Hopefully the game will be ready by the end of 2021. Prometheus will post an updated roadmap soon

Posts made by Znirf
RE: When will it be released?
RE: New Quest Rewards Needed (Forums)
@VyrVandalous said in New Quest Rewards Needed (Forums):
Seriously Folks.
We need NEW Tiers of Quest rewards for the forums. This topic has been forgotten about but come on. I keep doing my points as are others. There is no "Gold Chest" Reward listed nor any others. Can we get the quest reward levels raised to 300? The game is still far away and we need some assistance for doing the daily quest rewards (Incentives)
Thanks Staff of Fractured.
Hello @VyrVandalous! We plan to add new tiers (probably up to 250/300), chests and titles in the future.
RE: Primitive weapons
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
@Znirf Thanks for reply. It does make sense, itΒ΄s just sad that primitive weapons will be useles after few days, no matter
Casters wonΒ΄t need them anyway (stats on weapons will not affect casting in any way, right? Hope so ... for unarmed casters).
It's still too early to talk about these kinds of things.
Anyway, there will be weapon enchantments with crit and spell damage bonuses. It's also possible that we will create something more specific for arcane spells (staff or rods that give enhancements only for spells from a specific School of Magic).
RE: Primitive weapons
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
It has been stated, that Primitive weapons will have damage about 20% lower than metal ones. But as game is supposed to have horizontal progress, is there anything to compensate this ?
Will primitive weapons be, for example, better for enchant (stronger enchant bonuses) or will they be more customizable ? Or will we never ever see any flint dagger two days after game release when everyone will have metal weapons? Would be sad, as "primal feeling" of primitive weapons and clothing - heads of monsters as helmets - is nice. LetΒ΄s hope we can at least use them as skin.Hi @asspirin! Since primitive weapons are easier to craft and to obtain they will be just weaker than the metal ones.
RE: Are we going to know the town locations in advance?
@Razvan said in Are we going to know the town locations in advance?:
@Znirf Anyway, will there be warehouses in towns? Does anything happen to them after a siege? If not, and we can only store materials in chests from our houses, are these house plots safe spaces? (on demon planet I mean). I read that people can walk on your plot, but nothing about PVP/PK rules (demon planet again) and frankly it would be quite frustrating to get killed on your plot while crafting.
Yes, certainly there will be banks and warehouses for storing resources but we still don't have a detailed design for this kind of mechanics since it's something that we will implement later. If you want to take a look, here we already discussed about sieges and city attacks.
RE: Are we going to know the town locations in advance?
@Razvan said in Are we going to know the town locations in advance?:
After reading a bit about housing and towns I came to the conclusion I'd rather be a hermit with a house close to some town because this way I can't lose my plot. Open world house plots are fixed.
That choice depends on you, remember that in the beginning there will be only some main towns, others will be user-generated over time. So, choosing to locate your dwelling far from a city center could give you the chance to became the governor of a future town.
To my understanding this is also the case with town locations. Do we have a map with possible town locations yet? If no, are we going to have one prior to release?
As soon as we will implement cities in the game we will also release an updated map.
Fractured Content Pills - Week 52, 2019
People, make room, the last Fractured Pills of 2019 are on their way! Even if showcasing work thatβs in very early stages of development, we decided to release them anyway as a little present to you all.
So, without delay, letβs start!
We noticed you had a really hard time challenging Goblins during Alpha 2.1, so we decided to add a new Goblin camp in the Shadow Vale. This one will present an additional challenge, however: it will be fortified with thick wooden palisades. Will you be fast enough to avoid hundreds of Goblin arrows and burn their camp to the ground?
So, what strategy will you figure out to overcome these deadly walls?
Wait! Do you hear this frightening shrill too? Raise your eyes! Here it is, in all its viciousness brutality, the Bone Dragon of the Shadow Vale! Stories narrate that its magical blue fire breath is made of the souls of the thousands brave knights who tried to kill it in the last ages. Do you want to give it a try too? At your own risk!
You need to be careful or it will pulverize you with its lethal breath!
Donβt be too scared, itβs not over! In the misty Shadow Vale there is another new dark guardian that will hinder your way, trying to allure you with its litanies of grief. You better gather a good fellowship to face this brutal enemy or your soul could be stolen eternally!
Even if itβs still incomplete, you can already sense the deadly dark force of this Demon Spirit!
There is still space for some magical stuff honorable warriors! And since it's Christmas time, what better occasion to spread
from our hands. In this case, however, there will be no presents under the tree. If some of your opponents will try to get close to you, they will get stuck in the most impetuous storm that you have ever seen!See you guys and Merry Christmas to all of you!
RE: Knowledge System Account Wide
@Razvan said in Knowledge System Account Wide:
I read what the devs have to say about this and it just looks like a marketing scheme because a new character is obviously not as powerful as a seasoned one (even leaving the gear aside) since they don't have abilities and talents. Knowledge is basically XP used to unlock the said talents & abilities (which are discovered in an interesting way and can be leveled). Having knowledge gain bonus as a premium account feature tells me that (like any other mmorpg), the game will be a bit grindy.
The Knowledge system will prevent "hierarchic" boundaries. Of course the seasoned characters, with more in-game understandings, experiences and discoveries, will have advantages (I think that it's a core part of the knowledge, also in real life
) but there won't be great disparities between new and older players, giving a usefulness to all of the mobs, places, and abilities.
RE: Knowledge System Account Wide
Hi all! Knowledge won't be account-wide, we'd like to encourage you to discover all the planets, animals, monsters, plants and abilities without shortcuts. I can assure you that it won't be an easy job handling all the various "not native planet" debuffs and passivities during travels! The only things that can be shared among different characters will be your dwellings and skins.
RE: Critical strikes
@asspirin said in Critical strikes:
@Znirf Sorry to bother, but a stupid question came to my mind. I know restorative abilities costing mana will be probably "spells", but will heal abilities be able to crit ?
Hello Asspirin! No bother at all
Anyway, almost certainly healings won't have chances to crit.
@asspirin said in Critical strikes:
One more question about critical hits:
are crits full random, or pseudo random like in, for example, DotA2?
Would be bad for me to not crit 10 times in a row with 25% chance to crit...and bad for enemy to get critical 10 times in a row due to luck.Crits won't be full random, our system will be based on a "generic randomness" that should assure consistency of the results.
RE: Will the game have seasonal Holidays mixed in with the mythology of the game?
@delexis said in Will the game have seasonal Holidays mixed in with the mythology of the game?:
Something similar to Halloween or Xmas.
Of course there will be the classical seasonal holidays and also some special events and festivals related to our deities!
RE: How much does it cost in U.S.A. dollars . When I checked it had a strange currency that I don't recognize. How do I change it to American dollars ?
@Dats The exchange rate should be automatically calculated during your online payment giving you the final cost in your currency. Otherwise, check the rate online as @JesseJane suggested
RE: how long until beta 1?
Hi @JesseJane ! You can check out our development roadmap here. Probably Beta phases will start around Q2/Q3 of 2020.
RE: Is there any lowest chance to hit ?
@asspirin said in Is there any lowest chance to hit ?:
@Znirf Cool, so mages will - instead of wearing armour - simply go monk way and block / evade all the things (as unarmed is also "caster weapon"). Thanks for reply !
P.S.: Does it also mean you have to have at lest 2x the amount of accuracy to reliably have chance to hit same amount of defence (evade, will, fortify) ? Looks like accuracy is more important for casters as they can mostly contribute to fight with skills on CD and if the spell is saved, they cant do much until CD is off (unless there are ranged caster weapons or theyΒ΄re melee / ranged hybrids) and melee guys have abilities that cannot miss.If your accuracy is twice your opponent evasion then you would have approximately around 85% chance to hit him. You can better understand how the evasion rate works from the table below:
πΈπ£ππ πππ πΆβππππ = πΈπ£ππ πππ/(π΄πππ’ππππ¦+πΎ)
Where K is the armor needed to always evade an attack performed with 0 accuracy. You can use the same formula also to calculate Willpower vs Accuracy or Fortitude vs Accuracy (just exchanging the evasion value with either willpower or fortitude).
RE: Is there any lowest chance to hit ?
@asspirin said in Is there any lowest chance to hit ?:
Im reffering to GRIM DAWN, with system offence vs defence --> if your defence way WAY higher than your enemyΒ΄s, you would literally never got critted, chance to hit you might be as low as 4% and even then the damage would be severely reduced. So in later patch this was changed, so that the lowest possible chance to hit would be 60% (and reduced damage). Im asking this because in older videos guys with dagger had problems hitting enemy with dagger. - I know it has beel already solved and skill Death mark got nice bonus to aim, but Im curious as there is still large amount of skills we dont know (so far not even 8% of abilities have been revealed and all will have 3 variants).
Lets say we have Chadra / Shadow with natural dex 20 (300 evasion + unknown amount of evasion thanks to natural 20), natural charisma 20 (with active Inspire 240 evasion + all resists) and better rolls to evade due to high luck + Fox tail amulet + 80 evade = at least 620 evasion.
Then we have Martial arts - school probably heavily specialised to evading (just like monks in ADaD). And Marksmenship - even harder to hit as itΒ΄s ranged school. And maybe there will be abilities reducing the aim of enemy, who knows.
So if there is opponent with Perception 6, how much chance will he have against such build? Will he have some guaranteed chance to hit even against some build specialised on dodges, or is it necessary to put 100% of bonuses from equipment and armour to aim?
Hello asspirin! With the maximum cap of evasion (that is 1000), you have an 80% chance to evade an attack from a player with 0 Accuracy or 44% from one with 1000 Accuracy.
As you can understand, it's impossible to reach 100% of Evasion, but of course, there will be abilities that allow you to evade attacks for an amount of time (or a certain number of attacks).Martial Arts will have several dodge/block-based spells, but most likely, it will be one of the last classes that we will implement since among others, it will have an enormous number of special animations.
RE: Foundation skins
@Xzoviac said in Foundation skins:
Are the foundation skins going to be one use items?
If I use the wolf skin on a bad mount and a batter faster mount appears am I doomed to use the slower mount if I want to use that skin?
Or will skins be usable over and over again so as I upgrade I can swap and change between how I want to look?
Hi Xzoviac,
Once you unlock a skin it will be usable only on a particular type of item. So, if you have a skin for a specific kind of mount you will be able to select it whenever you want. -
RE: Ingame Glossary?
@Farlander said in Ingame Glossary?:
I was wondering if there is an ingame glossary or wiki style system to access? It would be nice as you learn stuff on your character that information is stored that allows you to access it while ingame.
Probably already from the next test we will add a section dedicated to explanations and guides.
RE: Stats layout in Alpha 2 test 1
@grofire said in Stats layout in Alpha 2 test 1:
i only wonder what luck do, and does critical dmg and hit work for magic too.
@asspirin said in Stats layout in Alpha 2 test 1:
@Yitra Devs said LUCK affects CC (however they didnΒ΄t specify whether it affects the chance of ability to apply its effect, or its power - for example lenght of stun).
Luck works only when the system rolls a chance. It doesn't affect the effect of the abilities because they depend on specific factors.