i think it's a pretty unique system that makes these forums active. otherwise i'd be on reddit or ignoring it like the 5 other games i've backed.

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: Foundation chests
RE: VIP system : What do you think ?
are you able to pay for an advantage? yes, as you can pay to have a boost to the knowledge point gain and learning slot increase. those that get rank 1 faster will be able to rank them faster thus giving them an advantage.
if the knowledge point and learning slots were removed i wouldn't be as pressed against it. I'd much prefer that the cash shop and cosmetics just look really good and DS creates some supporter packs instead of a sub. put some cosmetics behind certain events, like killing 15 named mini-bosses or such.
RE: Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
@Farlander said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
I wouldn't say looking at min/maxing is completely useless at this point. We are at a stage when those numbers can change easier. If no one looks at them then the devs may not see any issues. I agree those formulas/tables will change because I'm sure they are not perfect from the start. I must say I appreciate those guys that do this and put it up on the third party sites because I'm too lazy to do it myself lol.
easier for the developers to put the formulas in a spreadsheet to see how the final values line up at different areas. We have to reverse engineer the formulas which can be off at times. it wouldn't take much for DS to say these formulas are bad, we need to refine them between alpha and beta. Or they could have hired someone that is great at balancing.
I assume we dont even have access to all the attribute options right now. So no boost from knowledge, no boost from gear stats. it literally is impossible to min-max for the final release state when we're missing 90% of the parts needed.
RE: Races
but demons are the protagonist, the other races have strayed from Babilis. it's up to the demons to return everyone to the rightful ruler!
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
for me they're walking that line but i dont believe they've crossed it. they're being an ass but not enough to be banned. i'm made stern comments similar to this but i do back down after a while.many of us paid for a service and we do expect some type of communication. if the person that does the communication is on vacation then some steps needs to be made so there's something while they're gone. pre-written content is normal with someone else doing the release or it being automatically scheduled.
i feel the person is over exaggerated on the missing of test phases equaling to a horrible launch and being boycotted.
RE: VIP system : What do you think ?
yes. a "We're thinking about a VIP system and this is said system in simi-detail, yet not Spotlight worthy. What do you think?" would have been really nice.
RE: Spiders
I'm scared of spiders..How can fractured help with this??
they're fake while in a video game.
RE: Healing
I'll argue that there will be dedicated parts of the trinity as those that play in groups wont need to be pure "generalist". It wont be mandatory but min-max for groups will push the dedicated roles so that damage can push out more without the need to rely on self healing or damage mitigation.
but it'll highly depend on how the healing spells are setup, their cooldown and resources.
RE: Slow combat vs Fast combat
I watched the first pre-alpha game play video and I asked about TTK and in the live Q&A @Prometheus said that it was faster while in testing but the TTK will be lower when the game is released.
RE: How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?
@asspirin said in How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?:
@Razvan Wasn´t it stated, that Arboreus is world rich on resources and Tartaros has very few of them? Furries should have no problems and demons will probably rape each other...or one (the biggest) demon guild will absorb everyone as they will have no competition - making whole demon world one coordinated guild ... sounds terrifying
sounds fun (either way)
RE: hint for logout
@grofire said in hint for logout:
15 min????? Just say that every time you logged you lose all your items.
if you're running from a fight, logout shouldn't be a safe option. If you're in town or in your house it would be instant.
RE: Primitive weapons
@Tero-Kaze said in Primitive weapons:
I think that it would be move effective or satisfying to "work" through the evolution personally. What i mean is that if it is about the knowledge then it would be a development for the character/account.
Harvest 1000 Stones = +1 knowledge of Metallurgy opens up Iron Ore
Harvest 1000 Iron Ore = +1 knowledge of Metallurgy opens up Coal2 points of Metallurgy opens up Steel
but that goes against their 'no grind' policy.
RE: Fractured app
the forums are great on mobile. even on my small iphone 7 it's a great UX. The only problem I have is with the post area using all of the screen and no means to minimize it so I can find other content to add to my post.
Only issue I have with the Foundation is the quest section doesn't skip to what level I am. It doesn't move completed quest to the back of the list.
It would be neat to have continuous scrolling for the News/Spotlight section. -
RE: How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?
@Xzoviac said in How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?:
@Jetah said in How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?:
@Razvan said in How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?:
However, I think the real-life threats and in-game threats should be treated differently because in the latter case it's basically just stupid kids whose mouths talk without their brains but are harmless otherwise.
so we should treat swatting lightly too? threats to the player should be taken seriously. I will report them all. if the player continues then i'll press further for some type of action to happen.
at no point should a threat be passed on.
Why should it be taken seriously?
Why cant you just block them and move on?
It's just words... they have as much meaning as you give themWhy let some pleb have so much power over you, actually feel threatened by these scrubs?
if you dont feel threatened then you are just abusing a system to try get someone who's actions you dont like banned.
Wich is a waste of gm time.
Deal with it in game.Block PK move on
Also not sure what calling the police in real life declareing a fake crime to scare a person has to do with abuse in a game
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swattingthe main reason is you dont know for a fact when someone is 'joking' and being serious. it's better to take it all as being serious than to just pretend it's a joke.
besides you wouldn't take a physical threat while being in public, the same should apply in games.
video games shouldn't be a way for bullies to threaten others.
RE: Monster infrequent weapons?
@Farlander said in Monster infrequent weapons?:
You guys crack me up when you want realistic explanations for a fantasy game in which most of it is not real lol. A game needs to be enjoyable not explainable. For me hunting will be rather boring if all you get in loot drops are mats. I highly doubt rare mats will be dropping from bunnies. To that regard there will never be a reason to kill one or any other creature that will not drop the rare mats. Basic mats will be dropping on everything which means the supply will heavily outweigh the demand.
rabbit meat will be, i'm guess here, easier to obtain than other.
i didnt back a loot pinata game, D3 and PoE already exist. There's pvp to keep the game interesting, if you're playing on the fury planet then you'll probably get bored.
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@axan22 said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
Really think they need to move some of the rewards such as pets mounts armours down some lvls to start at lowest tier and work up, and build more into the higher tiers. Why purchase a low tier now when you dont know much about the game, for the cool per armour etc you can get for it.
usually the lower tiers are just getting access to the game cheaper than waiting for release.
@Prometheus One thing I noticed about the KS campaign is you didn't mention much about the planets. You didn't mention that each planet would offer a specific play style. It seemed more implied but not really stated. IE: HUMANS - TOTAL FREE WILL could have mentioned that Syndesia is the PvX planet where both PvE and PvP take place. You didn't mention the other 2 either. I didn't see the invasions mentioned on the Demon section.
RE: Adding Camera Options?
design decision
right. the game is isometric. it wont have any other camera angles, it wont be first person, it wont be 3rd person. it wont rotate (ive asked about this one). it's a design decision to maintain the isometric camera spot.
RE: FibS's big dumb semi-curated NOT official "I want this kind of Beastman!" topic
I'd like to ask @Prometheus when they decide to add new races that a poll is put up for us to vote.