This is, however, something stated as being functional in the description. Either the spell description or the spell is wrong.

Posts made by Jairone
FireArrow not working on spell channel weapons
RE: February 2020 Playtest Survey
Things were pretty smooth overall. A few rare bugs with stuck critters, and with logs, but it was fairly solid in performance.
Food and survival feels off, but it also has to be easy enough for enchanting and to deal with the lack of farming at this time... hopefully that will be adjusted as it goes.
Mana felt too restrictive in combat, as compared to having stacks of 100 arrows with bows. Takes less crafting, so it shouldn't be tuned up TOO much, but as it was it was taking too much mana to really use abilities and end fights. Bows and melee felt okay, although melee needs some heftier armors to really be working well. In short, bows were where they should be, the other areas need a little work and/or more goodies to craft and play with as things are developed. This could easily be fixed with some crafted mana consumable and mining/crafting armors.
Building was great. The only thing to improve there imo is movement to location. The character would try to walk into the building spot, rather than stopping before that spot. Manually controlling the character worked much better for getting in the right spot to place items for building.
--Because everything was pretty good, but a little more detailed feedback doesn't hurt!
RE: Future armor ideas
@asspirin Aye. Giant weapons are usually countered as "We want you to see the art though!" Balancing that with realism is going to likely take more of a full scale first person effort, but given the lack of zoom in details for most isometric games... it seems likely that we could get more realistic models.
RE: Favourite skill from moba / rpg / arpg (you would like to appear in Fracture
@asspirin I don't remember if it was in NOX too, I was going way back to floppy disk days though. It's also somewhat similar to several older RPGs which had limited data space, and solved the need to go back and forth by having a teleport that the player set, and having them overwrite it as needed.
I'm thinking it would have situational uses, but be limited somewhat by the restrictions. If it was something like a permanent portal, or if it could be used to shortcut with carts, it would be broken as all get out. Instead, maybe it could be used at a mine shared by a few smaller groups to send out a call for aid if there's a problem, as an example.
What else it could do, quite nicely, is help with things like sending friendlies across a town quickly. It could also be used by a spy to try to set up a quicker infiltration attempt. Etc. I doubt too many people would end up trying to use it as a trap, given that it's both obvious to see, and that there's relatively few times where that is the best choice for how to try to deal with a person who isn't working out in a group. Especially given the ability to die and join up with foes.
I also think that it could still be too strong depending upon group sizes and stuff, which means balance would have to remain a consideration. Things like limiting the number of uses more, having some larger preparation or cost, and limiting total distance might be involved in balancing that if needed.
RE: Favourite skill from moba / rpg / arpg (you would like to appear in Fracture
I'd like to see one called "Multipath". It's from an older game, and what it did was change where a doorway, gate, arch, or whatever led... through a certain number of times. Not only is the place that it is cast upon easy to see, but it could be adjusted via sending things other than oneself through (such as spells or projectiles).
So for a single cast, the caster would have to visit and mark a spot. You could not mark the same spot, but could mark close by. So, say you mark around a building 5 times, and on the sixth you mark the inside of a jail cell. When cast, the first 5 people would go to the building, but the sixth would land in jail.
The ability has a lot of potential for power, but it also takes a lot of preparation, and can be foiled rather easily. Any nonliving things going through alone were destroyed in the original (spells, projectiles, rocks, etc.) but not living things such as pets or people (and those were not stripped bare).
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@Nyquil44 Given that we don't have a full understanding of the skills yet... that's something that is likely to come over time. For now, if you want to play a mage type, Int is a 100% solid choice, and beyond that it will depend on the abilities you like, the way you play, and such.
RE: Attacks speeds depending on armor ?
@Jetah said in Attacks speeds depending on armor ?:
@asspirin said in Attacks speeds depending on armor ?:
@Jetah Then it´s ok i guess, didn´t really play WoW since Burning Crusade so haven´t met those
Your previous reply seemed like they can facetank with ease while massacring opponent. As long as you can have either godly damage OR impenetrable defence (or little of both in balance), everything is fine. My post was rather about deusex2´s post (who would like to see mages in heavy armor)
wow has horrible pve vs pvp balance. 1v1 my dk can do pretty good in dps spec and tank spec but it's a much longer fight in tank spec. i just looked it up and unholy dk is 13 while frost is last at 24 in pve damage meters. but any balance patch can change that.
i wouldn't mind mage tanks (as a spec so to speak) but casters in plate, i'm wanting to say crusaders and some form of paladin was just that (usually with just holy though). they typically had a spell that increased their armor.
i know ultima online has issues with casters in mage-plate in that they were nearly unkillable. i can see the theory of trying to prevent that.
the idea of someone in full plate running equal to someone in cloth or leather is horrible too. it depends on the era of armor we're talking about too. which i wouldn't mind seeing an evolution of gear over the years. plate can be bulky, heavy and not really a good thing for a melee person to have. over time the techniques can improve and new metal can be found which can make the metal thinner but still as strong.There's a problem, if you can't keep up for at least a short while. That problem is that you HAVE to be ranged in heavy armor at that point, or you are nothing but a kiting target... or a meat-plug in a hole somewhere being healed. That's been done in any number of games, and it merely ensures that you have a dearth of people in heavy armor, because the required abilities work better with a different build focus anyway.
Further, it's actually realistic to run at about the same speed. Especially for trained warriors. The idea otherwise is tied pretty heavily to being outrun over long distances, which remains true... but that's best represented not as a maximum speed, but a limited time for going full speed.
RE: Attacks speeds depending on armor ?
Good. Armor slowing users is an old trope that needs to die already. It leads only to one of two ends: That in PvP those players are just kited to death, and that in PvE the roles that utilize such armors feel less interesting to play as a result.
There's room for stamina as a replacement to that idea, if needed. For instance, where I can sprint at basically full speed carrying 80 lbs. I cannot do so for as long as I can unencumbered. That's carrying 80 lbs. of odd bulk as well, not fitted armor...
RE: Subscription
Indeed, the subscription will basically allow slightly faster work through the horizontal aspects of progression, and something along the fashion or vanity lines, if we have what is stated.
It is important to note that the skill system and knowledge system are supposed to be designed such that this only means more variety of abilities faster, and not so much "I haz leet power, die noob!"
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2019
@Kralith said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2019:
Well yes, at least on costs of a strong Thieve Debuffs of different kind for each planet.
If the ownership of an cart is fixed, then a stealing skill should make it able at least to take things from the Cart.@Prometheus said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2019:
... and only the one who crafted it can use it
There is also something else to think about.
If you do cooperative work in a town, it could be very annoying, if you can't use the cart of a friend.^. @Prometheus We need something to ensure that we can share access in some way, if possible. Even if it's just a choice of cart crafting types. For example, a cart could be made with the same recipe, and just a symbol or cloth color over a side or corner... in the following variants as a suggestion:
-Personal cart. Works as described.
-Organization cart (town and/or guild types). Works as described for everyone in the organization.
-Free cart. Works for everyone. For example, players might keep some basic food around a work site for a joint effort between two towns, and having everyone have access would be more beneficial than the risk of the cart wandering off.The benefit of this on your end is in game performance going forward. Instead of three dozen people all needing their own cart to work on a project in a town, you could have a handful of carts for all that work. It isn't game breaking, but it does have benefits on both sides to do something for this, and the differences are fairly minor at that point... so that hopefully it's not making it a huge project on you guys!
RE: Any chance of integrating "Ulti" spells / abilities?
@asspirin Probably not so much ultimates in that regard. The goal is that the power curve is fairly flat. Variety, on the other hand, is a big thing with the game. Passives and ultimates tend to drive higher and higher power curves in those games, which is the opposite of intent. Knowledge and variety of skills is intended, in my understanding, to be what offsets that (alongside play goals that may be more than combat focused).
Of course, stats having an impact means that some specialization will be useful at the least. The game is supposed to have well over 100 skills, so some mixing and matching is highly likely.
It might be possible that they could put in compound advantage/disadvantage stuff at some point, although there is already some of that with the racial stats.
RE: Fractured - a living world?
@Gothix said in Fractured - a living world?:
I remember playing my first RPG - Ultima VIII Pagan - very long time ago... during different times of day, NPCs walked away and moved to different locations, from home to work, and other. I remember it was very nice to have to pay attention to what time of day it is, to be able to perform some tasks. Shops were closed during nights, so you had to go to special shady vendors if you wanted something during that time.
A lot could be done implementing this into the game. Make game feel more alive.
This, and when the original Gothic came out and NPCs freaked out about you entering the wrong places for the first time with all of the rest of things added in... both games did so much more in times when so much less was expected (and often more than modern games that are supposedly so much more advanced).
RE: Fractured - a living world?
@Znirf Awesome. I love a few little touches like this when possible, but I definitely agree that you guys have to make the game complete to current needs first.
RE: Porting Test Weekend & Alpha 2 Update
@Specter Thank you for letting us know, and no worries about the delay. Just happy to hear you guys got things ported over and are moving forward again!
RE: Next test phase
@Specter Yeah, anytime communication happens... it needs to happen on as many platforms as possible.
I've seen this with many game studios, where they just post on one, and then wonder why people didn't know. The simple truth is that people aren't going to follow every platform, some people won't even use some of the platforms, and limiting information outreach is just a negative for studios. The few minutes to copy that to other places has a big impact on the connection to people.
It is basically a classic blunder that even veteran studios have problems with... there is no harm, though, in taking the effort to fix it.
RE: Trading, In-game market
There are several reasons from what has been stated previously, including resources that are spread to different areas. Expect people challenging some content to lose stuff as they die and cannot return quickly. Thus people aiming at tougher foes might have lost a bunch of various gear.
The knowledge system could also play a part in this, where the knowledge for each craft is such that having specific crafter focuses would be a boon to players. I doubt it would make a huge difference, but a little benefit there for those seeking that style of play would be interesting. Maybe not in the power of the result, but a resource reduction such as one less ore to make a sword might be good.
Simply put, so long as a combination of smart design and crafting being actually beneficial as a specific thing exist, you will be in demand. If it's too easy to do, you won't. If they put in a global trade system, you most certainly won't, and suddenly killing you to loot stock is actually by far more attractive to those who might otherwise want your services in their conquered area...
RE: People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday
@Tuoni The big difference with games like Fractured is that progression isn't just about combat. At least, so long as you aren't just constantly locked into fighting and nothing else, which should be something even the demons avoid. Perhaps the most unique thing about Fractured is that it takes a world with more horizontal progression (some minor vertical, yeah) and offers a chance for people to actually build up stuff without the expectation of constant raids. There's maybe a couple other games that seem to have potential toward that.
If all anyone cares about is fighting, there's that to do. Supposedly PvP is the goal for many, and the fighting shouldn't get stale just because you can't go out and get a gear advantage. The PvE combat might, but that's only a portion of the PvE in this game, and not really the progression aspect as much as the rest of things.
Personally, I hope both work well, and everyone has a lot of fun. I know that nothing will ever please everyone, but there's a huge under-served market for that slightly less hectic community progression... one which is far more feasible when everyone is on relatively equal footing. There's no reason why every game must follow the same lines ignoring the same people.