It's been my experience in most mmos that is someone uses vulgar or hate speech those are bannable. Vulgar usually gets a warning and hate speech is usually auto. It's not hard for a gm to pull speech logs either.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: How will be decided which group takes a farming spot on Arboreus (animal planet)?
RE: Next test phase
I like seeing new pics posted. I really like the graphics. It has that old UO isometric top down view but has very nice updated graphics with alot of detail.
RE: New Quest Rewards Needed (Forums)
I would say that most people who have reached 200 are coming here for updates and being involved ion the process rather than being enticed by cosmetic rewards. I'm not going to turn them down but I don't think they are necessary lol.
RE: Next test phase
I backed Firefly Online through the Cortex on steam and we are going on like 3 years now with no word that the game was even cancelled lol.
RE: Monster infrequent weapons?
The barter system is nothing other than another currency system. Each item will still have a coin value. However, instead of carrying coins of fairly little weight you will have to carry bulky items that require much more weight. That in turn will limit the value of transactions because you won't be able to transfer 100 swords worth 1000 gp as it would to just carry 1000 gp of coins. If you are lucky you will be able to store several items of varying values so you can easily make "change".
I liked the systems that were in later UO expansions and SWTOR. Your money was stored in the bank and each transaction was done via "check" where you bought an item and the money was directly removed from your bank to the other player's account. It's hard to do a transaction with a player in person when each person has a limited carrying weight. "Oh wait a second I can't carry all of that to make this trade. Wait a few minutes while I run home to get rid of some of my inventory."
I don't want complete realism. I want quality of life systems to speed up game functions to give me more time to do fun stuff. If you want to see a system as you are all talking about go check out Life is Feudal. I've mentioned it before. See how successful they have been with no loot drops, player only crafting, barter trading (resources of varying values became the preferred method by players), time sinks for everything you do, etc... It was basically a dead game by the time they launched their full game into the mmo.
RE: Next test phase
Once these forums opened up I haven't tried to follow the game anywhere else. I know alot of backers often complain that devs don't continue to post on their kickstarter. I think a post on the kickstarter news that all info will be posted at X location should be sufficient to direct people where they want to go.
RE: What will be the in-game gold sinks?
I prefer there to be a basic coinage system in the game. Doing everything in gold coins is much easier than some king of conversion system designated from bartering. It allows a player to convert all their junk items into one easily stored item in the form of coins. Then dealing with npcs will produce coins into the system from missions to buying/selling items. Everything becomes easier using a money system. Why do you think all societies in then world adopted one?
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
@Pluto It depends on the grind time to achieve that trade in currency. If it takes weeks or months to get what a player can buy in seconds it's not a good system.
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
Are you asking if there are tools in the game to facilitate this idea? You can do anything that you want to do within the scope of the game.
Back to the question though. The only way I see your hitman being so far within the game is someone offering you money or goods to kill another player. That would require you finding the person (near impossible) and then catching the person in an area where they can be attacked. If they are a demon then you would be able to kill them at some point. If they are a beastman then trying to kill them would be harder. They would have to be caught in the demon lands.
If you were asking if the game would allow someone to put a bounty on their head then you track them ingame to find them. I don't think that mechanic exists as of right now. This was talked about in UO alot in the forums. It did exist at one period of time there. What is basically amounted to was giving gold to the people you actually put the bounty upon. They would simply have a friend kill them once they saw their name on the bounty board. This was a queue you were asked when killed by someone. Often the person dying would be so mad they would put money on the head of their killer. This as I said just became a bonus for the looting they already did.
On the other hand, operating as someone killing those that kill is quite doable. Simply go find and kill all those with evil karma. Whether they are guilty of anything against another player would be questionable since alot of these players will start the game as evil lol.
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
I'd say as long as they keep rolling out the tests and working on fixes then we are doing fine. As issues come up the community can voice its concerns and the devs can take that info into consideration...or not. This is their game and we are just testers of it. Forum population doesn't even represent the whole of the community since many players won't even use forums. I know from experience because a very small portion of my guilds would ever use the forums.
RE: Inter-City relations
I'm hoping resource locations are randomized on a timer/cooldown. It would also be nice if they were similar to SWG resources where each resource was not a static type such as valorite from UO but had randomized properties for crafting purposes. They properties were set by the spawn and may never repeat from location to location.
RE: Fractured - a living world?
I hope there is good use of an npc system. Npcs add to the appearance of a population. I always hated coming into a town in a game and being the only person in it. I also would like to see npc mobs spawn that you can kill...maybe npc villages out in the wild. That was a mistake I thought LIF made. They said they wouldn't use npcs. All characters in the game would be players. The world seemed so abandoned when you would walk around. You would find these huge settlements and no one would be there because the entire group who made it was offline.
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
@Xzoviac Explain how this system would work with game mechanics. Where would this jail exist? How would you escape? What would be the obstacles to escape? When you escaped where would you end up on the map?
Since you lose everything when you die, is the prison going to reequip you? If you manage to escape is it to a set location? Wouldn't other players be camping this location to just kill you again once you escape?
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
@Yitra Oh wow have you not played many mmo's where people spend tons of money just to look better than the next person at the community gathering spot such as the bank in UO? lol
RE: is it possible to become a hit man
There was a jail in UO. It basically was a place you were put if you got caught macroing or other lesser charges. I was there a few times for macroing lol. If I remember right there was a time limit and then you hit a gate and left or was it when you logged in next you were teleported to Brit gate. I can't remember.. I even remember macroing in jail lol. Seems no one ever checked there for offenders.
An island that no one could go to other than criminals sent there would be similar to the jail in UO. I'm not sure exactly how much players would like running around with no gear trying to evade death. I also feel there should be a point you get locked into perma criminal status. Either that or have one hell of a penalizing system to remove it. Nothing destroys a game for me more than griefers and players who take joy only in making other players upset.
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
And if those things lend to you having a greater advantage over myself I will be one of the first to quit the game. Your lifetime will have a very short life expectancy if others feel the same and don't have fun because of it. The difference is I will be out less money if the game fails.
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
@Mindark You have some flaws in your reasons.
Your account is limited on the number of characters you can build. I do believe they give you the option to buy more slots but there comes a point at which you have too many characters, Are we supposed to buy a new slot every time they roll out new game mechanics that nerfs our character build to the point that your toon is shot?
it won't be easy to "spin up" a new toon if you mean advance them. The knowledge system, unless it share as across all characters, is going to be a very lengthy process. I akin it to the datacrons in SWTOR. I didn't know any players personally that had everyone of them unlocked and none across all their characters. Knowledge nodes are going to take alot of time and the fact that my character would get nerfed to the point they are no fun to play is a point at which I would have to think about giving up the game if I thought I had to spend weeks rerolling another toon to have fun again.
Respecing, if available to everyone, has absolutely no bearing on another player. Since all characters level horizontally no one will have any advantage respecing. It's a courtesy to players to help them make changes on their characters so that they have more fun with their playing experience. It's in the best interests to the devs to keep players around and enjoying the game rather than quit over their main/favorite character no longer being much fun because of the regrets of a poor decision on a choice they made or because the game changes in such a way decisions they made are no longer valid.
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
My favored alternative is the one planned here. I prefer no sub with micro transactions for cosmetics. Cosmetics are such a huge thing for most players. I would expect this generates decent income for the devs. They are easy to introduce because they cause no balance issues with the game itself.
RE: reading other player's background story
Do you mean player or characters entered into their foundation background? If you want to read up on player info just click on the name in the forum. It will bring up a profile.
RE: Fractured MMO Alpha 2.0 Gameplay Footage 2019 - House Building, Gathering & Game Key Giveaway!
Nice video. I posted it to my community page. Hopefully it draws some interest from my group. They are more of a fighting group so if you get some of those videos up let me know