Two Words On Reporting, Leaderboards & Pre-Alpha. I'm tired.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    @loxreaten The whole point is that being in top 100 on the leaderboards shouldn't mean anything, especially with alts running around. The best way would be just to reset anyone who used alts to farm points to level 0. However, currently the top 100 on that leaderboard hardly represents the best contributors to the game so far, and is causing more harm than good (cheating before the game has started really sets the tone). If that is the case, then the logical solution is to just retire the concept of granting them alpha keys, and that should just make it a solo affair where you're just trying to get points for personal goodies when the game comes out.


    Well I haven't read much from the initial post of this thread but it comes off as too passive aggressive IMO to come off as professional .

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @Vicious the matter is being investigated, don't worry. We'll take the appropriate actions if needed, as we have done with other people. What will be done and when is a private matter between Dynamight and the alleged dishonest user though, so I'll reiterate for the last time: please stop bringing this up on the forums.


    @sparky was going to respond to your ridiculous post but then realized there was no point

  • Wiki Editor

    @sparky in parts i would agree with you, just i would not chose your words.
    Call it fake faces on me, but in my opinion it is what it is, toxic people should take always a breath before they type anything. It does not help to fire them, with this part i go conform. But it also does not help to ignore them totally.
    Yes healthy ignoring toxic threads are a good way, but it also needs a hard hand, same as when a small kid yells like hell and its parents need to say stop.
    Nothing else said Prometheus.

    In result no extreme way helps in case of terror. Not to look away, not to confronting them. The only way i see is, that the grown up community stand behind the Developement and let any toxic attitude wreck on the strenght of society.

    Me got a bit disapointed, that we are here for month or even a year and support Dynamight because we believe in them and then some people comes in and try to mess up with everything.
    If i‘m a new guest in a house i don‘t come in with a bomb and throw all to the ground and then wonder about, why the housekeeper kick me out. If i‘m new somewhere i look around and try to figure out the rules of the house and try to arrange myself with this rules.
    Sadly in anonymous internet it seems opposite. Some people step into a house and think they are the biggest kings at all and don‘t care about anyone who is still there.
    I really want to see some of you, how you would act, if you would be in a similar real life situation.
    I‘m 100% sure, this toxic guys would be small even with heels and a hat in front of everyone of us. Maybe they even would be totally nice and socialized people. Why they can‘t be like this in the virtual worlds?

    Just to clarify, i don‘t mention later ingame politics, that surely can be toxic in its Roles they play. But i wish, this people could stop to play roles as soon they are in conversation face to face or in internet case letter to letter.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @mazikar Then, prove me wrong. Lol

    It's not hard.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @sparky said in Two Words On Reporting, Leaderboards & Pre-Alpha. I'm tired.:

    What Vicious did was it, right? Yes, most cheaters get shamed in the public and they have to take it what comes to them.

    No sparky, it was not right. It created a mess over what turned out to be a dozen fake accounts, not even leveled up and of no particular use.

    It created a ton of drama and negativity over nothing during a critical moment such as our Kickstarter campaign, which is something we want to disincentive as much as possible if it goes outside the boundaries of in-game guild vs guild competition. There's been people who got 50+ blatant fake accounts flagged at once. Active members of the community. No one opened a forum thread to "shame them" and start a flame war, and we won't accept any more of this. I hope I made myself clear.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @prometheus Okay, I understand.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    It's crazy with all that flame as guilds don't really matter right now. Fake accounts only counts as much as single person progression.

    What's even worse is that after Vivious was proven wrong he still said that the devs are wrong and he's right. Sorry but I'm allergic to people like that.


    @vicious said in Two Words On Reporting, Leaderboards & Pre-Alpha. I'm tired.:

    @specter Maybe for you proof nothing but i think the people will see it and make their own minds about, not a flame just some extra info, and btw i gave to you in private before reply here. I am gonna end this story here since all informations are out and people can decide for themself.

    @vicious @Sparky I'm a member of Black Bull, and I'm not on discord yet, but probably going to go because of your mediocrity. I have interaction with many players in and they're not puppets. @Finland do a lot of work (trad, forum, searching new players) don't be so jealous and stay quiet . If they're 3 guilds it's because of the planetary/race system : we can't have one guild for the goal we fixed.
    More, we are quiet people and more don't follow the forum, they wait information about the game and not your no-proof communication. So again : stay quiet and down your barking. And here i'm polite...

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gofrit Okay, why you lying out of your ass?

    1. You not in discord but you have many interactions with other players of Black Bulls...

    2. Reread Number 1 and think...

    3. Joined about a month ago while me and Vicious been on the forums longer then you but you saw more black bulls memembers then us.

    4. How did you interact with them if they so quiet on the forums and if you not even on their discord.

    5. Something isn't adding up. Either you just exposed yourself or you just telling complete lies which both may be true.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Sparky has Prometheus not said enough he is tired about these kind of bullying? You guys should keep this in private, because the continue of accusing does not help anyone in this forum.
    You all said enough of this case, it is time to stop this war. Keep your energy for later ingame and fight like a real man in there. 😛

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @kralith Sorry, but he called me and Vicious out, so I just responded without thinking. My apologizes.

  • Moderator

    Because this thread is starting to become another drama thread, I'm locking it.


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