Can we now get an Overlord as Advance class for Lich lol

Best posts made by Warlunhardt
RE: Lich Transformation unlocked!
RE: Fractured para consolas
@lordslexker Apenas está en Pre Alpha para Familia y Amigos, no creo que es algo factible por el momento solo será por PC. A menos de que sea muy popular y pase lo que paso con el juego de Marvel Héroes que a los tres años de lanzamiento entró al mercado de consolas.
Suggestion UI Customization/Keybinding
Even though there are very few UI objects it would be great if we could move the HP bar, Minimap and objects like Inventory, Skils, etc like on FFXIV and for those settings to be save no matter what character you create.
As for Keybindings no everyone likes using I for inventory there’s those of us that like using B instead since it’s closer. As well as skills, quests,etc.
For example Hotbar some like using 1-8 instead of QWERTDFG
Latest posts made by Warlunhardt
Foundation Bugged
Bug in Website
An error has occurred trying to retrieve data on how many newsletters you've read.
The Foundation Level displayed below for your account may be temporarily lower than it actually is.Cant gain any points
Filling the Knowledge Tome Meaningless in Tutorial?
As when you enter the mainland everything resets and you lose items in your bag and all the Knowledge Tome progress
Open the camera a bit more and Map needs Work
The camera is to zoom in, to in your face, even Path of Exile, Diablo and Albion Online had the Camera more open. Its not much that much modification needed but Back a Bit Off.
Have the Map tell you were you are and trace the location of places and cities, since Even creating a home is a pain since you end up getting lost.