Will the Demons take over the Human world?
Hey all,
In a Q&A it was said that it is planned, that Demons can join a Human Guild. So if a Demon gains enough Karma to be Neutral, he can go and live in the Human World. Can even join a Guild there.
As the Demon race is the PvP race, and generally Demons are meant to be stronger (not related to Fractured) than Humas, I would expect Demons to have better base combat stats then Humans.
So now... since Demons can just go and live in the Human world, while also having better combat stats, will there be Human Guilds, full of Demons, which win PvP events (sieges) because they are just stronger than Humans? Will we see Demon Guilds, (or Guilds led by one Human, full of Demons) dominate the Human world?
Demons will not be able to live in Syndesia, choosing neutral alignment will be first step to achieving change to angel...
Your character will still be demon and they are not allowed to stay in Syndesia... Regardless of their alignment, your race dictates where you can live permanently. Only once a demon changes to angel can he leave Tartarus.
As for demons being more powerful... This is not true, demons will have certain stats that they can have higher than others, infernal can have the highest strength but suffer a lot of penalties for this.
Humans are all rounders and receive no bonuses or reductions... But have more points to spend on attributes.
So to your question, demons won't be able to join human guilds... And they are not necessarily stronger overall.
@Azraelius You are wrong, as you can listen to here
at about 34:45 a Demon with Neutral Alignment will be able to permanently stay in Syndesia and join a Human guild, even before becoming an angel.Also... I don´t think that anybody knows about the actual base stats of the characters yet, so we don´t know whether or not all races are equally strong. Being able to specialice into one area has potential to already make them stronger.
OK I stand corrected on the first point.... But we do know the base stats, there is a spotlight on them here
I am sure the devs are balancing issues like making one race superior to another... Humans might not be able to achieve as high a strength score as an infernal does... But they have tech that can make up for that.
Will have to wait and see how they handle balancing.
Well that´s not base stats, those are attribute points you can specialize your character with. I meant stuff like HP, Defence stats, basic attack and so onAlso since Demons get a debuff in the Human world, for a Demon solo player to do something in the Human world they would need to have better base stats. Whether or not this is wanted, who knows.
But yeah, that´s something we will have to wait on.
I see what you mean... That's question that hasn't been answered yet.
Will demons have more health to start than humans. If they do I would not mind if it was minimal differences personally. I take it your attributes will take the largest role in these stats besides.
Will the demons who are neutral and have joined a guild on Syndesia still have a penalty because they are demons?
@Azraelius I don´t think so, the penalties are based on your alignment. A good Human won´t be penalised on the beastman planet, but a Neutral Human I think will be.
Prometheus once said that the races don´t hate each other, they only hate a difference in alignment.
Yeah, I also think that attributes will play the main role, but still... the possibility of a "Demon" guild on the Human world exists.
Demons will take over everything!
@eurav said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
Also since Demons get a debuff in the Human world, for a Demon solo player to do something in the Human world they would need to have better base stats. Whether or not this is wanted, who knows.
The impression I got is that demons have a buff on their own planet, and when they go to Syndesia, they lose that buff (on Arboreus, they get debuffed on top of that). The exception to this is an eclipse where demons retain their Tartaros buffs when traveling to Syndesia.
@target said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
The impression I got is that demons have a buff on their own planet, and when they go to Syndesia, they lose that buff (on Arboreus, they get debuffed on top of that). The exception to this is an eclipse where demons retain their Tartaros buffs when traveling to Syndesia.
This is correct. Also, on Arboreus they can only stay for very short time, and inside a limited zone (they can't venture into safe zones). So travelling to Arboreus will generally be to try to scoop a few resources, in short time frame, before being forcibly ported out. Not much time for PvP there, with an exception of unavoidable PvP when beast-kin will try to annoy you during your gathering (and they surely will).
Those particular "peace loving" beast-kin players, that always complain all the time how they don't want to be disturbed while grinding, will be THE FIRST ONES to go annoy demons who come to gather a few resources on Arboreus with limited grinding time frame available.
On the other hand, beast-kin and humans will have no travelling restrictions on Tartaros, no zones in which they can't venture, and no time limit. Just a few debuffs, and map notification after 1 hour has passed of them being there.
I just want to annoy them a little.Then I give coffee to apologize to the demons.
So lets say you are a PvP player, but want to be good aligned. Then playing a beast-kin is perfect for you.
You can always go to Tartaros, no travelling limits, and have as much PvP as you want. You being shown on map, just gives you more PvP, which you like.
You can also access full Arborues, including safe zones, and full Syndesia, so no travelling limits for you. You can get as much PvP as you want on Syndesia and on Tartaros, and when you want you can grind undisturbed in Arboreus safe zone, and gain wealth without risk, preparing for your PvP ventures.
Game feels a bit catered towards good aligned PvPers if you ask me.
But I will leave it to devs to balance it.
@gothix Beastmen get curses stacked on them while on Tartaros
I think Good Humans have the widest range of travel, especially those who worship Tyros. Not saying it's easy, but they get "unlimited" time on Tartaros (until Demons kill them
) and can walk Arboreus for quite some time as well. Other Good Humans would lose Karma on Tartaros.
I've been thinking it might be interesting to have a squad of Tyros-worshiping Beastmen, perhaps for targeted PvP, or perhaps just for gathering resources. since it sounds like they can travel anywhere without penalty.
@meninodeouro said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
I just want to annoy them a little.Then I give coffee to apologize to the demons.
Rule # 6 'Never say your sorry. Its a sign of weakness'
@gothix said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
Those particular "peace loving" beast-kin players, that always complain all the time how they don't want to be disturbed while grinding, will be THE FIRST ONES to go annoy demons who come to gather a few resources on Arboreus with limited grinding time frame available.
ttttt... we're not Care Bears my dear @Gothix you don't want a tea and cake party when you come ruin our beautiful place ?
Personally I think the distributive stat will be fair equal, but the main difference will be the work effect between "power-morphing-kin", "human-tech" and "power-hell" (like the shadow power). To stay on a planet would depend about karma, because if a demon is rejected by Tartaros where he will live (and if is house is in Tartaros, what happens ?)
@gofrit said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
because if a demon is rejected by Tartaros where he will live (and if is house is in Tartaros, what happens ?)
I think an Evil Demon could actually build a house on Syndesia, but since he can´t stay for long, what for?
A Neutral Demon can stay forever on Syndesia, so I don´t see any reason why he should not be able to have a house there.Also houses most likely will be 1 per planet per Account, so in case you have a Human, you actually already have a house for your Demon.
What happens with the house on Tartaros depends, if you leave it alone it will decay obviously.
@eurav said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
I think an Evil Demon could actually build a house on Syndesia, but since he can´t stay for long, what for?
I think it could be long
since becoming angel seems not so easy (if he want to be angel)
If he just want to be on a neutral planet, he must give away is evil intent, so at a point he need to be able to stay more time (I don't see a human player so happy to have a demon player in the neighborhood)...because if a demon is rejected by Tartaros where he will live ?
A Neutral Demon can stay forever on Syndesia, so I don´t see any reason why he should not be able to have a house there.Of course, my sentence was more a rhetoric fact than a question (sorry english not my native language so some subtleties escape to me) to show the need to be able to live in another planet
Also houses most likely will be 1 per planet per Account, so in case you have a Human, you actually already have a house for your Demon.
Yeah but if you couldn't access to your house since Tartaros reject you right ? what happens to the house and stuff you could have in it (carpenter etc...) ? I hope demons/beastmen could have a smooth period when they could move between the 2 worlds, not a brutal change like a switch on/off.
@roccandil yeah, good point - they can already travel freely on Arboreus and Syndesia and with the protection of Tyros on Tartaros as well.
@Gofrit well the races don´t hate each other. The hate should be between difference in alignment. Sure, having a demon live near you may seem weird, but if he has Neutral / Good alignment and intentions, why not?
@gofrit said in Will the Demons take over the Human world?:
Yeah but if you couldn't access to your house since Tartaros reject you right ? what happens to the house and stuff you could have in it (carpenter etc...) ?
Well you can stay a bit right? so I guess getting stuff to your new home should not be impossible. You could also do that before changing to neutral alignment.
I don´t know about the carpentner, maybe you can take with you? But I guess he is house related so probably not. I am more worried about the "lifetime of free carpentner" in one of the higher pledges. Will your house just permanently sustain itself?