool
humm.. fishing. Best fishing rod I ever owned in a game summoned beer.
I am hopping it will get implemented myself.
I do like the idea of different fish in different biomes, as well as a day/night cycle for what fish you can catch.
Fishing can be as complex or as simple as desired, and people tend to either enjoy it or not. At least, this is what I have seen in other games. In general, the shift merely changes who enjoys it.
Either way, as long as the rest of the game is solid fishing won't really hurt (unless, like in so many other games, it becomes a hard requirement of absolute boredom that leaves people looking for cheating tools...)
Special fishes during Eclipse would be something. A demon going to Syndesia during Eclipse just to fish!
And of course fishing asteroids!
Fishing on asteroids, eh? I like it!
TheRippyOne TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Oct 17, 2018, 1:17 AM last edited by TheRippyOne Oct 17, 2018, 4:59 AM
@tulukaruk actually, given that asteroids are randomly generated, I'd love it if you could cast a line into a water body that is falling into the abyss (due to it randomly generating water at the "edge" of the asteroid playing field). Maybe let you catch stellar ores and bizarre alien fishes XD
I had that air fishing idea -.-
@jetah true, but in my defense, I hadn't seen your comment before I posted. Guys, give Jetah some props.
@gothix am I Little Prince now?
World Fishing Events. Everyone goes fishing....hmmm....i guess i'll be "out of the norm" and NOT
@tulukaruk said in Fishing in Fractured:
@gothix am I Little Prince now?
lol, I had exactly the same reaction. Actually, a Star Trek episode with the Little Prince would have been AWESOME!
Hope its like Auraq Kingdom or FFXIV since being stuck for hours like in WoW its boring and not fun.