PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV
I´ve searched all I could about it but there´s this particular aspect of it that I feel has not been answered. this especyfic for Demons but aplies to the rest too!
When you die wether is pvp or pve it is said By @Prometheus "you loose everything", or in other words, you drop everething if you can´t get to your corpse before it gets looted by other players.
What is unclear to me and my question is:
Does your gear like Armor, sword, helmet. etc drops in full too everytime you get killed or is "everything" related to everything in your inventory/Backpack?Could it be that you drop everything in your inventory BUT your gear is treated slyghtily diferent: you have a chance of losing some of your gear, lets say 15 to 20% on each item.
In that cenario maybe you drop your sword, maybe a chest plate, maybe both, or even maybe with some luck no gear is lost only the inventory/Backpack content.I ask becouse usually in an MMO, end game gear can be quite expensive or hard to come by. I´ve played other mmo´s with lootable PvP and for me and many other players this is one of the coolest features in Fractured.
But from that experience I found that droping all your gear on death may not be Ideal and it hurts the gameplay. The harder it is to acquire a good powerfull gear set the more this becomes true.Enchantment/Blessing
Another feture that could be used to help in this is the enchentment/blessing of an item, something like a Divine quest, preferably a hard one that would either grant an one kill protection imunity to an item or just decrease the chance of dropping it on death, but it gets consumed in the next death.
After that you could regain that "Blessing" by re-doing the quest and it could be a diferent one this time for variation/anti-grinding pourposes.I know it means more content and more work for our dev team but it is a very interesting feature to be taken under consideration even if for post realease updates!
The killed one should be afraid of dying and losing hight end gear and the killer should have the estimulus and expectation of the valuable loot, but all in a balance.
I´ll leave a poll here to see what the comunity feel about it!Hope @Specter or @Prometheus or any dev could speak on this! =D
@pedrobillymattos said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
What is unclear to me and my question is:
Does your gear like Armor, sword, helmet. etc drops in full too everytime you get killed or is "everything" related to everything in your inventory?When you get knocked out you lose / drop everything in your inventory. When you get killed you lose / drop every piece of equipement you are wearing. Was answered by Prometheus in an Q&A. Hopefully I got this right
Since Fractured has horizontal progressing, loosing your gear is not that big of deal. You only need to start your journey from anew
@pedrobillymattos When you die, you will lose all the gear you're wearing as well. With that said, unlike many other games, gear will be easy to obtain in Fractured.
In addition to that, Fractured is all about horizontal progression and so is the gear. There are no strictly better or worse tiers of gear, except for some crude armor/weapons you can craft as a quick means to get back onto your feet until you have obtained a proper set of gear again.
@specter Wow! Thanks for responding so fast!! Aewsome! xD
Well that is clarifying! If I understood corectly that means that the quality of the gear is of small variety and doesn´t really influence the competitive perfomance of PvP that much, and good competitive gear is easy to come by. Is that correct?
I used to think that the crafiting of the game would produce among many things, these beter tier, rare, beter performing gear items, but appearently not
I wonder then what would the rare resources combined with crafting produce?(abilities maybe?) And what would make raids to collect resources you wont find in tartaros, worth it? To gain beter competitivness edge that is, I mean besides geting resourses for buildings etc
I´ll keep searchinf the forum for that but I´d really apriciate if someone could shine some light on that! =D
@Eurav Thanks for your reply! =D
@pedrobillymattos said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
Well that is clarifying! If I understood corectly that means that the quality of the gear is of small variety and doesn´t really influence the competitive perfomance of PvP that much, and good competitive gear is easy to come by. Is that correct?
There is no "quality" in the gear system. Every gear has the same quality.
When you have a recipe to creaft a longsowrd, you can craft this with wood, which will result in a wooden longsword with specific stats. You can also craft it with stone, which will result in a stone longsword, also with speific stats (no rng). Different materials will give different stats / bonis, which can then be better / worse for a specific gameplay.
There is also two ways to enhance (enchanting and something else I can´t think of right now) your gear, which will add bonus effects to the gear.
In terms of rare materials, you could either show off with it, or you use it to craft gear, which then has specific stats / effects, which "nobody" else has
Well that is clarifying! If I understood corectly that means that the quality of the gear is of small variety and doesn´t really influence the competitive perfomance of PvP that much, and good competitive gear is easy to come by. Is that correct?
There are no tiers like in for example Albion Online, but every set has its own strengths and weaknesses. You also want to make sure you dress appropriately for the environment you're in. For example, taking your desert armor set to a cold biome would be a very bad idea. Weather, temperature, seasons, day/night, etc all matter in Fractured.
I wonder then what would the rare resources combined with crafting produce?(abilities maybe?) And what would make raids to collect resources you wont find in tartaros, worth it? To gain beter competitivness edge that is, I mean besides geting resourses for buildings etc
As Eurav explained, different resources grant different stats. Depending on your build, you might not be able to craft your prefered armor with resources found on Tartaros.
Found this fro @Prometheus on a different topic:
The item system of Fractured strongly empathizes equipment replaceability, so the average armor or weapon will be made of common materials and it will be easy for a player to craft a whole new set if he loses his own - or to buy it from another player, of course. The geographic distribution of resources will play a big role in this - a material might be common in a region of Tartaros but "rare" for you because you live on Syndesia and hell there are really a few merchants who dare to go THERE to trade or gather - and if they do bring back some, they sell it at 20 times the price it's found at the local market. That being said, there will be bosses, rare resources and rare items, but they are not the core of progression in Fractured. You aim will be to learn as many things as you can so you can vary your build as much as possible, and to have a steady supply of materials (not only for crafting - food as well!) for your everyday life. I'll be bold and say Fractured's progression is really something different from anything you've seen so far :slight_smile:
As for "levels", there are no levels in Fractured, so the right questions could be "how long will it take me to learn all the abilities and spells and proficiencies against different families of creatures". The answer is: hundreds and hundreds of hours, but that's a misleading answer, since to collect all of that is your personal choice as your character will be already competitive on day one.
I´m beggining to understand it better! The "problem is that Fractured is so revolutionary in some basic premisses that as an old mmo player it is dificult to imagine some situations hahaha!
@eurav said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
When you get knocked out you lose / drop everything in your inventory. When you get killed you lose / drop every piece of equipement you are wearing. Was answered by Prometheus in an Q&A. Hopefully I got this right
To clarify this, there are two "death states" because you basically have two health bars. Endurance is your primary health, it's what most attacks will do damage to. When you lose all endurance your character is knocked unconscious and will get back up after some time. When unconscious, your inventory can be looted (it isn't dropped). Looting is considered a hostile action and is thus limited by the alignment system (good players can't loot other good or non-flagged neutral players, etc.)
You have a second healthbar (health), which is what gets damaged when all endurance is lost. When a characters loses all health, it dies and its inventory and equipped items can be looted, and the same alignment restrictions apply on looting.
Also, when you die and nobody loots you, you can get back to your body and get your stuff back (an unlooted body stays an far more than enough amount of time on the ground for this).
@pedrobillymattos said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
The "problem is that Fractured is so revolutionary in some basic premisses that as an old mmo player it is dificult to imagine some situations hahaha!
Honest-to-goodness, low-power-curve, horizontal progression is not something that was ever featured in a succesful MMO, as far as I can tell.Say, the most horizontal of all high-profile MMOs, Guild Wars 2, has sort-of-horizontal progression system called Masteries, but then again:
- before you reach max level required to unlock Masteries, you're on the usual gear treadmill,
- crafting requires you to make a lot of crap-quality tiers of gear before you can make something decent, and you can't just craft level-appriopriate as you level up, because you outgrow a tier way faster than you can gather raw materials for it,
- (I'm not sure, but I think) some latter Masteries actually increase you combat power, too,
- you still need to raid/craft/grind to get Ascended/Legendary gear that has 6% bigger stats than the previous tier, and more-powerful-than-average proc effects.
@dragomok said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
Honest-to-goodness, low-power-curve, horizontal progression is not something that was ever featured in a succesful MMO, as far as I can tell.
Ya, curious to see how it works here. One possible consequence is that it will be relatively straightforward to build a bunch of toons, all specced out for different purposes, and then you can just log with the one you need.
I expect it will be reasonable to get stuff as noted. What I hope is that it won't be TOO easy. AKA some other sandbox games with a similar design in terms of crafting all gear, where people would just continually zerg with new equips since they had 20,000 sets stored up.
You can get:
- knocked unconscious (you don't die, you keep all your loot)
- finished off while unconscious (you die, you loose absolutely everything, you can run back to where you died and pick it up again IF no one stole it)
Whoever kills you gets murdered flag. Whoever steals your stuff (even if its on the ground) gets thief flag. Those flags bring consequences, like everyone is able to attack those people without consequences of being flagged themselves. This may also bring some other consequences with interacting with NPCs, based on your karma.
There is no gear that is "more powerful" then some other gear, there is only gear with different purpose (for example armor with different type of resistances that fits better to fight different mobs). All gear is easily replaceable, so loosing your gear is not the end of the world.
You can create spare sets in advance and keep them in storage in your housing or in town banks.
@gothix well resume
I can't do better
The system is very similar to that of Ultima Online, were full loot of both inventory and equipped gear is possible but that action will bring consequences upon the thief (or the murderer).
If the gear will be kept easily to replace I see only pros to this solution (because it will make economy and crafting going), but if expensive enchantments or other different type of gear more hard to acquire will come, then it may not be a so good idea to make it drop.
People that will be able to get those buff/rare drop won't use them because in fear of losing them. If that will ever be, then they should think of something that may prevent a certain item to drop upon death (an insurance with gold or a blessing and things like that).
@roccandil said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
@dragomok said in PvP loot, an yet unasked question and diferent POV:
Honest-to-goodness, low-power-curve, horizontal progression is not something that was ever featured in a succesful MMO, as far as I can tell.
[...] One possible consequence is that it will be relatively straightforward to build a bunch of toons, all specced out for different purposes, and then you can just log with the one you need.
So, just like all other MMOs, minus 80 levels of grind between creating a toon and using it?