Awesome! Will be seeing what I can do to break things again in odd manners, of course!

Posts made by Jairone
RE: Alpha 1 - Test 2 Launch Day Revealed
RE: An option to NOT choose a deity?
I do think that some option for those specifically not aligned to any god or goddess should exist. Maybe something where if people ignore the gods for long enough entirely they are approached in some way by an organization that is specific to each world (could be an interesting way to add a few more little factions that aren't just guild/player settlement based).
RE: Fractured Alpha Game Play Videos
I didn't video, but I did screenshot. I haven't really put them online outside sharing with a few friends as "Hey, this is what there is yet" and trying to bump interest there.
RE: Hello Everyone
Welcome. I see Muker's link is famous (or maybe infamous for those who want to have zero knowledge of things at all going in.)
RE: Trade
@muker Not sure that the conflict is entirely necessary in that, merely assumed. I think a large portion of that will be things like knowledge for some skills being in places that the locals may not like you being around... but for the resources part I don't think that's a 100% truth.
As to ruining the game, I highly doubt it. It might mean a few less people gather for world pvp(ve) around certain resources... but then those people aren't interested in that world pvp(ve) anyway, and are likely just to continue asking for ways to get around it if the resources are really needed to be viable. It's far better to have those interested in the conflicts participate. NOTHING ruins a game faster than trying to drag, say, those who only are interested in peaceful or mostly peaceful times (whether on Arboreus or hoping to work in safe-haven type situations on Sydensia) into the wrong content. People simply leave if it is required. Just like making a PvP focused player spend a week doing PvE focused RP helping new players for a token that allows participation in 1 battle isn't really going to work out that well. Simply put, it not only creates toxic responses, but it kills game population.
That's not to say raiding has no place, merely that the idea that trade would destroy the game is the same sort of flimsy argument as saying that any ability to PvP means that the game is worthless (because there's some who even go so far as to say the two cannot coexist without causing problems even if the content is all instanced... and to some extent they are correct, as historically abilities for both change due to the other side's issues of course, that's a weak argument that has many potential fixes). Simply put, people who like the PvP will raid anyway, unless it is such a huge disadvantage that they find it far more painful than grinding... at which point balance changes are simply needed.
RE: Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA) (US)
So yes, getting back on topic, of course this law is written as a ridiculous over-extension of the idea that people with disabilities need access to things. Video games are not by and large ever going to accessible to the blind, since describing what is going on takes so long that you've already let the character in any real time game die a dozen times before you even get to the problem being talked about.
Simply put, that's U.S. law. It's a ton of fluff and bad ideas all rolled around some decent concepts. It is part of why so many of us joke about the law here, and why so often it simply isn't applied. Because even the lawyers and the police are confused on what is and is not really allowed...
RE: Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA) (US)
@Meiki The government body that regulates this in the U.S. has stated it applies, the reason it has not been an issue to date is extensions being filed and approved (but with more and more language about the need for the industry to hurry up and figure it out).
Further, there are such definitions in U.S. law. With regard to the laws at hand, the definition is essentially "Businesses that are open to the public, provide a service that is available to the public, or otherwise offer a product or service to the public." You just have to look up the laws that this one references... common practice in U.S. law.
RE: Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA) (US)
@Meiki For the U.S., offered to the public means that it is available for purchase, given away, or anything where you do not have a very limited private membership.
RE: Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA) (US)
@Meiki U.S. law has been, for decades, about adding as many loopholes as possible. See, if the law cannot be understood, much less in a reasonable time, it means that more lawyers are needed.
Most of the U.S. government is lawyers, and especially families of lawyers (with children in law practice). It's a direct conflict of interests that so many people ignore.
As to these requirements, they do actually apply. The FCC, the agency in charge of this, has stated that so long as a chat feature exists within games they will technically be under this rule. However, they have granted extensions for a number of reasons. I personally expect this to end up in the court system, as government willingness to extend the extensions has been lowering and yet the idea of having to provide features in a game can be highly impractical (such as a voice description of what is going on for the blind, which might work for something very simple but not for an online game with a pace faster than molasses in mid-winter).
The best way forward on this one, in my opinion, is that companies will likely push back with legal holds and notices of just how ridiculous this can be, until such time as the forces of inclusion for all push it through regardless, after which several companies will arise specifically to offer 3rd party solutions to the 'problem'.
RE: PVE loot mechanics
@EvolGrinZ said in PVE loot mechanics:
Another problem I see, especially for the beast world, when resources are single use and spawn in the same locations all the time, that there will be bots running a route and harvesting the nodes almost as soon as they spawn.
The nodes are a good PvP driver indeed, but you can't PvP on the beast world.
Perhaps have each world have a unique looting system for the nodes.
Beast World: Nodes can be harvested once per day per player, but don't disappear, so everyone can harvest them. The nodes will only give 1-3 items per harvest.
Demon World: Nodes can only be harvested once every hour and will disappear when harvested. The nodes will give 25-50 items per harvest.
Human World: Nodes can be harvested 3 times, after that it will disappear and will respawn after an hour. The nodes will give 5-15 items per harvest.A system somewhat like that seems fair and balanced to me and caters to the nature of the planet. Demon planet being selfish, and beast world being in harmony with nature and not taking more than you need kind of mentality.
That's a pretty cool thought, although how difficult it may be to make would be a solid question. I'm of the opinion that bots will always be a problem, with the best method of countering them being a mix of PvE enemies and good investigation of methods/patterns (aka, catching them in the act).
RE: PVE loot mechanics
@Pwnstar Everyone has their own preferences. I just noted a number of possible options off the top of my head. It's really not anything new, many games use the idea in PvE.
So each different idea is essentially a different way of handling the RNG. Some people might not like the 'all get a portion' since the RNG might constantly give you what you don't want. So thus comes into play the everyone gets all the loot in turn method. Thus guaranteeing you the full amount of stuff, but only on your turn. It's merely a different method of dividing the goods. Of course, there's room for hybrid ideas and the like.
For example, a hybrid of the two would be that the group gets an initial 'resource type' assigned to each player from a kill (split between each type, and balanced across the group, such that all resources are counted and all members have a type as needed). So for a small group you'd have multiple resources per person, and in a large group multiple people per resource (in the second case, there should be primary, secondary, etc. ranks so that resources that are limited in number go out to people in turn). Then the taking turns part can kick in, where once people have gotten a resource they move to the next resource type.
Essentially it means you will get some part of the loot like in the portion plan, but also that you get a turn on type, preventing the portion from always being what you don't need/want.
I personally tend to like simple solutions, but not everyone does. RNG is always a big point of contention, as is fairness. A few options that are not too difficult to set is a good thing for mitigating that.
RE: PVE loot mechanics
Ideally looting will be none too important in the long run (overall, as each person will get enough to do what they wish). I say that with the following caveat: IF they wish to make a really solid, top end, unique crafting system, where crafters have their own knowledge system, setups, and specific reasons for the people more focused on adventuring out to utilize their services...
Simply put, if the game doesn't have a reason to have people focusing on crafting, the loot system needs to leave it easy enough to get your stuff. That can mean the basic stuff is easy, mid grade is a little harder, and top end is very difficult, but it must be feasible to have decent stuff for all at that point. On the other hand, if it does support that it needs to make the crafting enough of a focus that people actually care to use those services. In general that means a large number of crafts, with skill setups that make different variants and looks, and so on. It's likely more ambitious than the current goal, just to be honest.
So given what we currently know, I'm leaning to the loot grind not being so painful as to drive people away. Ideally each beastie will have certain resources, and the group itself can set the loot system up (one person harvests everything, group all gets a portion, group takes turns on each kill, etc.)
RE: [One Sentence] What turns you off playing a game?
Things getting too easy resulting in huge equipment stockpiles and a constant zerg as the PvP, or balance being favorable toward naked attackers resulting in the same.
RE: Weapon upgrading
@chrightt I think if they follow one of a few prior models in gaming they could be alright. For example, the best material sets in game could have at least 8 different materials, each with their own strengths. Maybe you have that diamond spear, which is the best for pure attack power. But then maybe there's some deposits of 'Golian's Puke' that came from a terrible beast that is now slumbering as another material, and that can cause the weapon to have a poisonous element to it. Maybe there's Corundum, and that causes it to weigh more but have a big defense boost due to the stronger haft. Etc.
Seen it several times, and it offers some of that variety you ask for via the crafting systems out there.
RE: How much time will you spend playing?
My time investment depends on a number of things. I have only so much free time outside work. At work, I do have some downtime where I can potentially play, but I am always on call at a moment's notice. So likely any game that doesn't have an option to quickly and safely AFK is a no-go.
So depending on how much I might be able to do in a town safely at such times on Sydensia, I might be able to play there some then. Otherwise, if I play Fractured during those times, it would be highly limited to very close to home or in Arboreus.
RE: Ranking against total population
Yeah, trivial posts are common. As to the other part of this, for some there might be points of interest. However, I see that as something that is just a little extra work thrown at the studio for a soon-to-be-ending system (as they noted that the foundation would be going down at some point here near the end of the year) unless something has changed.
After all, the focus will be on alpha and beta coming up, which ideally will generate their own excitement.
RE: lost my little dear key </3
As others noted, have patience if you are on pre-alpha list. Think of it as a Christmas present in terms of timing, and be happy if it is early?
RE: Custom Buildings?
The differences between custom buildings are big as well, with some being very minimal in terms of actually being able to make things that are really creative. My favorite systems involve things like real physics for the pieces, along with the ability to move columns and such with fine positioning to create your own designs more fully.
The more common system is based on blocks, with set positioning. Which works, but just isn't as much fun for those who really want to create something truly custom. It is, however, easier for more people to create their own places.
I don't believe this is a huge focus here atm, but who knows. Eventually, maybe, we will get something like this added in.
RE: Class options? And can you mix class talents/skills
As Lohen noted, no classes but rather free skill assignment.
Of course, each set of skills varies as to what stats it works best with. So having a character who is focused on brute force or agility may not work well with something that requires intellect or charisma.
Still, it leaves open the possibility to do something that isn't equal to the best masters out there (such as having a warrior who can heal their own wounds during down time, or who can serve as a poor emergency healer, for an example). What each person chooses to do will be an interesting thing to see.
Finally, to get various skills you have to do things. Exploration and knowledge are important for that.