Yep, pledged up. Figured a lifetime at that price is worth it if the game does well, and not a super-huge loss if it does not. Very cool to see somebody offering those at a price that isn't on the "Virtual property for a car" level!

Best posts made by Jairone
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
RE: Founder Villa, Cottage, Palace?
Given that the bigger packs include multiple character slots, I'd guess you can set down the ones you want in such a case. I'd like to see them have an option to upgrade houses, with some of the resources just starting filled in on the upgrade in such a case. (AKA, select the bigger construction to upgrade to, and some of the first parts are filled in from 'recycled' materials.)
RE: Weave Fracture cataclysm, Elysium lore into exploration
I think one of the more interesting possibilities for lore is people being able to bring back book style copies that can be placed in town libraries for others to see. It makes it possible to build up knowledge of the lore through community, even if it doesn't impact knowledge for skills, and offers a nice little extra to those who are into such things.
Of course, demons might not have such a thing. Too focused on killing stuff.
RE: Preventing Bots in Arboreus
@whisper The debuff being one player based and toggled by that player means it will be abused. Not a good idea.
Now, allowing the player involved click through to remove it... might seem acceptable, however that just means that some people will essentially spam abuse them to annoy (grief) others.
Sadly, there isn't a really good shortcut option (that I have seen work) that doesn't involve misery for legitimate players.
Hi all!
Hiyo, and wishing all here a good time as we look forward to a game with some interesting ideas! Thank goodness for such games finally coming!
@Jahlon meh meh ? What have I done ? x)
@Jairone Pants that change color ? x) Who blend in to the background, the pet or the man with the pant ? x) (I'm not english, sometimes, I don't understand everything ^^ )My thought was the pants would change colors and thus blend into the background. Now everyone can be a floating head and torso combo, with feet showing on the ground!
RE: Switching Characters
@benseine I think that is a matter of people seeing the characters in game as a risk, and especially one with things like disconnects and crashes. Those are a sore spot with many online games that have had issues there, even with PvE and low death penalties...
I like the idea, but think there needs to be some thought to things like that as well. Being punished for the net going down (already something that feels punishing) just makes people frustrated.
Make travel adventurous!
One of the biggest problems with most games is that travel isn't an adventure, especially once you are stronger than a region. There's minimal random stuff happening in general in the genre.
So break that mold. Give us hints of treasure in that lake suddenly, bandits attacking a caravan where we can join in on either side, a cryptic clue that we can research with friends to find some lost caverns and see what lies within, etc. etc. etc.
Travel should not always be boring, it should bring with it dangers and rewards all of it's own. So, some risks... food supplies could become an issue, requiring players to hunt. Disease or dangerous wandering foes could make a trip a nightmare. Give us choices on how to deal with such things, signs of the danger, and then we get to make moves based on what we see.
Simply put, instead of making yet another game where people afk auto-run for ten minutes between places, engage us!
RE: Hey! Interesting progress system, guys.
Welcome, and I agree it sounds interesting! I'm all for more games looking at alternatives to ye olde level system!
RE: Pre-alpha server status notification
Agree that this is a good idea, and not just for pre-alpha. Testing at any point is often full of ups and downs for the servers as things need priority fixes. Having a simple system for this is a good thing. By simple, I mean it could be as little as an icon that is a different color depending on if the server is up or down.
Having that tied to something like the pre-alpha forum page wouldn't be too tough either, in my own experiences. Granted I haven't done a lot of web design, but even then I have done similar things.
RE: Will Animation Cancelling become a combat mechanic one day?
Animation cancelling may LOOK smoother, but it makes it mandatory to compete which becomes a pain in and of itself. Instead of worrying about animation cancelling, let's just have animations that fit what is happening, and not be painful hogs of too much time.
Simpler, easier on everyone playing, and it allows for similar fluid play. There's simply no need for animation cancelling if things are done well, imo. That does mean that long animations need to be rare things for special situations or abilities... but that's fine too.
RE: Alpha 2
@Farlander said in Alpha 2:
Waiting too long can hurt also. Life is Feudal had a huge hype in the beginning. They had a few unique systems that got some attention. Then the game drug on well past launch. So the devs felt pressured to give everyone something. So they released a system that supported about 50 players in the world before it started crashing. This went on another year or two. They finally released their mmo but by then everyone had moved on. Even their mmo I think is still considered in beta. Alot of games seem to have the everlasting alpha/beta tag on them in steam. Those games get horrible reviews which keeps people from buying them. The devs either do some serious fixing or the game slides into oblivion.
My buddy plays Atlas. He swears the game is good but yet if you read the reviews it is trashed by about everyone. He says those were primarily from the launch before the big fixes. I still won't buy it simply because I see all those bad reviews.
This is modern gaming. Everyone still expects that the first time they hear about a game it is 1-2 years out. However, companies are generally at cycle start 6-8 years out for many of the big ambitious projects. That conflict is one that certainly needs addressed, but the difference is one merely of being seen vs. not seen and the frustrations that result.
RE: Weave Fracture cataclysm, Elysium lore into exploration
@dragomok Rofl. Demon overlord to minions: "I require more books. My nightstand is empty, I have nothing to read before bed. Go murder humans and get me books..."
RE: Any chance of integrating "Ulti" spells / abilities?
@asspirin Probably not so much ultimates in that regard. The goal is that the power curve is fairly flat. Variety, on the other hand, is a big thing with the game. Passives and ultimates tend to drive higher and higher power curves in those games, which is the opposite of intent. Knowledge and variety of skills is intended, in my understanding, to be what offsets that (alongside play goals that may be more than combat focused).
Of course, stats having an impact means that some specialization will be useful at the least. The game is supposed to have well over 100 skills, so some mixing and matching is highly likely.
It might be possible that they could put in compound advantage/disadvantage stuff at some point, although there is already some of that with the racial stats.
RE: Pinatas, catatonia, and Montgomery Scott (or what matters the most to me in MMOs)
This has long been a problem with various things in gaming. I think a few games, and indeed a few mods to games, have worked hard on breaking that a little... but it hasn't become something mainstream.
Just like with how so many people point at convenience and World of Warcraft as the gold standard for MMOs (while ignoring that many games actually provide a better experience and even new styles of game play by removing some of those conveniences) the majority of gaming is still focused on the 'Make the player feel special by making things easy for almost anyone'.
The end result is that things tend to feel shallow. It's a constant. There isn't anything wrong with shallow, easy things every now and then. The problem is that there isn't much variety in gaming (outside the genre involved). Games developers (and especially publishers) have been chasing success for a long time, rather than pushing to create something worthy of success. My hope is that some of the games coming out, including Fractured, will aim to be worthy of success instead of just chasing trends. That's a big part of why I'm here.
I hope you get the same feeling from the game, and that you enjoy your experiences with some of the new ideas that are slowly emerging from the independent developers that actually innovate!
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@grofire It already has, but only in 11 of 137 of the known alternate timelines. For us, well, 'Soon.'
RE: Mail & COD
I'd rather see there be some impetus toward a player based mail delivery service. Want to send something somewhere? You contact them. They take the risk of the trip in everything other than what you are sending.
Get a bad reputation with them for killing them to get stuff? Well, they certainly won't run your mail (unless maybe you are paying a fee so high that your ill gotten gains are small by comparison).
RE: Character Creation
@evolgrinz Yep. Although I still liked it with Gothic 2 endgame best. Just keep casting Summon Army of Darkness and watch the masses of skeletons trying to kill the strongest enemies in the game. And they do. Eventually. Even the end boss. So long as you keep putting enough of them out to keep the damage going. Something about having dozens of them doing the dirty work was just so satisfying.
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
@Roccandil I disagree with the dominant group thing. Most games not only have them with numerical advantages (which is easy to see, and historically accurate, but makes for a terrible balance in games like this) but offer increased rewards for the results often further skewing the next results.
Put on a level field, things often change. Where some of the players might indeed be very good, the same is likely true of those who they were dominating with those advantages. In fact, those who were being dominated are likely as good or better on average, because they have faced hardships forcing them to attempt to improve.
That all is an aside to the entire debate on zergs otherwise, though. Creating good systems that don't punish players within games due to such advantages is a tough thing. At least for games with less vertical power curve we have more limited imbalances to address.
RE: [Poll] City Reputation System
I'm not sure. It depends largely upon three factors:
- Time to add. That is, how much of a hit will this make to the game development. Coming in after initial launch would be something that would negate this factor with this system.
- Complexity of rules. That is, are the rules complex enough to do what is needed, but not too complex so that people can actually understand them easily. This can also be considered as a "Can we actually understand the effects of what we are about to do" rule. If every city has a dozen different rules that can affect you around the entire world, then somebody is going to be very upset when, say, they cut down a tree to build something and a city hates them.
- Exclusions and fairness, along with territory changes: Exclusions for trade and diplomatic ties would be basically required in PvP scenarios. There is potential for people in charge to punish other people in a city with such a system. Territory changes cannot leave a city that would view the residents as enemies, and a large change instantly could also be rather less than fair to people who were offline during a change.
Those three issues are where I see this having potential problems. Not that they cannot be overcome, but that they need to be considered with this.