Will the Demons take over the Human world?
@eurav said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
@Gofrit well the races don´t hate each other. The hate should be between difference in alignment. Sure, having a demon live near you may seem weird, but if he has Neutral / Good alignment and intentions, why not?
I talk here about players, not NPC, a human player hate or love who he want
despite is alignment; but considering a demon, I think you don't let your back open
is instinctive ! You'll be more incline to a bear-kin.
A great book of Arthur C. Clark and a mini-series to look “Childhood’s End" show that ambiguity very well, look at it if you didn't see it yet
I would trust a Demon more than a Human LoL
I would also trust more a demon .
Demons are the true rulers of all three planets thus we will claim what is ours!
Just you try.
Hey stop revealing the demons plan for world domination lolololol
Demons will never win. Beastkin will hold the high ground
I will be single handedly taking over the human world. Once done, free beer, no pants required or permitted. Humans will live in peace as my slaves, beast kind placed in zoos.
@Eurav you have open a post where demons show their true nature
would you yet have one like neighbor?
Seriously this mass of evil doing must be eradicated of the surface of Syndesia; Human, praying Galvanos god of knowledge, could help you in making your destiny and beast-kin will help you to stop their murderous intent on your country
@Gofrit sure on a basic level Demons are not something you would want to live next to you. But with the alignment system in place, where a Demon can strive to become good, and help the Humans as Angels, would not be right to hinder their way, just because they are Demons.
But with most of the times Humans being the most intelligent / clever race, honesty and trustworthyness is not something I would except from every Human
It is even mentioned in the feature spotlight of the races, the biggest enemy of the Humans, are most likely the Humans themselves.
this game isn't p2w so you cannot buy that perk!
@gothix said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
Those particular "peace loving" beast-kin players, that always complain all the time how they don't want to be disturbed while grinding, will be THE FIRST ONES to go annoy demons who come to gather a few resources on Arboreus with limited grinding time frame available.
Not me. If a demon wants to come to Arboreus and pick flowers or whatever, I'm fine with that. Heck, if he doesn't attack me, I'll probably help him find whatever he wants. It's not like it won't grow back.