What direct benefits can a player get by buying gold that a player in the game can not achieve? Just curious.
If you look at any game with subscription tokens that are trade-able, you will notice that the more aged players will often purchase premium time with in game means. This is because gold is far easier to obtain than the monetary equivalent. Purchasing gold is inherently inefficient late game, in every single game I’ve played. UNLESS you have gold farmers and buy it from them.
This includes EVE, Wildstar, and Runescape. All of these implemented such a system without being pay to win. In fact, it gave a method for players to obtain premium by in game means, completely eliminating pay to win.
Having such a system actually attracts players as well. Some people won’t play a game where you can’t get the advantages of a paying player through in game means (this includes premium).
Although we might lose you, we will also gain other players as well as increased revenue from those players. Even if they aren’t directly purchasing premium. Neither of us knows which is greater, but I honestly don’t think people worry too much about in game subscription tokens for the most part. I’d assume you’re in the minority, but I could be wrong. I also always think the “I won’t play if X” is a pretty weak argument.
Anywho, I don’t really have a stake in the fight. Thankfully there’s an unlimited premium option at the moment. I probably wouldn’t play Fractured if I couldn’t buy premium through in game means to be honest. “Won’t play with x” argument, I know 
Also, you may not have started it. But you definitely poked it with a big ol’ stick haha