Race: any Demon
Stat: ??
God: there's only Babilis!

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: First impression of possible best builds - Race/God/Alignment?
RE: to the developers
i understood that as the items Fractured had were placed on the marketplace. but OP never linked to the assets to give proof.
RE: Trade caravans...?
entire trip would be mercenary npcs, but really we shouln't need that. either you risk going solo or you bring a group.
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
this is a sandbox game. 1 planet will have no means to attack another friendly player. 2 planets will be PvX while 1 planet will be PvP full time.
This game will have friendly fire and will have collision. will some people make a wall so others can walk through, sure but that just means you use an ability that bypasses that like some of the few jumping skills.
RE: Sparring/Duels
@Gothix said in Sparring/Duels:
Beast folk could always travel to Syndesia and use arenas there for PvP practice. Traveling is kinda key point of the game, so traveling in this sense also makes sense.
Lore wise Arboreus is where peaceful folk live, so there aren't any war masters there to teach and train folk in PvP. So visit to Syndesia for the use of arenas, where there are also "war masters" makes sense.
animals play fight all the time. so long as there's no intent to kill, which is the point of a duel, duels should be good.
@Roccandil said in NPC Age:
I'm used to Might and Magic's age system (and it's been a while, so maybe I don't remember all the steps!):
- Young Behemoth: pretty easy kill
- Mature Behemoth: not too bad
- Old Behemoth: now it's getting hard
- Ancient Behemoth: run for your life
i'm thinking more in terms of Eve Online asteroid system. The asteroids gain resources the longer they're alive. you can mine them, leave 1+ and they'll regrow. or you can harvest it all and another type of resource may spawn. it's generally better to keep the valuable asteroids.
NPCs will mostly drop material so i'd think letting them mature would mean more resources per kill but you're deciding between now or later. i do like the idea that their stats increase the longer they're alive. maybe have a small chance for one to upgrade ranks until it's a boss.
Blind Gamer Plays WoW, CoD, MK11, D3 through Sound
I'd really love to see Fractured take the accessibility route a little hard and make it easy for blind, deaf, and other disabilities to access this wonderful game. Seems sound and a screen reader (for gear and UI) would be highest for blindness.
I have discussed this before, but figured it would help to inform those who may not know about how blind people play D3.
For starters, the sound design is pretty solid, when using a headset, you can hear exactly which direction enemies are in relation to yourself, so you know which way to attack, each skill has a unique sound to it with some runes modifying the skills sound. For example, bash on the barbarian sounds different when adding the frostbite rune.
If you take the time to memorize these sounds you can identify everything your doing, as well as identifying your teammates location and what skill they are using as well.
As far as gear goes, every item in the game sounds different from one another, from a sword dropping on the ground to equipping a different shield, they all sound unique, at least the weapon classes do, all chests sound the same, legs, boots, and so on.
This is nice for sure, but I think Blizzard could do better, especially if they add a text to speech feature as a option that can be enabled or disabled.
Using a screen reader to navigate Reddit, using a Bluetooth keyboard to type this out.
I have decided to come back to D3 and figured some people may not know how I or other blind gamers play Diablo, so there you go.
I was hoping to do a greater right this season, but I have been grinding mk11 and bo4 so much I haven't played D3 for a bit.
But, nothing stops the crusade, even blindness.
sauce on Reddit D3 subHe streams too so sighted viewers can read the screen and let him know which gear to equip.
Again, I'd love to see Fractured be developed for disability access!
RE: Next test phase
DAoC had guild crest on capes and shields, which was neat but it wasn't an isometric view game. I'd assume colors and patterns would be better suited for isometric but I could see DS allowing 'custom guild crest' as a cash shop purchase (within the visual of the game/lore).
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
@Farlander said in Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience":
I will say this, if the game drives casual players away a game will fail. There just aren't enough hard core gamers to support a game. Casual gamers are a crafters best friend. The multitudes will come in a buy up your merchandise then not play for very long periods of time effectively removing those items from game play lol.
the game will have 3 planets though. that separates the play styles. convenience should have never been a pay option. i blame mobile games for that one! but there are plenty of that in RL like pay to skip a line. pay to have your service pushed through (like getting a car worked on). I had a coworker who could out bid others to get his hair cut next (not faster but you skip the line.)
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
i'm trying to understand their desire for an optional subscription. there are games without it that are doing very well.
Dynamight stated clearly, they don't like P2W and gambles.
but p2w will still happen because trade exist. it wont be from DS to the players but via 3rd party.
I did find this where Znirf says "No, you won't be able to pay for speeding up processes in Fractured." so that's good to hear.
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
@Logain said in Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience":
@Jetah said in Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience":
(...) I'm not sure they have time. Actually another spotlight is due! the last spotlight was july 2018...
I'd much rather they focus on development right now. The recent conversion was a massive step for them, but one that threw their schedule out of the window.
If they dont communicate ideas they're working on then why would someone join if the last spotlight was over a year ago. we're (the forum community) is at a point where nothing new has been talked about.
Not all the developers are coders or art. Znirf first post said he is a CM, nowhere does it mention he codes. So they have 1 person who could be writing post, letting Prometheus
sign off on it, then posting it. Having Prometheus take 30 minutes to read over the post is much better them him spending 3 hours writing it up.I backed for certain stated ideas. If they revert no lootboxes, for example, then what else would they revert? What if they revert the 'no P2W' statement and start selling grossly OP weapons and armor specific to counter those weapons? What if they revert the 'dress for your destination' by selling gear that works everywhere? What if they revert the 'travel takes times' by selling teleport stone(s)?
I backed because of the statements presented pre and during kickstarter. If they renege on that they I'm out.
Eve has P2W as one faction can buy more ships and gear for alliance wars. There was one guy that spent $70k and his alliance still wasn't winning. which could mean the other alliance spent more.
One counter is how fast you can earn ISK vs using a credit card. -
RE: Is there a specific date for Alpha 2 testing to start?
@Logain said in Is there a specific date for Alpha 2 testing to start?:
I'm glad that DS won't mention concrete dates till they are very confident to make them. Game development tends to come with surprise and delays that annoys people when a company misses a 'fixed' date.
yeah, praise for the date announcement then lots of pitchforks when it's a 'day late'.
Leaked (notreally) Abomination Chadra (Lion) Pic
it isn't but OMG, it's one way I'd totally play a beastkin:
I did find a great pic of a demon too (in the same album as the above:)
RE: Hello! What makes players most excited. here>
there's a few good spotlights, i highly suggest reading them all. you'll learn quite a bit.
the problem with PoE and Fractured is Fractured is getting 3 tiers of spells. those tiers will change how the spell works in some way. that's the core of the knowledge. whereas poe is core to have gems and other gems that modify them in a near unlimited combination. Fractured will have 400 (iirc) unique spells with 3 tiers so so 1200 total.
RE: Give us Attribute Resets please
if developers put out actual manuals, then I agree about
carefully and thoughtfully
but fact is they dont and only give you a few words to determine the permanent fate of your character. I've had some games where I wanted to be melee but found range so much better and vise versa. I also hate making permanent decisions before even playing the game!@Kralith
that's what I've been advocating about, but a more automated system, of attribute adjustments over time.@Rekington
I was thinking a tribute system of materials given to the Gods of the Karma/Planet. Have a month CD, say on the 1st of our month.I really like the idea that each character has a unique seed created and all random things are generated but i'm not sure how difficult that'd be.
RE: Enough attackers / defenders during eclipses
@Razvan said in Enough attackers / defenders during eclipses:
Yes, but would you risk your pve gear on pvp during the invasion? I wouldn't, unless it's cheap to replace it.we shouldn't have expensive gear at all. the game being horizontal should mean that worst and best aren't difference enough to really matter. but i've read where stone/bone weapons would do 20% less damage than steel which makes me wonder how horizontal the game will be.
RE: Angel? Angel Spells?
@Mr14taz said in Angel? Angel Spells?:
Heck, if you have Demons, create an Angel Class.
you mean an Angel race?? i guess they could do that.
and i mentioned having the option of starting demons/furies at neutral so they can play with their friends faster. i'm sure people will complain when that 1 friend wants to play a fury and the other group want human/demon and they have to grind out the positive karma.
RE: Funding has exploded
i'd love to see navy's but more as an expansion than as a funding goal. i'd much prefer to get the out to the public then work on getting new content than to try to rush a bunch of content before release.
RE: Choice of music for towns
i believe @asspirin wants the music to change based on context. so town could have a list of 10, combat a list of 10, with maybe a mix of something else for other activities. a playlist just plays in the order but games do change when combat starts/ends or if you're in town.
I'd like to have folders for specific activities or a name
etc. -
RE: The foundation D-gold
@Basileus said in The foundation D-gold:
I just see all the foundation gold as a nice freebie. I probably won't spend mine at launch (since usually the better cosmetics will come out after a game has been launched for a while!)
or sales happen.