@GreatValdus I would aggree that a log would be very useful. it woouldn't be very easy to implement though. I would expect that to be a Beta kinda thing. Possibly have a log on all chests, tanning tubs and smelters that only the governor/vice-governors can see?

Posts made by Xzait
RE: Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
RE: Doubts on Hide and Leather Armor
@GamerSeuss Very good point!! I really hope they will look at medium armour soon. It kinda sucks having no progression to look at with armour, as an archer
RE: Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
@GreatValdus That's what Vice-Governors are for. So you don't have to rely on only 1 person ^c^
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@GreatValdus XD that would be amazing. See all of Syndesia, as youl stand in the middle of the heartwood, and see Tartaros and Arboreus off in the distance of the void of the edge of the world.
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
@GreatValdus so make and use more smelters on your plot, instead of just 1. When the city your are residing with unlocks advanced smelting, your crafting speed will be double as well, if you make advanced smelters.
RE: Cannot drop Picked up item
XD this is brilliant... want to feel tough? pick up a stone and start riding a horse
RE: Charcoal Piles on Personal Parcels
@galvia I don't think charcoal piles are part of city tech. It isn't in any of the descriptions of the techs. I never tried making a pile before the blacksmithing tech was aquired though. You can still go out and gather coal though, to use on your plot.
RE: Couple of bugs with pics
@Leilow neither of those were bugs. This first one, you don't actually have a floor, you are preparing to make one. As soon as it is constructed, you will be walking on it. The second screenshot: multiple interfaces are supposed to be able to be opened at the same time. a few features require you to have multiple open, like transferring items from a chest to your inventory, or enchanting a piece of equipment.
RE: PvP Build? Is the game balanced?
@Kralith said in PvP Build? Is the game balanced?:
@Imyourfriend i am not an PVP player, so i can't say much at the builds, maybe others can help here.
But i can tell you about state of the game and the balancing.
This Game is far from being finished. It is actual in it's alpha phase and it is a real alpha, means not this, what you maybe know as EA (early access) from Steam, where the game should be almost ready for release.
That also means, the game isn't balanced at all, because there are not implemented all core features of the game.
The Devs already do a good job to balance things a bit, even it isn't a task for an alpha. Usually Balancing is a task for beta tests.
So don't expect any good balancing in PVP.
The actual state is just for testing this and giving useful ans constructive feedback to the Devs.Hope you enjoying anyways the game in its actual state.
you forgot to mention about squishing bugs being part of the reason for the tests!!
We must squish ALL the bugs!! -
RE: Crafting Stations and Processing Stations
@spoletta said in Crafting Stations and Processing Stations:
Agree, crafting stations in private plots are a bit of an issue. Residents already have free access to the city stations.
ONLY if the governor allows them to. City crafting stations can be locked to citizens only if the Governor wishes. Residents would then only have access to, at best, Fine Quality gear. If they want Excellent quality gear, they will need to buy it from the city.
RE: Bow crafting
@Sumting I have posted this for the last 3 tests, but they still havn't done anything XD
I just assume at this point, that it is intended, as Short bows can be used for a larger variety of skills. -
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
XD that is fcking amazing for a copper sword!! you should try using bows. the durability on those goes down way faster. I would get maybe 300 goblins out of a bow if i am lucky. I always carry around 2 bows with me, because they die so fast.
Do you realise how soft copper is as a metal? I wouldn't expect copper to last very long at all. I would expect gold armour to last only about 3 hits too, due to how malleable it is. It's why gold has like 10 durability in minecraft, compared to diamond with 200 or so (honestly though, diamond should have less durability than iron, as it shatters rather easily, as much as it is a very hard mineral..)
RE: I'm stucked on the "loading world" screen
did your internet have any issues while you downloaded it? a file might have corrupted during download. I don't think their is a verification of file integrity either. Maybe try deleting it and redownloading?
RE: Field of View + click to move
@luminos77 have you tried scrolling out? the field of view isn't too bad when you are fully zoomed out. If we could zoom out any further, it would be hard to target enemies!
RE: Can I increase the memory points?
The devs tested int on gear and talents increasing memory too, but players were abusing it to have 25/16 memory used and such, as all they had to do was equip int gear and swap to int talents and memorise the talents... then rest again and fill out their memory. rest again and swap talents back and equip their normal gear.
RE: Skills that does not work with archers (BUG)
the more i read this... the less you not being able to use them makes sense...
annoying persistent item description overlay
this happens time to time with moving items around quickly and after ending trading, holding for a description of an item on a corpse and having someone take it while you are looking at it, and now, even when equipping items very quickly after taking them out of the enchanting table.
Normally, you can hover over an item in your inventory and the interface will go away... but with enchanting, it seems to be different for some reason and persists, even after that. Here's a screen of the exact same piece of armour being shown to me twice XD
I have a feeling this happens when you equip the armour on the same tick it brings up the ddescription.
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@GreatValdus I wonder what will happen if i hook it up to my 8k television instead of my 4k screen... XD