Graphics or Gameplay?
This is something that is questioning in the spanish section, so, i wanna to know how do you think. Wich one has more value to you?
No matter how the game looks, the main gameplay. And Yes I love pixel games... In terraria in free time 600 hours lost, although this little... All the information in my steam
Gameplay is definitely what I look for, graphics are just a nice bonus, I used to play silent Hunter 3 a tad, although completely unrelated to the genre of Fractured, an older game but still loved it.
I am old gamer so playing some low resolution games isn't bad, it mostly depends on gameplay. Graphics seem to be strong point for many people nowadays and probably why they buy games. That's why when I see such nice game I'm looking at gameplay videos first.
And most are great for a year but get replaced pretty quickly.
I gotta say I used to be gameplay before graphics
but now, if the graphic sucks, I don't care how good the game is, it won't be better than the games of yesteryear and they have crappy graphics
So while yes, I want substance over packaging, if the graphics aren't at least "good" no point in me playing.
I will not play games that are unplayable, but I will also not play games with total crap graphics. So unless game has both, I will simply not play it.
(Voted for game play though since it's more important. If game came with decent graphics and decent game play, and devs asked which of those 2 to improve even more, I'd say game play.)
Gameplay is most important. Don't ask me to play 8-bit games though. If the graphics of game look to dated then it's no fun for me.
If I like the game enough, I can deal with bad graphics. If the game is bad and has bad graphics than I'll cry in a corner over my wasted money.
My entire stream library agrees with you
Gameplay, 100%. Doesn't matter how awesome the graphics are if the gameplay sucks
Gameplay comes first, if the game also looks nice, then it is ideal.
But good graphic don‘t mean it needs to be super photorealistic, good graphic is something that means it is a good design in its whole.
Don‘t Starve and Oxygen Not Included are very good examples of good gameplay and good graphic, even the graphic is just a 2D Comic.
The idea and gameplay is always the most important
But the graphic is important. It doesn't need to be a precise graphic, it needs to be a ambient and catching graphic
Both, obviously (emphasis on gameplay though)
My friends, the question is what value is more for you, graphics over gameplay or gameplay over graphics, i know all of you like both, but i want to know wich one do you consider most important
Gameplay. Long as the style is coherent I don't care how outdated it is. Gameplay beats it out by a mile.
The essence of video games is gameplay so I can imagine a fun game with poor graphics but i can't imagine enjoying a gorgeous game with poor gameplay.
bruh graphic can be good but if the game dont play good theirs no point in getting it
While gameplay is much more important it's not like graphic doesn't matter at all. If someone hates the graphic style he's not gonna play a game even if it's got great gameplay. I've seen games that made my eyes puke so I know