@Pluto @Tuoni
being active on the forums, being rewarded for that activity with cosmetics is a good thing to do. Now if they can curb the trolling because of the foundation, IE reward good content with points while removing points with trolling/salt/toxicity then it might work.
Foundation is a great term for what it's designed to do. the greater a Foundation is the better the structure will be on top. One thing about games is the people are always shifting around from game to game, a game company would like a good Foundation of constant revenue and some pillars of users that are helpful.
The Foundation is never complete on a game. Look at WoW 14+ years later. Look at Eve Online and the few other online games being active for 10+ years. I'd imagine if Blizzard made a forum Foundation type system that rewarded positivity and discouraged negativity it would be a much better place.
This community is great and we're being rewarded for participating on the forums. Another EA game I've backed is pretty empty on the forums and the mods haven't logged in on Reddit in over a month some of which are the company employees. The active forums could make other communities, like Reddit, seem empty, however.