What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?

  • Content Creator

    Lets focus on the topic and not bring politics into this please.

    There are just people that really don't want to be living in a chat filled with N words and such.

    I am not so ignorant to the MMO scene that I think this is going to be a friendly environment 24/7. The drama will be real. The tears will be real.

    Lets just curse each other off at the end of the day but keep the racism out of it. Please.


    @Specter I can imagine how much work it would be during an open test weekend when any bored person is free to join. No one person can be watching 24/7!

    I would like to make a suggestion for future open tests. I noticed that there is a sub forum section for backers of a certain tier to view dev updates and things of that nature. Maybe using something similar to that, make a sub forum for backers (of a certain tier) to send screenshot reports of bad chat behavior during the hours that you cannot watch? Of course, it shouldn't be open to the public to view, and they should include full screenshots as evidence (not just a chatbox screenshot), and then your team can check it over and decide if any actions should be taken. This might be helpful during open tests until more chat functions like a "report player" function and/or an "ignore player" function can be implemented.


    @Prometheus said in What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?:

    Our terms of service are pretty clear, the content we do not accept is that which

    "violates any third-party right or any intellectual property or proprietary right; (ii) that is unlawful, harassing, abusive, tortious, threatening, harmful, invasive of another’s privacy, vulgar, defamatory, false, intentionally misleading, trade libelous, pornographic, obscene, patently offensive, promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual; (iii) that is harmful to minors in any way; or (iv) that is in violation of any law, regulation, or obligations or restrictions imposed by any third party"

    so basically we can't do anything because china is offended by everything. got it!


    @Jetah Don't know what you're talking about here, I feel like you're just grumpy and trying to turn this into some political statement that has nothing to do with Fractured or the Fractured team.



    i didn't saying anything about being political statement. i just said that china is offended by everything that is posted within the ToS. in such, we can't speak because they'll cry about it.


    @grofire said in What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?:

    @Tuoni or a smart and free man....

    More like incivil, perhaps you should start from here to catch up a little bit.


    @Tuoni i will not tell you what i think on this... but it always funny to see that Americans love their PC

  • Moderator

    Please keep the politics out of this discussion. Dynamight has its own rules regarding foul language.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    I think the question from OP was replied to so we can close this one 🙂

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