Alrighty so I'm going to narrow it down to my top three interests in any fantasy game / MMO
A great magic system - I'm almost always drawn to the magical aspect in any game, whether this is healing abilities, necromancy or even just roleplay abilities, the less mundane and more arcane I can make my character, the better!
religions - while I don't have to worry too much about gods in Fractured being a thing (as they're absolutely a major game aspect) the ability to take things one step further and really dedicate yourself to the religious arts would be great to me. The idea of becoming a priest of Bibilis or Tyros (spelling) really interests me.
Finally, Naval content - this one is not usually as integral since the base game must be worked on before any real naval systems but, I simply adore sailing in fantasy games whether its exploring, trading or raiding.
Bonus point, developers that are very open and that communicate, I think it is an integral part to current game development using crowdfunding and I can't complain about my interactions with the Fractured community so far.