What is your biggest want in this game?

  • @Oxfurd I really really want gardening to be a least a little bit relevant. like, I would spend hours of the game on-end just making sure my plants are healthy if like eating food made of them gave bonuses so I could give them to my guild mates and such.

  • @Roccandil but, a little bit of rng, right? like, I want to work hard to get good stuff, yeah defonitely, but like the thrill of chance is nice sometimes.


    • boats, ocean exploration and boat PvP, exploring far new lands, difficult and dangerous ocean fishing expeditions
    • weather conditions and disasters, influencing city management and PvP/PvE in open world
    • housing underground, secret cellars and tunnels (yeah I know this is not likely to happen, but since we are listing our desires here... 🙂 )
    • detailed marriage system, tied with resource sharing, and resource division after divorce (hmm, a contract system)
    • city (and/or guild) infiltration / spy mechanics, being able to be citizen of one city, but "fake" a citisenship of another to gain info, make subterfuge, etc. and with consequences if you are discovered

    Eh OK I will not list anymore to not make Devs head hurt. 😛


    Alrighty so I'm going to narrow it down to my top three interests in any fantasy game / MMO

    • A great magic system - I'm almost always drawn to the magical aspect in any game, whether this is healing abilities, necromancy or even just roleplay abilities, the less mundane and more arcane I can make my character, the better!

    • religions - while I don't have to worry too much about gods in Fractured being a thing (as they're absolutely a major game aspect) the ability to take things one step further and really dedicate yourself to the religious arts would be great to me. The idea of becoming a priest of Bibilis or Tyros (spelling) really interests me.

    • Finally, Naval content - this one is not usually as integral since the base game must be worked on before any real naval systems but, I simply adore sailing in fantasy games whether its exploring, trading or raiding.

    • Bonus point, developers that are very open and that communicate, I think it is an integral part to current game development using crowdfunding and I can't complain about my interactions with the Fractured community so far.

  • I am very happy to see a mechanic where you need to go out to hunt/build your skill sets like in Gw1.




    I always loved gathering and crafting in MMO's that do it well.
    I hope/wish they'd flesh out the crafting system a lot in the future. Probably won't see anything deeper before release other than the recipes city levels will open up.
    But I'd love to see crafting specific achievements and knowledge entries and also different professions you can focus on. A separate crafting talent tree and why not even a specific "crafting class" of some sorts.
    I could see myself tending to a city's farm and husbandry (don't judge! haha) and not just a 5-minute thing you do every day like in most other games. If I could spend 10 hours in a farming/crafting "simulator" making food and craft items for the city/guild I belong to, I'd be in heaven. As long as it's not a simple "click and craft" system.

  • I think a pve "invasion" event would be cool. The invasion forces could be abominations that attack the beastmen world, demons for humans, and maybe some type of holy human faction attack the demons. Maybe have them go from zone to zone pillaging. Can give players a incentive to move around and hunt them down.


    World Peace
    A place where everyone can be rich and have whatever they want
    A place where you can roast clouds over an open fire and make smore clouds.
    A fat juicy demon steak sizzling in hooman fat and topped with catnip.

    Well, now that the crap that most people tend to want is out of the way.....

    I would like a good crafting system
    Game play that can keep my interest after I've learned all the knowledge in the game
    Lots of variety that I can switch between when I get too bored with something.

    oh... and catnip. did I mention catnip already? 🙂

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    I hope the game mechanics encourage community interaction and dont narrow things down to the guild-microcosm of modern mmos. Ive been playing mmos for over 20 years now - guilds used to be a thing you joined after a while when you made friends with people, and by that point your friends in the game were just as much in your guild as other people you had met and interacted with and because of this you spent most of your time doing mundane activities with friends or friends of friends and not your guild specifically. In modern mmos they are something you join right at the start because the games tend to be more 'activities for guilds to do' rather than virtual worlds. It has the effect of simply closing off the rest of the community from the players rather than being a social element.


    I think having Seasons of hardcore players would be neat. but the seasons aren't guaranteed, give rewards for participation rewards as well as major cosmetic rewards for those that win (in whatever the rules are for that season).

    IE Season 1 - Aug 1 - Aug 31. participation prize - weapon skin | major prize - 1 month VIP & full outfit cosmetic. (could be rewards for top 10 or 50 or whatever but I dont type all that out).

    then Season 2 might not start till Dec.

    All knowledge is migrated to your main account so you dont feel like you're wasting time playing the Season.


    Solid and fun PvP.

    Also like to see if big large scale PvP is viable in this game or not.


    More versatile housing. We could still utilize the standard blueprints but perhaps we could get ones without interior walls and doors too. Then we could choose walls (maybe even half walls,) doors and windows to place were we wish.

    Then again, maybe there could be a draw your own blueprint function. Layout the exterior lines, is there a deck/patio area, where are the doors and window, then draw in the interior walls and doors. You are then given a blueprint to place in your lot that just like now shows the materials required to build your house. Perfection, your very own Fractured home!

    Don’t forget home decorating. There is an entire economy surrounding that. Many people love to spend the day making their home beautiful and of course they need folks that can craft items to decorate those homes. Can you get a blueprint that includes built in bookcases or should you have a carpenter that installs them, or will we even be able to place items to make them necessary?

    That reminds me, the ability to “place” items. That is always fun. I am not sure if this is an upcoming thing or not. If it is, then please forgive my dearth of knowledge. If it isn’t, well then, I want please!

    I could continue on in much greater detail and with more ideas, but… Well someone did ask what we wanted, right?
    Everything else is going so well and I think my other wants are going to be covered so…

    I do really like the boats and ocean encounters idea too!

  • boobs slider


    My biggest want is that Fractured be substantively different from contemporary sandpark games like Albion Online and instead is more of a spiritual successor to games like Tibia and Ultima.

    That's a big ask and it's risky for the developers to honor since gamers in general are quite different than they once were. But all in all, I hope the game is a bit hardcore and inconvenient and incentivizes social interaction, a dynamic political climate, and generally avoids the features that might otherwise make it resemble a superficial MOBA you can just phone it in on when you play.


    @Znick said in What is your biggest want in this game?:

    I'd really like a key, lol. I spent almost $300 on Crowfall in... 2016... and the game isn't out yet. (and what I've played I've disliked) So I told myself I'd never pre-pay for a game again.

    So I'd like a key, lol. It'd only take an hour and I'd know if I should pull out me cc.


    Ah crowfall... been there ... 1600 dollar... was lucky to sell that officially to Ashen Shan and invest that in the great No-Game of Noone CoE.... from one yuk into another dud...
    btw. If i had a key i would give you one.


    @Dordolio I actually ended up winning a key, so i'm good to go! 🙂




    Hello @Znick congrats !!

  • my want list:

    • remove immunities from PvP
    • balance hard CC (cd / heavy diminishing returns)
    • present channeled abilities in next alpha/beta/close future ❤
    • list of all the abilities with their variations (and stat requirements)
    • exact info on weapons ("has a small chance to stun all the creatures it hits"--->"has X% to stun all the creatures it hits") and armours (described as light/medium/heavy)
    • give some kind of "stun breaker ability" or short cc imunity, be it item or ability
    • life leeching abilities ❤ 🙂
    • latency <50
    • fps >50 😄


    What I'd want at some point in in the far future:

    • Dual-wielding. From wielding a katana & wakizashi, rapier and main gauche, or a short sword & hatchet, I've always preferred either the option to dual-wield over using a heavy two-handed weapon or a shield.
    • A great variety of healing magics you can learn. I always like being a MeeM.
    • Respect for light and medium armor. The last few MMOs I've played, in particular Wurm, were fans of overly biasing heavy armor while making light armor gameplay laughable. Dang it, I don't want to be a tank. I want to be a dodgy boy!!
    • The option to choose to be left or right handed, and it affect how I fight and parry.
    • This one is VERY VERY not likely to happen, but maybe less furry furries? 🤷
    • A way in the future, say neutral planets and/or asteroids, where it is easier for multi-race player cities to be founded and exist without issue.

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