Developer updates regarding game status?
OK, the title is a bit vague, but I'm curious if we are going to get some sort of update as to the status of the game regarding new waves that have come in for testing. Have they found a lot of new bugs? Has their been considerable updating because of a healthier population that may break certain aspects? Anything? More than actually playing the game, I'd like to hear about how smooth the transitions are by adding population.
While I am not a developer for this game and hence have no say in this, this kind of information is usually under NDA. There is very limited use in this kind of information (amount of bugs reported and fixed) and most people with less of a software development background would misunderstand the figures.
The last state of the game update is only about 10 days old, so, I don't think you're going to see additional information that soon. It's better they focus their time, energy and resources on producing the game
They have 100 alpha testers right now?
@Pwnstar said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
They have 100 alpha testers right now?
Depends on wether wave 4 is out or not. If they are still in wave 3 there are less than 100 invited players (Wave 1 was 12 players, Wave 2 was 25 and Wave 3 40 => 77 invited Players with Wave 3). But I guess since there was a Forum post for each wave, we can assume wave 4 is not out yet.
I think we should also consider the possibility of people who are invited not playing the Pre - Alpha, since the only way to get into the top 100 (apart from having a lot of friends) is to have been involved in the Forum for multiple Months ( I guess at least ~8 Months). Back when I joined (in November 2018) the Forum was "more dead" than now (almost every post was at least 3 Months old), so most people of the top 100 might not even be following / interested in the game anymore.
Just look at the top 100 and check for urself which names you know (which names you have read in the forum in the past months)... almost nobody.
So, maybe they will invite more people than planned who are not in the top 100 with wave 4, but we will see.
And with what Specter said here:
means that everybody who is currently being active in the Forum still has a chance to make it into the Pre - Alpha.
@Eurav said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
I think we should also consider the possibility of people who are invited not playing the Pre - Alpha, since the only way to get into the top 100 (apart from having a lot of friends) is to have been involved in the Forum for multiple Months ( I guess at least ~8 Months). Back when I joined (in November 2018) the Forum was "more dead" than now (almost every post was at least 3 Months old), so most people of the top 100 might not even be following / interested in the game anymore.
When I joined spring 2018, back then these forums were quite active and I presume it continued like this through the whole summer. I just came back here and I am quite suprised how quiet these forums are. People are not discussing about anything which personally worries me a bit. Have players lost their interests or are they waiting for start of Alpha 1 to get more information about the game?
@Tuoni said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
People are not discussing about anything which personally worries me a bit. Have players lost their interests or are they waiting for start of Alpha 1 to get more information about the game?
Well, I canΒ΄t speak for other people, for me it is just that most things have been discussed. I donΒ΄t have anything I want to talk about, if anyone else opens a nice / intersting post, I will take part, but other than that, I will just keep quiet until new info pops up.
Its hard for us to tell how many people are interested / actually active (people who may be interested but only make their daily post)... I guess most people are just waiting for Alpha1, which has been postopned a lot already, so I guess people being kinda inactive is not something to be surprised about. There also has not been "any" new information since like summer 2018?
@Eurav said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
it is just that most things have been discussed
Like @Eurav said, most of subject could be find with the search, sometimes a new post could be interesting.
I think Players, also, wait patiently for alpha release (or pre-alpha wave 4). In our society where we are overflowed (in a state of passive dependence ?) by news it's a miracle
@Eurav The invites for wave 4 are going out very soon, about 50 people are being invited. With wave 4 we're inviting the remainder of the old top 100 from november, everyone from the current top 100 and 10 or so drawing winners. How many of them will accept the invite remains to be seen. Some of the people who are going to be in this wave haven't been active on the forum for months but that doesn't mean they aren't watching.
@Eurav I understand your point, but still new members are registering daily referring to 'Welcome to Fractured' forum section. So even old members are passive I would like to see more posts and conversations from newcomers. However, I guess this inactivity is result of few reasons. Passive community, lack of new information from devs behalf and wait of Alpha 1.
@Tuoni I am very sure, once Alpha 1 will be open and the NDA is fallen, we will have way more active discussions.
I see it like Eurav, almost all things are discussed about the things we know.
That will be the mainreason, people are quite inactive at the moment.
Once we have to talk about something new, we will do it again, for sure.
@Kralith Yeah I agree. Still I hope devs will be more active as well and not just rely on players to do all the marketing and word spreading after Alpha 1 launches. Official content update videos are good way to promote your product.
@Tuoni Devs will collect experience with this project, many experiences i bet.
The way, they handle it will be important for us.
And i agree with you, the community needs communication.
Especially when the game goes into public access, there will be a need of some kind of Social&Community Manager sooner or later. (Beside our great Specter Banhammer)
NDA kinda prevents the flow of new information so, naturally, there is less things to discuss in open forums.
But very soon, when NDA is lifted, a bunch of new content information will come to light and there will be plethora of "stuff" to discuss, theorize and post about!
Sometimes life gets in the way as well (as is happening with me lately). I haven't been very active for that reason and really, many of the new posts I see are rehashing stuff we talked about last year. As has been mentioned, with NDA no one can really post new information anyway except the devs and I'm sure they are working hard to get to Alpha 1.
@Gothix said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
NDA kinda prevents the flow of new information so, naturally, there is less things to discuss in open forums.
But very soon, when NDA is lifted, a bunch of new content information will come to light and there will be plethora of "stuff" to discuss, theorize and post about!This
Once there is no NDA content creators will fill in the void
@Jahlon said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
Once there is no NDA content creators will fill in the void
muching excite very, ooh!
How successful has the pre-alpha test gone? Are the testers giving lots of good feedback? Are you guys happy with what you got?
@Pwnstar said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
How successful has the pre-alpha test gone? Are the testers giving lots of good feedback? Are you guys happy with what you got?
It seams the feedback conversation is spoken behind closed doors.. and yeah I kind of understand that. However, its weird that any footage, news or information is not shared with rest of the community from DS behalf.
Not really weird at all imho. They have updates every month, the most recent detailing what their plans for alpha 1 were.
@Pluto said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
Not really weird at all imho. They have updates every month, the most recent detailing what their plans for alpha 1 were.
There is only one news/update related to pre-alpha and its from february. It may be enough for you, but its not enough for everyone. It is important from marketing point of view to release constant updates and videos. That will keep people more interested and follow the progression. New content releases also gives people more topics to discuss and not like atm where forums and discord are quite quiet. Lack of this information and marketing was surely one reason for result of kickstarter, which was a slight disapointment. I understand that DS has limited number of human resources at the moment, but imo they should still try to make them more known and also keep current community satisfied. I wish DS has more patience people like you though.