is it possible to become a hit man
I think it would be really fun to play as a hit man for hire kind of thing, wondering if that is at all possible
You can do anything you want (well besides being limited in pvp on arboreus), as long as you are willing to take the risks that come with the activity.
Im thinking about organizing anti-hitman group, traveling around hunting hitmen.
Are you asking if there are tools in the game to facilitate this idea? You can do anything that you want to do within the scope of the game.
Back to the question though. The only way I see your hitman being so far within the game is someone offering you money or goods to kill another player. That would require you finding the person (near impossible) and then catching the person in an area where they can be attacked. If they are a demon then you would be able to kill them at some point. If they are a beastman then trying to kill them would be harder. They would have to be caught in the demon lands.
If you were asking if the game would allow someone to put a bounty on their head then you track them ingame to find them. I don't think that mechanic exists as of right now. This was talked about in UO alot in the forums. It did exist at one period of time there. What is basically amounted to was giving gold to the people you actually put the bounty upon. They would simply have a friend kill them once they saw their name on the bounty board. This was a queue you were asked when killed by someone. Often the person dying would be so mad they would put money on the head of their killer. This as I said just became a bonus for the looting they already did.
On the other hand, operating as someone killing those that kill is quite doable. Simply go find and kill all those with evil karma. Whether they are guilty of anything against another player would be questionable since alot of these players will start the game as evil lol.
@Gothix said in is it possible to become a hit man:
You can do anything you want (well besides being limited in pvp on arboreus), as long as you are willing to take the risks that come with the activity.
Im thinking about organizing anti-hitman group, traveling around hunting hitmen.
Call your group the cuddlemen
Most probably not, because, as @Farlander said, it's a very easy to exploit system and there's no reasonable way to implement this. If you want to kill people, just gank... Or if you care about your karma, either offer escort services or start an anti-ganking group (most of the time they avoid fighting and just go for the easy targets, so you need someone tanky to bait them).
you can do anything you want just gotta decide if you're on the human or demon planet for that
@Razvan said in is it possible to become a hit man:
...If you want to kill people, just gank... Or if you care about your karma, either offer escort services or start an anti-ganking group (most of the time they avoid fighting and just go for the easy targets, so you need someone tanky to bait them).
I can imagine much hard politics later on in the game.
At some point you will face one or another diffculties.
It just matters, how YOU will solve it.A hit man would do a perfect job, to give weaker ones a safe passage.
It's just a matter of what you are willing to pay for.
You first take the job, then kill your targets and loot them, then kill your employer and loot him, then slaughter nearby village as well because, heck it was there.
@Gothix said in is it possible to become a hit man:
You first take the job, then kill your targets and loot them, then kill your employer and loot him, then slaughter nearby village as well because, heck it was there.
witnesses! have to remove them.
@Jetah said in is it possible to become a hit man:
@Gothix said in is it possible to become a hit man:
You first take the job, then kill your targets and loot them, then kill your employer and loot him, then slaughter nearby village as well because, heck it was there.
witnesses! have to remove them.
Till eventually you realise the gods witnessed it,
So you become so powerful you can kill the gods
Actually the way we came up with for a bounty system to work was for the killer to have to post the bounty. Our system was based upon the number of kills the murderer had translated into a set amount of bounty. When someone killed the murderer the amount of gold transferred from the hunted to the hunter's account. If the hunted did not have enough gold in their account they had a login ban for 24 hours. The amount of kills would never reset so you were basically perma red (term from UO).
PKs didn't like this system idea and cried hard and long in the forums that if such a system was enacted they would quit. Nevermind there were no penalties to pking and the devs liked it that way. Needless to say all the players I knew quit the server because you literally couldn't go anywhere without being pked.
@Farlander said in is it possible to become a hit man:
Actually the way we came up with for a bounty system to work was for the killer to have to post the bounty. Our system was based upon the number of kills the murderer had translated into a set amount of bounty. When someone killed the murderer the amount of gold transferred from the hunted to the hunter's account. If the hunted did not have enough gold in their account they had a login ban for 24 hours. The amount of kills would never reset so you were basically perma red (term from UO).
PKs didn't like this system idea and cried hard and long in the forums that if such a system was enacted they would quit. Nevermind there were no penalties to pking and the devs liked it that way. Needless to say all the players I knew quit the server because you literally couldn't go anywhere without being pked.
A login ban would be bad, but a jail you get sent too if you cant pay the bounty, that you can break out of and become a fugitive or be a good prisoner and serve your time could be a alternative to login bans for pking.
@Xzoviac Explain how this system would work with game mechanics. Where would this jail exist? How would you escape? What would be the obstacles to escape? When you escaped where would you end up on the map?
Since you lose everything when you die, is the prison going to reequip you? If you manage to escape is it to a set location? Wouldn't other players be camping this location to just kill you again once you escape?
@Farlander said in is it possible to become a hit man:
@Xzoviac Explain how this system would work with game mechanics. Where would this jail exist? How would you escape? What would be the obstacles to escape? When you escaped where would you end up on the map?
Since you lose everything when you die, is the prison going to reequip you? If you manage to escape is it to a set location? Wouldn't other players be camping this location to just kill you again once you escape?
Could be a Prison Island you need to get a boat to get back too the main island, only prisoners can be taken to the island players can not go to it voluntarily, to stop camping.
you wouldnt have any gear, but could steal some from the guards and if you die you would be teleported back to the prison unless you escaped. you would just be stuck till you sentence ran out,
or you escaped , sneaking away causing a riot , stealing the keys of a guard or maybe a guild member will pay your bounty so you can leave.
if you escape you will be wanted for a while, but if you can evade the bounty hunters, for say 1hour (timer stops if you log out) you will lose the bounty and be a free citizen
oviously its just my thoughts it dont have to be this way , how would you make it work?, or do you not like the idea?
There was a jail in UO. It basically was a place you were put if you got caught macroing or other lesser charges. I was there a few times for macroing lol. If I remember right there was a time limit and then you hit a gate and left or was it when you logged in next you were teleported to Brit gate. I can't remember.. I even remember macroing in jail lol. Seems no one ever checked there for offenders.
An island that no one could go to other than criminals sent there would be similar to the jail in UO. I'm not sure exactly how much players would like running around with no gear trying to evade death. I also feel there should be a point you get locked into perma criminal status. Either that or have one hell of a penalizing system to remove it. Nothing destroys a game for me more than griefers and players who take joy only in making other players upset.
Oh yes, most of the old MMOs had jails. It kinda worked back then because we didn't have unlimited traffic and the jail time only passed if you were online. I had 6 hours of daily free internet (from 24:00 to 06:00). I was once in that situation, which meant I haven't played for 4days but had to keep PC online all night. The good thing is that cured my keyboard warrior behaviour instantly and definitively.
I remember one time way back playing pirates of the Caribbean online, got jailed a bit >.>
Then you realize everyone watching your stream witnessed it....
for me best ways to do this is on human world.
-bounty hunter- go around killing reds and ask around cities if theres any reds bothering people and if they have a habitual problem ask for a small plot in the city and if you do well ask the crafters to resupply you when you die.-murderer- asks clans what enemies they have and what they will pay for a screenshot of you above enemy members corpses as proof you are disrupting them from gaining knowledge/farming.
-criminal organization- make a clan of murderers that owns no towns pressure/seduce town leaders to give you a large property in their city invite your guildies (you could remain guildless for added mystery
) so they have access and in exchange, you will perform murders for them/against them if they don't, do this in multiple towns so your guild has many safe havens and places to operate without travel and store loot use your guilds numbers to attack known resource trading/farming routes to try and seize supplies in areas that won't give you a guildhall (areas won't have even resource distribution meaning trade caravans/large scale clan trading will likely take place, you could also try to hit people on the way back from arboreous for off-world mats) also you could use your position in multiple cities to learn of clan politics and sell information quietly or even form/find a separate group that can act on it and maybe set up fake trades with the intent of stealing the caravan
-Merceneries- ask towns to give you a plot of land fitting the group size and in return protect their interests and fight in their battles if you outgrow the town try and get a second town to go for the same deal expanding your trade work out how you wanna get paid i.e x amount of equipment/resources a week + land plot, or land plot and £ fitting the task idk lol
i think each of these options has a decent chance of functioning properly in the game hope it helped your imagination