Animal taming and breeding.


    Future of gaming: "I'm not a robot" pop up test every time you click to herb a mushroom...


    Which a bot can easily do


    @Eurav bit like all the youtube vids of people controlling robots to do the 'I am not a robot' test XD



    Do you think the bots will be good enough to move from gathering location to gathering location, or will they just sit at one mushroom patch and harvest it every now and then when it refreshes?


    @Roccandil said in Animal taming and breeding.:


    Do you think the bots will be good enough to move from gathering location to gathering location, or will they just sit at one mushroom patch and harvest it every now and then when it refreshes?

    they can do nearly anything a human can. i've seen bots teleport (their preferred method), mount up or run to spawn locations. many times they can read the memory of the game to see/know if a node spawned. they can navigate random generated maps (like Diablo 3). In asia they use infinite HP mobs to try to trick the bots but I think would have fixed that by now.

    the only games there aren't any bots in are the ones with no trading. and even then they'll try to offer services like material farming, xp farming, gear farming, etc.

    wildstar bot montage:

    here's a wildstar bot code! (i'm curious if DS could learn something from this specific source code!?)
    warcraft herb bots:

    diablo 3 bot (random generated rift, it has a loot filter and propitiates elites for a specific resource)

    i hate bots, i hate boting (unless it's approved by the developers). Yet nearly every game has bots. then there's the spam for them to sell. if you block url in chat, like then they'll change it to // // // . g ()|_c|f/-\r//\ . ( () //. they'll use special characters and any other means to bypass the spam filter. building a spam filter (like SpamMeNot is probably one of the best ways to prevent it. Wildstar put a level requirement on trade spam, well the spam bots then just leveled up. it was great for like a week.

    oh, then the bot overlords decided to report the players who 'disrupted their business' as player griefing. that was amazing too. we had to tell the GMs that the bot observers were doing it so we wouldn't get banned/suspended.

    @Specter I'm only posting references to bots (primarily video) to explain how complicated they can be scripted. The open source post can be used by DS to try to prevent that type of system from working. again, i hate bots and i know they'll be in the beastkin and human planets.


    The main problem of MMOs today are greedy producers / investors.

    They want to keep as much of player population in the game, so they are very lenient on punishment for various TOS violations. Most bans given today are temporary and most violations aren't even punished.

    Greediness, and wish to keep as much players playing is the main problem why players keep breaking TOS, using bots, exploiting etc. They know that when they are caught they will get a warning ban only, they will rest for day or two, and that's it (IF they are even caught).

    SOLUTION: (that will likely never happen) Keeping in mind that many players will not even get caught, those that do, when they do, SHOULD get terminal punishment right away. Only if players knew that perma ban awaits them INSTANTLY, they would watch out to not violate TOS.

    As long as GMs are lenient, be certain you will have zerg of bots around, all kind of exploits and other violations.

    I have lost faith in devs / investors about them actually really punishing violators. Greediness has taken over modern MMOs, and we have what we have.

    I would also say that even if I see Fractured as very promising and potentially great MMO, game play wise. And even if I believe developers will do their technical part great... I honestly doubt that producers / investors will be harsh in punishing TOS violators. Most violators will still get warning bans mostly, and we WILL be seing many bots around. This is harsh reality.


    What do you guys think of the possibility to cross breed animals. Get unique variations and traits. That would be interesting to see.



    everyone is greedy going by that statement. you work, get paid; then you're greedy. do you see how stupid that sounds?


    @Jetah said in Animal taming and breeding.:

    the only games there aren't any bots in are the ones with no trading.

    ESO is extremely bot-free. This is because it's such a fucking pain to make money in that game that bot networks just go to another more profitable game.

    Also, there are a limited number of predetermined spots that large-scale trading can be done, making it easy to spot bots when they try to take them up.


    @Kansei I like the idea. Could lead to interesting experimentation and a development of that skill tree to improve your chances of not getting one of the animals that you started with or some twisted abomination of the two.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Scarlet I would love to be able to breed for for doff colors

  • @gnatthegnome

    Wasnt familiar with Ark but very familiar with Atlas, by the same people. I agree I like that system.


    @Jetah said in Animal taming and breeding.:


    everyone is greedy going by that statement. you work, get paid; then you're greedy. do you see how stupid that sounds?

    With the exception that if i break rules on work i get fired...
    There are clear rules and clear punishment.

    In MMOs, rules are clear, but (real) punishment for violating those rules isn't there.

    Your analogy makes no sense...

    Investors invest money, and they would get the return even if they ban the violators... but they are greedy, and they want more money, so they don't ban them... so they break their own rules (avoiding giving necessary punishment specified by TOS events), to get more money... and in any (non gaming) company breaking rules to get more money is often considered criminal activity (in countries with decent legal system).

    Meanwhile, I work, I get payed for exactly how much i worked. I do not break any rules to get more money.

    So consider again what sounds stupid and what doesn't. 😉



    that depends on the company. Blizzard has banned so many over the decade they've WoW and other services.

    I was in one game where the GM (and the developers) were saying to just mute/block someone instead of action taking against them.


    @Jetah said in Animal taming and breeding.:



    Yeah Blizzard was different before, and also they were both developers and producers of their own product.

    Most MMOs nowdays are given by original devs to other external producers to distribute around. And those producing companies (that do not make their own games, but only take games by others and try to make money on distributing them) are mostly greedy and just calculate how they will make most money out of the deal.

    That's the problem of all small studios that do not have resources to distribute their own products. By giving away their product to other companies to distribute they renounce most of their rights, and contracts are made so producers get to decide many things about the game.

    Many games, where devs promised they will be run in certain way, got completely changed in producers hands. This is why i stopped being a part of crowdfunding events in early stages, because you just don't know how game will change till it's released.

    Now days I first wait to see which company will distribute the game before I decide if I will play it or not.

    Just one example, if Fractured is given to MyCom, I will not touch it with a stick... Because we all know what MyCom does to games.


    @Gothix Not all producers are bad, but My.Com is definitely one I do not trust. I followed long Revelation Online and played a little bit open beta, then My.Com came in and messed up the game. I have understood they did something for Skyforge too.. Now they are going to produce Ashes of Creation in Europe, which might not end well either..


    @Achili said in Animal taming and breeding.:

    I know we don't have any information for this topic yet since the stretch goal was recently obtained. However, I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on how they would like to see if implemented. Not just the basics of it, but if animals tamed on one planet have buffs or debuffs if taken to other worlds. What types of beasts of burden you'd like to see in game? Utility, offensive, defensive, maybe even sentry type animals that can alert you to the presence of enemies, or other high level animals nearby. Race specific animals that are hard to obtain and non breedable, but have advantages against the other races in the world. Again, all just thoughts and ideas but I'm curious, so let the imaginations shine!

    I would like to see a very rare "Asteroid" tameable monster there. Since asteroids are so rare.. maybe some sort of space lurking monster creature that eats Ore.. digs underground.. like Giant Wurms.. or Centipede creatures or something.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I like how there's a new side-conversation on a completely irrelevant topic in a thread about breeding and taming.


    @Belligero Yep. Apparently, there was a discussion about day and night cycles as well at some point that devolved into a discussion about boobs.

    Someone has it pinned in their signature as well. Fibs I think.

    Gotta love it. 🙂

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