Welcome @Drakantor! Fractured definitely won't have anything so frustrating

Posts made by Prometheus
RE: Hi there.
RE: Trinity
Hi @ezmoh
What @Karuro quoted is correct. I can add that I expect players will opt for hybrid builds when playing alone - our Knowledge System allows for unlimited variety in this regard, so I'm sure very peculiar setups will show up soon. On the other hand, when it comes to group fights I expect several players will choose builds close to one of the classic trinity roles. That's still up to the players tho!
RE: When starts a CBT ot OBT?
Hi @jjsquady and @Dougba! All the info we can release on the topic as of today can be found in our FAQ
RE: Dungeons & Guild info?
Hi @CommissarVodka! Dungeons, like the rest of the world, are going to be accessible by any player at any time. There are going to be no "private instances" of any kind. I'd call it the "old school" way rather than the "recent mmos" way, although it's a fact the old school is coming back
As for guilds, we're not doing something really out of the ordinary there. A notable peculiarity though is that you'll be able to create both "mixed" guilds and guilds restricted to one of the three races, and that will have an impact on the possibilities available to the guild when it comes to colonization
RE: how to get a key ?
@Aries said in how to get a key ?:
@Prometheus said in how to get a key ?:
I meant cash shop items
There will also be an item store, yes, but purely cosmetic, selling skins for characters, armors, mounts, etc.
RE: Is there any class revealed?
Hi @Gerio! There are no "classes" in Fractured. Character building is much more "free-form" - you choose your strengths and weaknesses when you create your character, then you can learn any spell and ability in the game through the Knowledge System and re-build your character every time you're in front of a fire. Some of these mechanics are hinted to in the home page of our website, and they'll all be covered in detail in the upcoming Feature Spotlights.
The closest thing to "classes" that I can mention are races and sub-races, which have a deep impact not only combat, but also on gameplay as a whole. They'll be covered in the first spotlight!
RE: Question about beastmen race
@Rofus already pointed you to the answer, @ooBENONIoo, but let's not forget the spotlight on races that's coming soon!
RE: Where i find one video about the game??
Hi @Komodor! The Fractured project has started in January this year, so we're quite far from being able to produce a good looking "video trailer". However, we're going to drop screenshots all over the summer - short video footages will come later in the year
RE: Why will the control be based on a mouse?
@tulukaruk don't worry, there's nothing bad in some discussion
I think it's better to postpone this one till we release some gameplay videos, though, in particular those featuring interactive environments, then you'll notice how hard it would be to move around with WASD
RE: Gameplay
@ezmoh as @Karuro said, but there are plenty of screenshots coming soon, and later in the summer video footages as well
RE: Foundation
@chrightt what @Rofus explained is correct. One thing I shall add is that the The Foundation is less than half complete, tons of rewards and quests are missing. We're going to give it a nice update this month already if possible!
RE: Emotes
Will there be an update to Fractured Forums? I feel like we can use some emoticons.
The emote system got broken in the latest forum platform update, sadly. We'll get them back soon though, I miss them too
RE: "Extra-planetary" travels? Interesting!
@chrightt said in "Extra-planetary" travels? Interesting!:
Is there going to be some sort of "story" that we can learn from playing the game? Maybe some legend or tales of the planets, interaction of races, etc.
Yes, there will be! I'll address this question too in the June Feature Spotlight
RE: Scale of PvP
@chrightt said in Scale of PvP:
@Prometheus Hello, just one thing I want to point out as a veteran MMORPG player. I think "40" unique status is quite a bit too much when multiple of them might serve nearly the same purpose. It always sucks when the status bar turns meaningless because of too many buffs/debuffs. This is especially wasted as skillful and experienced players can actually tell the difference between statuses at a glance (but not when there are like 30 statuses floating around).
Hi chrightt
Don't worry, not all the statues can coexist at the same time on the same character. Some remove others (because they're more powerful versions of the same concept, some because they're opposites), some just can't happen in the same scenario, some are not combat-related but location-related. There will never be "30 statutes floating around" on the same character in battle
RE: Can Game Developers contribute, How?
@rashed490000 said in Can Game Developers contribute, How?:
My Question is, will there be any option for developers to contribute in Game development?
Hi rashed! It's not in our plans to open source the project nor parts of it. We're also not planning to have player-run servers. On the other hard, we're obviously open to any kind of feedback, including from devs!
RE: Why will the control be based on a mouse?
@tulukaruk said in Why will the control be based on a mouse?:
Then I really fail to see how mouse movement will be superior to WASD movement. Maybe I'm not good enough but I cannot use that 22.5 degrees more precise movement in combat.
Well, of course the fact you can move in unlimited direction helps you compared to someone who is limited to 8 directions. That doesn't apply to combat only, just to plain walking around in a world which is not tile-based and is rich with "solid" objects (objects you can collide with) of many different sizes. Such is the world of Fractured, which cannot be "empty" like the maps of some of the games mentioned above because of how interactable our environment is and how you can use such interactions to help you in combat
RE: Operating systems being looked at
@Jindujun said in Operating systems being looked at:
More and more games aim for a Win10 release and skip the earlier versions.
Will this game support Windows 7?Of course! Even WinXP actually, although full compatibility with XP can be tricky
RE: Hello.
@Diego.R.M.Cano said in Hello.:
Now my question is, are the 3 races going to be in separated planets without means to meet each other? As in Beastmen staying in Arboria, Demons on their own and same with Humans, or is like the starter "area" then people move forward into a common planet/area?
Welcome Diego! Each race has its own planet, but everyone can travel to other planets. You can even get exiled from your own planet and be forced to live outside of it - say, if you are a Beastman turning eveil. There's a feature spotlight coming soon on the topic, have a look here!
RE: Building your on Cities
@tulukaruk said in Building your on Cities:
Would everyone be able to build house in any city or not? Would be nice to have some sort of control for the city "owner" what and where can be build.
Yes, the governor of a town will have a certain degree of control on the town itself
@Thomas said in Building your on Cities:
@Prometheus What about the players who own the properties in the cities? Can we have small farm plots or anything like that?
You'll be able to have farming plots, but not in the middle of a city. Rulers will be able to define layouts and rules for the healthy development of a town - very useful if they want to allow everyone to settle in it without the town turning into a nonsensical jam of buildings.