only reason alts exist is because there are 3 main races, 8 sub-races, angel/demon/litch versions of each sub-race.
While i plan to main a demon race, i do plan to have a beast and human just to see the differences of play style and planets.
only reason alts exist is because there are 3 main races, 8 sub-races, angel/demon/litch versions of each sub-race.
While i plan to main a demon race, i do plan to have a beast and human just to see the differences of play style and planets.
sundays is the universal best day because both sides of the oceans are, mostly, off from work. I can understand not wanting to work on a Sunday but consider it also.
did an edit:
Will you have a few of the other development team stream stuff? people love looking at art being done, a simple ability icon or a community weapon design are popular. I'd love to see someone work with the landscape and generation of new usable space. If the seasons can change, show it, lighting, etc. Maybe some of the Demon animation or some GFX being done.
@RNGinxed said in Becoming an angel:
Yeah I just usually don't play with an alignment as "evil" as the name sounds, more complacent most times, so I'd like my alignment to be positive even with a "demon" so def a goal to become an angel for the quest of it all, sounded like a really cool idea
in video games, it's a matter of perspective. 'evil' for one faction is 'good' for another, which can be 'neutral' for another.
if there are no rules then there's no 'evil' and no 'holy'.
@greenfire said in Care and Feeding of Foundation Recruits:
And if all else fails, beat them into submission.
should have just said that..
@Medic said in Is this game similar to Albion Online?:
@Jetah is that necessary? Just wanted to ask the question for myself
it's been answered at least a dozen times. nothing has changed since the last time it's been asked.
in the time it took to get an answer (approx 2.5 hours) you could have just used the search bar to see if it's been asked. I would have not made a comment has you said something like "I searched and found a few post about this game being close or similar to AO, but I have these questions which weren't answered.".
The question you asked was "someone do the work for me" the one I mention is "I did some work but still have questions".
@kellewic said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
Damn @Greenfire, that was a worthy, and dare I say, eloquent post. I'm of similar mind. I want a game I can play for years. For me, even if Fractured is a little bit better PoE, I'm good since I played PoE from open beta and loved it, so pledging was easy for me and my counterpart @Ladyrowan.
I really think some spotlights on governing/towns and crafting need to come out ASAP. Having so many higher tier kickstarter rewards tied to governing with little to no information is likely hurting the purchasing of those packs. I've also seen a lot of posts on the forums from the crafters who have precious little information to go on which I think leads to people staying on the fence of whether to purchase or not.
yeah that was like the VIP entry before it was explained. We don't need a Spotlight length post but at least some idea of how it works or why I want to be a gov of a town.
@Xzoviac said in Is this game similar to Albion Online?:
@Jetah getting mad at people for using the forum for what its ment for is pretty weird, it's not like the first page is full of is this game like albion posts.
Makes us look unwelcoming, complaining at a guy when hes just asking a question, hes not trying to be controversial, and hes not being rude. I dont see a problem with OP personally
i'm not made they made a post. i'm mad that they didnt bother to use a function of forums that have existed for two decades. there will be many more post about this too and i'll just point them to the search bar unless they mention they've already searched. which i've already discussed. i dont have a problem with the person, just the question they asked (without a simple search). posted almost a month ago. nothing has drastically changed in the past month that would make the previous topic irrelevant.
@canterbury said in Let's be honest...:
Sock puppet accounts MUST come into it, for some at least. And as I flag in this thread - - I think the upshot of that is that it's given us a disjointed feel for how big the community genuinely is. Kickstarter still hasn't found 400 people willing to back it, yet this community is heaps bigger... in theory.
it could be that people did their starting quest and are letting the daily points level them. or they didn't see anything here to keep them interested and have moved on. There are some that might check monthly or quarterly for progress. Seeing 31k accounts is similar to how games claim 31 million account but they never list that only 1m are active.
We've heard that some people don't have access to a credit card which KS requires. KS is owned by amazon and you can't even use the amazon balance. I believe DS thought they'd reach their 100k the first day because of their '31k accounts' but didn't account for who's active right now. Talk is cheap but when it comes to placing cash down people remember how they've been bent over from other developers via crowdfunding. They also see other KS campaigns that are still in development but KS was tagged as a 2 year development time before release.
Validation on a game is when you ask for money, not forum accounts or even forum participation. I will say that the Foundation system is the best engagement I've seen from a developer and I expect to see others copy it. Normally I'm on Reddit but here I'm on the forums because it's active.
i didnt attack them. i pointed them to previous post already made about the topic.
I disagree with lowering alpha price. I know for a fact that people will get in it, try it out for a month then request/demand a refund.
more people in alpha testing means more information to filter out. It's more CS work too.
@Prometheus if you really wanted to lower Alpha to the 30 tier then have Stretch Goal 1 include alpha 1 at a lower level.
@Althalus said in Becoming an angel:
@Jetah said in Becoming an angel:
The Angel quest line isn't suppose to be easy. I personally think it should involve doing everything.
the game should cater to everyone not just you...
you understand the irony here right?
the problem with that ideology is that the developers put content in the game and they want everyone to try it all. the angel can still pvp during invasions!
in order to be an angel you'll have to be a demon anyways so you'll have to pvp at some point.
how it is fun to PK without a reward? Why do PvE raids get rewards by killing bosses but PK don't get a thing?
I expect gear to be easily replaced, so any fear of it being replaced will quickly be overlooked.
I wouldn't drop anything right now. It seems like a good system in theory. splitting the game types between the planets while allowing occasional conflict will keep the worlds active.
My edit:
Iād drop the friendly fire protection everywhere.
@Farlander said in When will shop items become available ?:
Since they are cosmetic I'd imagine not much testing will be needed other than to make sure they look good.
dup testing, exploit texting, shop removing currency and giving the item testing.
there's more than just 'does it look good'.
@mazikar said in July 3rd Survival & Travel Q&A: List Your Questions:
Will there be travel mounts kinda like seen in other games like EQ2 and WoW that take you from point A to B and kinda show you some interesting spots just cause on the way?
yes, look at the Foundation rewards!
@Jairone said in Game availability once Beta Starts??:
Typically betas are down less, but not a consistent 24/7. They tend to be on and off in bursts that are up for longer and down for shorter times, but... unless it is an early access program they do not tend to be 24/7.
Where that is no guarantee, it is what I find likely.
i've seen both 24/7 and scheduled betas. it really depends on the developer and publisher.
I recently remembered an anime, World Break, where the spells were writing in the air by the hand and finger. I've wanted to see this style of animation in a video game instead of the bland cast bar. Here are two examples. Note there's one I'm looking for where the guy writes a book, it's close to 50 lines that stretches into the sky even though he's floating.
For Fractured it could more siege spells than normal combat. Or it could be bigger spells like Megumin's explosion magic.
The animation would have to match the spell cast length.
Only problems I can see is if a spells cast length is adjusted. IE reduced from 10s to 8s, the animation would have to be adjusted too.
There's another anime, Hitori no Shita, where the words are written in the air but they seem to be pre-scribed like a talisman image 1 | image 2. This might be a better system to animate because the movement can be changed if the spell duration is changed.
It'd be pretty neat if a few spells from each school were animated in an inscriptive format.
@Xzoviac said in Game availability once Beta Starts??:
@Logain said in Game availability once Beta Starts??:
@Jetah said in Game availability once Beta Starts??:
(...) and the developers/publishers.
And the available funding. Hosting the game is going to cost money, that's something people often forget about. I do hope that they can manage and afford 24/7, but I wouldn't be shocked if not.
Having the game up 24/7 will produce money as well as more people will purchase a game they can actually play regularly
depends how long closed beta is and how long open beta would be.
i promise you that development doesn't stop if beta is 24/7. it could actually be more of an advertisement tool about the game than it being reserved for certain play times.
just 1 ad on a popular streamer could get DS a minimum 100k-1million views.
@sunti said in Toon Colouring.:
You'll be able to choose from a defined set of colours, depending on which race you're going to choose. For exemple for a tiger-kin you'll have colours ranging from white to orange, some different shades of grey and so on, demon will vary a lot (slaggish greens, reds, in general a lot of dull shades of various colours). There will be no electric blues or bright pinks, sorry
There will be dyes too, not only obtainable through the cosmetics store but also inside the game. Dyes will be used for armors, so they are a different matter
I hate dyes as a costly fiat consumable but what about fur/skin dye? make it temporary around a month real time, similar to those temp hair dyes, and the item is consumed. Personally I'd prefer to not see these in the cash shop but could be rewarded during events! During a Valentines event we could have pink temporary dye! Green during St. Patrick's, etc.