@Gothix In UO there were spawn locations but the spawns would move the longer they were out. I'm not sure if they were tethered to the spawn location with a limit of travel but you could often find the spawn 2-3 screens from where it came in.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: Any ideas for easing the search for specific items/mobs?
RE: Questions and observation on the lack of depth for people who like crafting to define their character
With the game being full loot and losing all your gear upon death, I don't see alot of people investing time into making top end loot for themselves. With the current system for travelling most people will be dying far away from their bodies. I would expect your body to have a small timer to return to it to gather your loot. Even if you do get back to it all the gear is damaged. How much damage I haven't seen. I also haven't seen much on repairing. With all that in consideration I see alot of people dressing like the early days of UO, basic gear that you can throw away. I'm sure there will be those that want the high end stuff and those will be the guys getting chased by the pks lol.
RE: What we could craft from the glass?
If they take away from UO it was used in house decorations such as vases.
RE: What kind of game do you hope Fractured will be?
I can't really vote on this poll as there is no clear cut answer for me with the options provided. I like rpg and immersion and I like when my choices matter. SWTOR has done that option for me the best of any game I have played. I also like sandboxes and exploring. I was kind of hoping for both the options in this game lol.
RE: May 3 City Progression & PvP Q&A Livestream - List Your Questions!
What happens when a player quits the game that is running a city?
How do you change who runs the city?
Where do city finances from taxes go and who has access to them? What can those taxes be used for?
RE: Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary
Ok I didn't read the entire thread but caught a few topics that made me take notice.
What dictates epic gear? Since everything is horizontal meaning there is no tip in the stats in total power what will mean something is epic? From what I'm understanding the total stats for everything from characters to gear is not supposed to vary enough that anything will be epic. Everything is supposed to be fairly equal...right? Are we saying stats in fire will be better than stats in cold? Will there be a stat type that rises to the top tier? I'm not seeing a tier system unless gear operates differently from characters. If it does then the whole argument that a player right out of creation is as good as a character that has been running around for years. I know that argument has been beat to death and I don't want to begin it again lol.
The question on breaking into player housing is something I'm strongly against. We do not live in the game world and can not protect our belongings 24/7. Players need some safe place to store stuff from others. If my house isn't safe then I see no reason to ever have a house. A house in mmos has always been a storage shed for me.
RE: Death and what it entails
I thought it was said there would be durability since we have been told upon death gear is damaged. That would indicate gear is going to degrade. No repairing and damage upon death means gear will rotate alot. If gear is horizontal as characters are then there would be no such thing as epic gear nor would that mean that gear degrades in stats. So I'm not seeing how improving your crafting ability really really "improves" your character as a crafter. From all I can rationalize "improving" in knowledge just opens up new options. Not necessarily better or more powerful just different.
So what am I getting at? If everyone is able to craft the same quality of gear right out of the box then I don't see much of a player run market. Everyone will basically be able to supply themselves since basic mats are probably going to be readily available. That said the only good vendors are just going to be the ones that actually supply goods. There's no competition in quality of goods.
RE: Looting? Pickpocketing? Or Lock picking & Burglary
@humerus I think this is going to be a different kind of mmo where there is no finish line in the creation progress of your characters. If that is so the game will need to center on regular events to hold players' attention. I believe this because every game I have played my interest was held only until I got to the end content. However, if the game held regular events such as UO and SWTOR did, then I stuck around for the social aspect and just had fun with my team mates.
RE: Why we need attribute respec options.
@Nekrage If you look above in the first post I did say with a cool down.
@ Jetah I also can't see how respecing would be pay-to-win with a huge delay between respecing. If there was a month between respec purchases how are you taking advantage of the option to counter a specific situation such as a pvp event? BTW are we even forgetting all the arguments that a player straight out of creation is not much different than a well developed character? That argument has been beaten to death. You are speaking in what if situations. Can you describe in detail a situation that makes you worried about others being able to repec with say a month between respecs?
RE: Building a home
4 days isn't that bad earning your way to your first house. My first house in UO took me about 6 months. Then again back then you had to wait for someone else's to fall lol.
RE: Why we need attribute respec options.
@Lemdul81 I respectively disagree this becomes pay-to-win adding respec to the cash store. That implies changing your stats gives you some advantage in the game. It is just a redistribution of the points you already had. Just because you get something for cash does not make it play to win. It has to give you an edge over other players. They are already selling ingame items in the cash store such as pets and furniture so the idea that they are making money off ingame items is already there. I see no problem with cash purchases in lieu of a sub to make money on their product. I would be one of the loudest complainers if they added items to the store that gave people advantages in the game.
RE: Bartle's Taxonomy and this game.
I admit I have not read every post in the thread but commenting on the first one I think there are at least two types left out:
The griefer. This is the person who loves nothing other than causing other players problems, cheating the game and just otherwise causing mischief.
The capitalist. Someone only playing the game to turn it into real profit. They run bots and could care less about anything the game has to offer.
RE: Info on Changes to Guild Cities
Honestly from my experiences in SWG a city inhabited by one guild is hard to maintain. We had our own city and our guild went through a schism with it splitting into 2 groups. It left the city in shambles.
Likewise there needs to be an easy way to transition a city from the existing governor to a new one in case they quit the game. In fact, there needs to be login requirements for a governor. In SWG we lost several of our buildings because we had no one in charge to pay the taxes and allocate funds where they needed to be. It was a mess all because one person decided they didn't want to run the city any more.
We ended up with control later and got things back on track. We invited other guilds to join the city and before we finally quit we had 8 fairly large guilds in the city and it made us the largest on our planet.
RE: Info on Changes to Guild Cities
Hopefully the time a ruler is inactive to the point you can replace them isn't too long. I realize people need time to have off in the real world. It would also be nice to be able appoint a temporary leader in the case of someone having to go inactive for an extended period of time. If no one is in charge the time period shouldn't be more than a week or two from last login. Someone just deciding to quit or worse yet rage quit and then systematically trying to destroy everything before they leave can be a problem as well. Players dedicated to a city need some controls in place to stop a tyrant
RE: Anyone else concerned how the last design journal was literally two years ago?
They periodically put out news to show progress. You somehow found yourself here so that means you saw some kind of advertising for it
With it in testing most of the design is going to be in polishing the game not polishing the website.
Alot of Hello threads
Advertising must have hit somewhere. It seems like it goes in waves by countries for new accounts lol.
RE: Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!
I was a beta tester for Star Wars Galaxies. The idea they have here is similar to that game. It wasn't long after release the mechanic changed because of the outcry of the players tired of having to remake gear lol.
RE: How to implement fast travelling?
@Xamedhi I like the idea of fast travel myself, but yes it has already been shot down. I consider it a quality of life mechanic. Once you have explored everything there comes a point you just want to get from point a to b without having to spend the time actually traversing the map. When we played UO and wanted to do dungeon crawls it was very nice to be able to gate the entire party to the dungeon. I remember doing treasure maps and having to walk several maps. We would ultimately lose several people in the party if the walking was even 15 minutes or more, either from boredom or from just getting lost.
RE: The Potential City Problem.
When we played Life is Feudal resources were traded between settlements/groups to build certain things. There was no other way so it was forced. There wasn't a pvp option so you had to trade. How can you add a pvp option when one planet doesn't even have that option to use? It seems just as LIF did, Fractured is trying to reinforce the idea of player cooperation.
I'm more concerned that the resource upkeep will be so extreme that players will have to "work" just to keep a city going to escape decay. I hope the requirements are not extreme. On another note I'm really liking the feel of the graphics
RE: The Potential City Problem.
@Gothix You're saying the only reason people pvp is to get rich. I completely disagree with that statement. I saw many players who would kill my mule in UO simply because they could. Often I'd come back to find nothing gone and my horse dead beside me. For many pvp is just the thrill of killing other players. I would bet many of those gank groups thought they had a ton of fun running around killing for a couple of hours in that manner.