VIP system : What do you think ?


    I personally think just have VIP give you a IG currency stipend. Maybe occasionally have a monthly bonus of something minor and cosmetic (like a cloak or some stuff). This allows people who throw in with the company to actually guarantee they get something.

    I suggest this because I have seen it work well first hand. The idea is it works like this.

    Every month you will gain some ingame currency - but one some months you might also get a VIP reward (cloak or hat or some cosmetic item). The currency means that you will always gain something (but not at the same rate as someone buying the currency straight up - like a 90% return on your money rather then 100%) but you also are rolling the dice that there is a goodies coming to you. Alternatively if you throw in for a FEW months (4-8-12 as standard) then you gain MORE currency for $$ then otherwise (like 110%).
    Example 1$ = 1 gem
    Sub is 20$
    So you get 18 gems when you pay
    However if you sub for 4 months @ 69$
    you get 80 gems when you pay
    8 months for 120$
    you get 160 gems when you pay
    and so on.

    That way your tossing money ahead for the hope that you will get what you want and have gems when you need them and as an added bonus you get the special snowflake thing...maybe a title...maybe a cloak skin or some such; just a little bonus for putting your money into the game.



    Not a bad idea.

    I personally mostly liked the "optional subscription" system of original The Secret World (after Funcom abandoned the mandatory subscription, but before they implemented crap like gear chests and other combat boosts in shop).


    Basically game was buy to play, and subscription was optional (so like VIP) and what you gained for subscription was:

    • monthly amount of in game currency equivalent to subscription cost (to be spent in regular cash shop)
    • few veteran points every month while being subscribed (to be spent in special section in store, able to buy unique cosmetics only purchasable with veteran points)
    • 30% discount on all regular cash shop purchases (your money is worth more)
    • unique cosmetic item of the month (that only subscribed members could get, and only those that were actually subscribed in particular month that item was given, this item never become available later on)
    • additional unique cosmetic reward for "milestones" (how long you were subscribed: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year,...)

    People loved such optional subscription and so many had it, even though it was purely cosmetic, people loved the fact that they were getting UNIQUE cosmetics not available from regular cash shop, and they loved that their money was worth more (30% discount on cash purchases while subscribed).


    @specter & @Gofrit

    So the resources, time and quest are the limit on learning new skills? Then why put Knowledge Points in the VIP at all? Why give the illusion that it's going to help when it won't. It almost seems as though if VIP gives the illusion of power people will buy it.


    You make a good point!


    @jetah @Logain @Gofrit @Gothix On the new post where all the information we got is display it seem that the VIP is now OK with the majority (with some degree of variation with the content of such VIP sub)



    Yes, but i still see flaws. There are plenty of people that may play but wont because 1 or a few youtube celebrities say it's p2w.

    How would a person justify VIP (outside of cosmetics) if they have 100k Knowledge Points but no way to turn that into skills?

  • Moderator

    @jetah Because VIP is not supposed to make you stronger than someone who isn't a VIP. The extra Knowledge Points will accelerate your horizontal progression/completionism, but the tasks and rare blank tomes will be the biggest limitation to leveling your skills up. I don't know if you're going to need Knowledge Points to level abilities beyond lvl 1, but completing the prerequirements to level an ability in the first place will take a lot of time. After all, leveling an ability to lvl 3 requires you to do 6 tasks across multiple planets which won't be easy considering the limitations on Arboreus and Tartaros for some races and alignments. 😛


    Normally when theirs a 'VIP Status" it seems that whoever has it gets a major advantage over none VIP members. Not in ways of strength but in the ways of getting more points or learning extra skills. In all honesty it would be good to see some newer games without the advantage of VIP.



    my point will always be: if it affects combat it shouldn't be in VIP. KP and Learning Slots do just that. they help open the character to new skills which does effect combat. Cosmetics don't do that.

    I'm the monitory here, I'd prefer to see just pure cosmetic in VIP than anything that touches combat in any round-about way. I personally believe Fractured could do well without VIP at all. Offer packs of unique cosmetics that are limited time. Offer different tiers of said armor (or multiple sets) just like PoE does. Add in some bank tabs/customization for that and you're golden! You plan to offer mounts that means you could include mount cosmetics in the packs too.

  • Wiki Editor

    @jetah said in VIP system : What do you think ?:


    my point will always be: if it affects combat it shouldn't be in VIP. KP and Learning Slots do just that. they help open the character to new skills which does effect combat. Cosmetics don't do that.

    I'm the monitory here, I'd prefer to see just pure cosmetic in VIP than anything that touches combat in any round-about way. I personally believe Fractured could do well without VIP at all. Offer packs of unique cosmetics that are limited time. Offer different tiers of said armor (or multiple sets) just like PoE does. Add in some bank tabs/customization for that and you're golden! You plan to offer mounts that means you could include mount cosmetics in the packs too.

    Don't forget special decorations for your house (or hideout in PoE).

    The one thing I really like about PoE packs is that you always get enough shop currency to cover the cost of the pack. Everything extra in the pack is icing.

    As an example, if shop currency costs $0.01 each and I buy a $25 pack, that pack will come with 2,500 shop currency in addition to some cosmetics.


    @kellewic i'm looking at PoE's packs right now and it seems to be about 5$ less than the point purchase. a 30$ pack gives 25$ worth of points. 480$ pack gives equal value.

    so yeah the packs are valued pretty well. This is something I'm trying to get DS to understand (they don't need VIP!).


    @specter said in VIP system : What do you think ?:

    (...)and rare blank tomes will be the biggest limitation(...)

    I'm willing to bet with you that's not going to be any sort of limitation at all.


    Imo till we it in action I think its solid enough as it is


    I do not see the point of keeping debate on the matter, in the pre-Alfa/Alfa/beta we will see how it's effecting, and we will be able to say what we think, right now it's just a guessing game.


    @grofire said in VIP system : What do you think ?:

    I do not see the point of keeping debate on the matter, in the pre-Alfa/Alfa/beta we will see how it's effecting, and we will be able to say what we think, right now it's just a guessing game.

    We can still have a guess-debate. 😉


    @grofire said in VIP system : What do you think ?:

    I do not see the point of keeping debate on the matter, in the pre-Alfa/Alfa/beta we will see how it's effecting, and we will be able to say what we think, right now it's just a guessing game.

    so if you purchased the Immortal tier specifically for the lifetime VIP and if Knowledge Point and Learning Slots were removed would you have still paid for that tier or would have you purchased a cheaper Kickstarter tier?


    @jetah don't know to tell you since i have no idea how the game going to be same as all of us, and in any case i do not have so much money 😕


    @nate nice


    @grofire said in VIP system : What do you think ?:

    @jetah don't know to tell you since i have no idea how the game going to be same as all of us, and in any case i do not have so much money 😕

    Would you have picked a lower tier if the VIP was different than advertised on Kickstarter?


    @jetah no, but i take the 20 euro one....

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