@Dragomok said in State Of The Game #2 – On 2018, Alpha 1 & Unity:
Unless that monster is a canine peddler of illicit software, or a particularly excited sales-doggo...
we need this!
I want my House vendor To be a GOOD BOI! (or GRILL!)
@Dragomok said in State Of The Game #2 – On 2018, Alpha 1 & Unity:
Unless that monster is a canine peddler of illicit software, or a particularly excited sales-doggo...
we need this!
I want my House vendor To be a GOOD BOI! (or GRILL!)
Just letting you know. There are post asking this exact quest as it’s asked weekly.
Use the search bar!
When people go to a bar they don't know the skills of other people. They don't know if someone is a great boxer or if another is top 10 MMA in the state or local area, they don't know if someone has a gun or a knife or if a person is completely passive.
A transmog shouldn't let anyone know exactly what the character does. If I hate 2h axes I should have the ability to change the visual to a 2h mace or sword. I don't see my 2h being seen as a sword n board nor a dual dagger or hatchet.
This is an open world pvp with a knowledge style skill system. We shouldn't know if the character is a fire caster or water caster or if they're a necro (aside from the obvious risen dead). We shouldn't know if the person is great with swords or axes or a shield. The transmog system could give resistance from just jumping a character. Not knowing if the character is melee or a caster is big for both parties.
I'd love to see some plate enemies wearing cloth and has a staff transmog instead of a 2h weapon. I'd file it under the 'it's magic that makes their armor look like cloth' it could be a perception skill check or have a skill that can pierce through the deception. I'd love an easy system to swap looks, I'd hate to need to create a new piece of gear to get it imbued with the new look.
I'd love to see dyes that are found and/or crafted. I'd entertain the idea that there's a profession dedicated to transmog and dyes.
I know it's easy to forget but the comments there are a little bummed about not having beta last year. Then I remembered not seeing an update recently. There are some people that wont visit the website to get their information unless you explicitly state "we're no longer posting updates to kickstarter. Come join us at Fracturedmmo.com for constant updates and free rewards via the Foundation". Camelot Unchained is still posting KS Updates and it's been 4+ years for them.
I'd prefer no safety measures againt FF. Fractured is a sandbox, outside of a tutorial it shouldn't hold your hand and protect you from others (exploits aside).
@fibs said in PK punishment:
@gothix said in PK punishment:
So your claim is just simply wrong. As wrong as it can be.Keep living in denial, bud.
I have absolutely no reason to prove anything to you; whatever you say and think, you're still going to get mad that Fractured doesn't let you pathetically pick fights you can't lose, you're still going to leave the game because you actually need to be skilled to PK in it, and the rest of us will still keep playing a game that's better without you there.
Was nice talking to you. o/
I'm going to tag @Finland too because he said full pvp game can't be an mmo. well Eve Online would like to have a talk to both of you. Eve is alive because of the pvp.
define 'something bad', first.
will spying happen; yes
will the things that happens in Eve happen in Fractured; probably.
@prometheus said in Whats your favorite character Class to play on your first Character:
@gothix said in Whats your favorite character Class to play on your first Character:
It was said do not try to shoot rock monster with your arrows (immunities, weaknesses), but if archer can not use his arrows, what is he supposed to do? Use magic? Cool, but archer buffed up his DEX on player creation not his INT, so if there are no magical arrows based on DEX archer will be disadvantaged.
@vengu said in Whats your favorite character Class to play on your first Character:
This is actually one of my biggest concerns. If I am a DEX/PER archer, and I face a rock monster that's practically immune to arrows, what am I going to do? I don't have the strength to start pummeling it with hammers and I don't have the int to start shooting it with whatever spell works well against a rock monster. Am I just screwed?
You're not an archer. You're a high-DEX/PER character who has decided to play as an archer. Hold a DEX-based melee weapon, take a resting phase, pick the proper set of abilities (assuming you know them, of course) and talents, and you're ready for the dungeon
Otherwise, if you really want to play ranged and kill that stone mob, yeah, ways to enchant your arrows exist - several, in fact. Unless you've made a character with 6-8 INT, you should be able to use them decently.
Now, if the creatures you're fighting are completely immune from physical damage (some exist, and vice-versa as well) and you've made a character with 6 INT then the situation is more complex. Having a friend would be the best thing, but there are workarounds. Get +2 INT from talents. Use abilities that summon magical weapons (even low INT is enough for those). Use weapons crafted with materials that make them deal some magical damage. In a way or the other you can make it!
now that's some good tactical information I'm looking for!
Here's a question: Will the game be easier for a group (duo+) than a solo player? From the sounds of what you posted in the quote, a duo+ would have much faster kill times and could progress their knowledge faster.
you shouldn't be worried about same account access. It's multiple accounts you should worry about.
for the most part beast will be shut off from the other 2 planets. so swapping between won't be a problem unless there's an invasion.
between the neutral and bad planets where eclipse's happen frequent might be a problem but a second account would be more helpful as you can read the convo and relay it to your alignment.
one thing that happened in Eve was a player paying to get revenge on another player. The player joined the corp (guild) and worked themselves up to being the right hand person to the target. then on one day at a certain time all the belongings to the target were removed from the guild hangers (think guild bank but the locations weren't connected). The implants (character boost) and ship were destroyed which summed up to at least 40 billion; the hit was 2 billion up front.
Here's the full details but i suggest adblock/ublock: https://www.geek.com/games/eve-online-player-walks-off-with-45k-after-in-game-corporate-scheme-1284022/
from what I've read about you, I see you as the anti-toxic toxic. You tend to bully your point of view and always fight others until you get your way.
But those that PvP or PvE exclusively will have less skills but not less power.
Although if skill acquisition is static then just knowing where the skill is would be only method of breaking the exclusive game type.
If I want a frost spell and it’s exclusive to PvE then I’ll PvE to get it even if I want to be exclusively PvP.
i'm waiting for their crafting spotlight before thinking of it further. without them giving ideas what they have in mind I'm not going to waste energy try to decide for them.
@Arterius said in Races playing nice together?:
I am just here to play the PVE. So many of these games i am interested in but they have full loot PVP and I am done. The fact that I can roll a PVE race and just enjoy myself without having to worry about the stuff I took hours to make is what made me become an immortal.
just stay outside of the 30 minute run area of each summon zone and you'll be fine. but i suspect gear will be easily replaced.
I’d love to see my victims name on the armor or sword!
Could you imagine a full set of Finland gear! I’d bet it sell for a bit too!
@Eurav said in What is called human transform for Beastman?:
Well, a Lich is not really "neutral", as Jacopo says in this video, a Lich will keep the karma and alignment a character had before the transformation, so it can become anything... good, neutral or evil.
i dont like a good or neutral litch.
a developer should never encourage afk play in an open world pvp loot game. do you know the amount of support tickets CS would get if people could afk to acquire stuff yet come back to a corpse.
this is an active game, if you want something you should have to be active.
just learned that Pagan Online has WASD movement.
i hate the asian style player shops. i hate the lag they produce, the constant spam and the eyesore they produce. I'd prefer to list my goods at an NPC by my house, which could be searched from a broker (in a nearby town).
@Alexian said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
@Dariusacmar said in Enchanting crafting materials?:
Do the game designers not answer questions here?
They often do and are pretty active in the Discord server. I'd recommend tagging @Znirf, @Prometheus, or @Specter.
as much as i love discord, it's a horrible place for answers to questions.
i could have sworn they said there would be some bosses that requires a group.