Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to
So I've struggled to find good source of info on this topic so after a lot of research and experimentations I've come up with this guide that should help you understand this cool new feature of Fractured, as well giving some optimal recipes for tier 1 (T1) enchantments. Feel fre to use this as base to replicate the knoledge for our community
I'll be referencing to some amazing spreadsheets put together by incredible community folks! You rock! =D
Here @Soaryng took the time to creat a spreadsheet compiling the reagents and their stats! Great work!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13771_4U2ndR7yOPvCg091V8mN7fs4m7-n08-DI1ykyM/edit#gid=0Here @maze and Cross I belive, went even beyond and made an interacting spreadsheet with many functions
Just Outstanding (If you know the author exactly, let me know in the comments)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UkAU9BUR5CEG7edgzvIhkZx35LS0h1UMAB_9TBBxYq8/edit#gid=1172436953But let these spreadsheets aside for now or they won't make much sense.
First up there are 3 tiers of enchanting.
The highier the tier, the greater the bonus to the item. (Duhh!)We have diferent categories of items to enchant. Each has it's own enchanting options. These categories and their enchanting options are:
Damage increase
Crit. Chance
Crit. Damage
Spell Damage increase
Accuracy bonus
Luck Bonus
Durable -
Armor(chest, head, hand, feet)
Endurance regeneration bonus
Mana regen. bonus
Armor increase
Evasion bonus
Accuracy Bonus
Fortitude bonus
Willpower bonus
Ice/Fire/Shock/Magic/Poison/Acid Resistances
Luck Bonus
Durable -
Neckless (in the future I believe rings will fall in this category too)
Bonus endurance
Endurance regeneration bonus
Dexterity/Perception/Charisma/Constitution Bonuses
Damage increase
Crit. Chance
Crit. Damage
Spell Damage increase
Evasion/Accuracy/Willpower/Fortitude/Stealth/Detection/Lockpicking/Luck Bonuses
Ice/Fire/Shock/Magic/Poison/Acid Resistances
Lower Mana cost
Cooldown reduction
Durable -
Evasion/Fortitude/Willpower/Luck Bonuses
Ice/Fire/Shock/Magic/Poison/Acid Resistances
How many enchantations can an Item recieve?
This amount depends on the Magic affinity of that item 
Above you see my armor that recieved 3 T1 enchantments, so it went from 7/7 brand new to 4/7 where "4" indicates the number of slots available.
The chest armor has the most with 7 "slots".
The Primitive Mage staff for exemple has Magic affinity of 3, so in other words, 3 slots for enchanting.A tier 1 (T1) enchantment takes 1 slot. A tier 2 (T2) Enchantment takes 2 and a tier 3 (T3) takes 3.
(I'm not completely sure here on the T3 one so if anyone can confirm this info in the comments I can edit later)Once you use one enchantment you can no longer do it again on the same item. For exemple:
Say I enchant my neckless with Inteligence bonus Tier 1 (T1). I will get +1 inteligence but it will take one slot in the Magic Affinity indicator changing from the original 7/7 to 6/7. Now I cannot enchant it with the same armor T1 again. You can however put Inteligence bonus T2 on it. The tier 2 inteligence gives 2 inteligence and it won't Stack up. So if you put T1 first and T2 afterwards you still end up with +2 inteligence from the T2.How does it work?
when you get to an enchanting table and place the item on the center of the pentagram, it will display the enchantments options available, and each has 4 element "bubbles" that you will have to fill in order to be able to apply that enchantment.

When you insert reagents on the five slots you apply the reagent's stats. Althoug there are several Elements and it might look confusing at first, there is a good logic behind it, and whoever came up with this system is either a 4d chessplayer genius or a madman hahaha but don`t worry I'll help you understand it and it gets easier when you pass the initial confusion.
There are 19 elements on enchantation with cool names and nice symbols to them. Each reagent will have 3 different elements to it and you can see them hovering the mouse over the item so for exemple :

Above we have the spider gland Droped by the big spiders. It gives 2 Transform, 3 Life and 3 Order.
Tranform, Life and Order are 3 of the 19 Elements I mentioned.Now here is what happens when I put it on the wheel:
 image url)
(You can hover to mouse over the simbols to see what element they represent)Here we see that except Luck, all the other possible enchantments use either Transform or Order. Let's look only at Critical damage for a sec

The Spider gland gave it 2 ticks of Transform and 3 ticks of Order.So what is the minimum requirement to be able to Enchant?
First it's good to note that you dont need 5 reagents on the wheel in order to do that.
For a Tier 1 enchantments you need a combination of Reagents that grant at least 2 "ticks" on the four elements like you see here:

When the condition is met, the line lights up like you see above for Critical chance and luck bonus.(note that here there are two options of enchantment. There can be several at once depending on the combination of reagents. In this case the game will randomly select one of the lit up lines.
Because of that whenever possible you want to find a combination that isolates the enchantment option you desire
)For tier 2 enchantments you need a combination of Reagents that grant at least 5 ticks on all four elements of the desired enchantment.
At this stage in Alpha this kind of combination is not yet possible for most enchantments since we have a limited number of monsters and reagents. The curently limited available reagents have low stats, but in the future with more content there will be more reagents. They can be hard to find and rare or have better stats.
Our Bright developers can play with this in order to make Tier 2 and 3 enchantments something very desirable to give you a significant edge over your opponents and at the same time make the gathering process something to stimulate us to go to a diferent planet, hunt certain monsters or bosses, and even create a nice economy around it. We have to remember that items have durability and if there is no repairing tool, you'll have to keep recreating your "perfect set" from time to time and this gathering and enchanting may be a great deal in the universe of Fractured.
For Tier 3 Enchantments you need a combination of Reagents that grant 10 ticks on all four elements of the desired enchantment. 
Above you can see the different collors on the "ticks" in the element "bubble". This one is the Energy element. The first 2 ticks are blue for Tier 1, the next 3 are purple for Tier 2, and the last 5 are Pink for Tier 3. Very Smart, very cool! Congratulations to the Devs =D
I can already see a great challange being the isolation of the desired Enchantment. Reaching a High Tier combination is already a challenge, now when you have multiple lines lighting up, that means you have one in two, one three chances of getting what you want. If you want to combine 2 or 3 different enchantments than it becomes an estatistic nightmare!!! That can be a real pain! so unless the Devs balance this in a way you have unique combinations for the various enchantments with 5 slots on the pentagram, 19 elements, 3 tiers and countless reagents.... getting those specific enchantments is going to be no more than a gamble... and more often than not, sadly, you won't get what you want.
Edit 04Apr2020: In the AMA @Prometheus clarified that RNG should not be an issue and that it should be easy to isolate the specific recipes!!! Great news!!Here are some recipies of T1 I've come up with by experimenting thanks to the spreadsheet of @Soaryng. I've tryed several combinations and came up with the ones tha not only isolate the desired enchantment but also use the most commonly and easily found reagents.

Increse armor by 8%

Increase Durability by 50%

Increase Crt. Damage by 15%
Increase Crit. Chance by 1,5% Here I could not isolate so it's a 50% chance to get it right which suck because the rabbit paw is hard to get. (rabbits respawn in the same place so if you find one close to your house try to memmorize it's location and keep coming back for it =D)

Gives +1,5 something Mana regen

Tier 2 Inteligence!!! gives 2 inteligence
Enchanting seems daunting at first but it eventually starts making sense. Like many other features of the game I'm very impressed with it. It looks like this will be a big part of the gameplay and it gives back meaning for hunting certain monsters and gathering stuff on the way. I noticed that after you discover all the knowledge of a monster, and accuire it's abilities, hunting it loses purpouse. But with this in place some hunting will get a whole new meaning and I'm excited to see how this is going to create an economy around it.Enchanting is like a puzzle where you try to find the perfect match with various pieces and I enjoyed it a lot! I hope my efforts can help others not so inclined to experiment get a faster result out of it. If you control the wiki please use this info!! and a shout out to @Vengu If you could add this to the "A compilation of everything we know about Fractured." page that would be great!
Leave a comment if I got something wrong or if there anything we can add to it and this can be a post to help people understand this tricky cool new system!
As a note for the Devs: Thank you so much! Your work is fenomenal and I love it! xD
Excellent, and I mean EXCELLENT write up.
Should be tacked to the top of forum IMO. (And added to the Wiki)
Thank you.
Also, the author of that google page is @Shivashanti I believe.
wow great job! and no, i'm not the author of the spreadsheet it's by cross & maze
l like the enchanting system, but if at the end it turns into a gamble, that will be a big turn off for me.
@Jimbolini said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
Excellent, and I mean EXCELLENT write up.
Should be tacked to the top of forum IMO. (And added to the Wiki)
Thank you.This!
@Roccandil said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
l like the enchanting system, but if at the end it turns into a gamble, that will be a big turn off for me.
I don't believe it will be a gamble, as it looks for me, it will be a clever combining of materials to get the best effect. And especially to get the requested effect quaranteed.
and it changes before release!
@Jetah said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
and it changes before release!
For sure there will be changes at many features till release.
But that does not make this guide in any kind less useful.For now it works like this and if someone dives into it that deep as @PedroBillyMattos did and make a great guide for all who don't have that patience, then we get much more people into it to test it.
@PedroBillyMattos you're a legend, thanks for this
@Roccandil said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
l like the enchanting system, but if at the end it turns into a gamble, that will be a big turn off for me.
Gear has durability and breaks. If you are unlucky I would save that gear for use during grinding situations (Where stats really don't matter too much). Or for trade/sale.
Awesome write up @PedroBillyMattos ! I had fun playing with you yesterday!
@Kralith said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
I don't believe it will be a gamble, as it looks for me, it will be a clever combining of materials to get the best effect. And especially to get the requested effect quaranteed.
I'd much rather be able to select the enchantment I want, if multiple are highlighted.
Excelent post!
I also hate RNG. I prefer no RNG completely if that would be possible, but if not then i at least hope RNG will be minimal.
I'm not playing gambling games. I tried ArcheAge armor upgrading. That's not for me.
@Gothix said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
Excelent post!
I also hate RNG. I prefer no RNG completely if that would be possible, but if not then i at least hope RNG will be minimal.
I'm not playing gambling games. I tried ArcheAge armor upgrading. That's not for me.
I would say it is minimal. There are items that have high numbers on certain categories and super small numbers on the others. As more monsters/creatures/items enter the game we will have even more options.
I feel like the game needs the RNG a little bit. Once you got the skills and knowledge for killing a certain creature there is little to no other reason to ever touch it again. If we are allowed to choose among the choices we get then no one would ever touch the majority of creatures in the game. They would get their skills/knowledge and then farm only the very best area and pick the perfect enchant every time.
The way the system works now it would be wise to get a wide assortment of items so you can mix and match as needed. People from certain areas might even trade with people across the map for regents, and trade with people from other planets and so on. It promotes exploring the world, and trading I count that as a huge win in my book.
@Whisper said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
@Gothix said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
Excelent post!
I also hate RNG. I prefer no RNG completely if that would be possible, but if not then i at least hope RNG will be minimal.
I'm not playing gambling games. I tried ArcheAge armor upgrading. That's not for me.
I would say it is minimal. There are items that have high numbers on certain categories and super small numbers on the others. As more monsters/creatures/items enter the game we will have even more options.
I feel like the game needs the RNG a little bit. Once you got the skills and knowledge for killing a certain creature there is little to no other reason to ever touch it again. If we are allowed to choose among the choices we get then no one would ever touch the majority of creatures in the game. They would get their skills/knowledge and then farm only the very best area and pick the perfect enchant every time.
The way the system works now it would be wise to get a wide assortment of items so you can mix and match as needed. People from certain areas might even trade with people across the map for regents, and trade with people from other planets and so on. It promotes exploring the world, and trading I count that as a huge win in my book.
We'll still figure out the best recipes that remove the most RNG, and farm only those ingredients. All the RNG does is increase repetition and frustration, and waste players' time.
For me, that's a huge loss.
The enchanting system looks so good I don't think it needs to rely on RNG to provide an illusion of depth and complexity. It really is complex.
@Roccandil said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
@Whisper said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
@Gothix said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
Excelent post!
I also hate RNG. I prefer no RNG completely if that would be possible, but if not then i at least hope RNG will be minimal.
I'm not playing gambling games. I tried ArcheAge armor upgrading. That's not for me.
I would say it is minimal. There are items that have high numbers on certain categories and super small numbers on the others. As more monsters/creatures/items enter the game we will have even more options.
I feel like the game needs the RNG a little bit. Once you got the skills and knowledge for killing a certain creature there is little to no other reason to ever touch it again. If we are allowed to choose among the choices we get then no one would ever touch the majority of creatures in the game. They would get their skills/knowledge and then farm only the very best area and pick the perfect enchant every time.
The way the system works now it would be wise to get a wide assortment of items so you can mix and match as needed. People from certain areas might even trade with people across the map for regents, and trade with people from other planets and so on. It promotes exploring the world, and trading I count that as a huge win in my book.
We'll still figure out the best recipes that remove the most RNG, and farm only those ingredients. All the RNG does is increase repetition and frustration, and waste players' time.
For me, that's a huge loss.
The enchanting system looks so good I don't think it needs to rely on RNG to provide an illusion of depth and complexity. It really is complex.
Multiple areas are still better than everyone in the same area with the other areas all empty. Having people scattered around the world makes the world feel more alive to me. I always feel bad when a game makes a huge world and then like 75% of it is empty because everyone just stays in the "best" areas.
This system lends itself to spreading people out and making the whole world alive
Maybe a nice middle ground would be having endgame regents that have 7-10 of a single pure stat on it and nothing else. So people could farm and try the normal way, and then other people could farm much harder content for a more direct result that removes the RNG.
@Whisper said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
I feel like the game needs the RNG a little bit. Once you got the skills and knowledge for killing a certain creature there is little to no other reason to ever touch it again. If we are allowed to choose among the choices we get then no one would ever touch the majority of creatures in the game. They would get their skills/knowledge and then farm only the very best area and pick the perfect enchant every time.
The way the system works now it would be wise to get a wide assortment of items so you can mix and match as needed. People from certain areas might even trade with people across the map for regents, and trade with people from other planets and so on. It promotes exploring the world, and trading I count that as a huge win in my book.
This effect you are talking about of estimulating people to gather reagents hunting does not depend on RNG.
Like @Roccandil put perfectly:
@Roccandil said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
We'll still figure out the best recipes that remove the most RNG, and farm only those ingredients. All the RNG does is increase repetition and frustration, and waste players' time.
For me, that's a huge loss.
The enchanting system looks so good I don't think it needs to rely on RNG to provide an illusion of depth and complexity. It really is complex.
As long as there is no repairing gear mechanic you will have to recreate your set from time to time and that on itself will cause people to be constantly hunting the mobs that drop the reagents they need which will be many!!!
I would say it does. If there are 5 items that can light up half the stats those are the 5 items everyone will farm for those half of the stats if they can pick from the list. The rest of the world besides those two biomes would be empty. Why go anywhere else? And even worse. The world will be over flowed with perfect gear because it would be easy to obtain/made by anyone and everyone.
Now say it is RNG. Suddenly the best tier item with the highest numbers are no longer the goal. You want ones with extreme spikes. As you and @Roccandil both suggested those items would turn into the best items. But instead of just five regents to rule them all, suddenly it becomes 19 (One per stat). However unless they end up going up to 10 (Which I doubt) the end result will be higher as you will need a 5th/4th regent that could cover the spread.
For example someone who wants to tank and get Endurance is going to search for a regent with just high Body, Transfer, Time, and Energy. This could scatter this one small group of people to 4 different areas for that one stat. Possibly 5 areas depending on how high the stats roll.
Being a tank they might also want armor.
So now they need regents for Body, Negate, Earth and Chaos. So now those same tanks are going to 4 areas again where only one is the same as before. So now we are looking at 7 different areas, or more again depending on how high the stats can go (The 5th and 4th slots might need to cover the difference if we don't get regents that go high enough).
Perhaps the tank wants evasion as well and now they also need Soul, Transform and Air. Now the tank might have to go to 10 different areas. And this is just one build. A tank that wants different stats may end up going to different locations, and same for casters, or ranged characters.
So people could farm for their perfect stats and do some travel or trading for gear without the RNG. Or people could sit in the best areas with the best tier drops and hope for the best and rely on RNG.
@PedroBillyMattos I am not sure if it was you or Mirrin when we were playing that said, "Ignore these guys we don't need to kill them anymore". The perfect enchant method just creates more of that around the world. Sure the current system doesn't make it so every mob is needed but it spreads the love much more around.
@Whisper said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
I would say it does. If there are 5 items that can light up half the stats those are the 5 items everyone will farm for those half of the stats if they can pick from the list. The rest of the world besides those two biomes would be empty. Why go anywhere else? And even worse. The world will be over flowed with perfect gear because it would be easy to obtain/made by anyone and everyone.
That's not a problem for RNG to solve. Rather, that's a question of balancing the reagents themselves, both composition and distribution, as well as balancing what "perfect gear" actually is, such that players desire a wide variety of gear enchanted for different tasks.
RNG is a crutch that poisons games.
@Roccandil said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
@Whisper said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
I would say it does. If there are 5 items that can light up half the stats those are the 5 items everyone will farm for those half of the stats if they can pick from the list. The rest of the world besides those two biomes would be empty. Why go anywhere else? And even worse. The world will be over flowed with perfect gear because it would be easy to obtain/made by anyone and everyone.
That's not a problem for RNG to solve. Rather, that's a question of balancing the reagents themselves, both composition and distribution, as well as balancing what "perfect gear" actually is, such that players desire a wide variety of gear enchanted for different tasks.
RNG is a crutch that poisons games.
Right now 4-5 regents can light up half the board already. And we don't have high tier regents yet. Right now 4-5 regents can cover that spread of a wide variety of enchanted gear for different tasks. Which is why I am suggesting the RNG system is good. People can use the best tier regents and then RNG will throw them a wide variety of gear, that they can then use for a variety of different task. Leading to trade, community, and an economy as they can trade the gear for regents, or gear they want.
And people who want a specific enchant can do the math, and farm specific items that only light up the enchant they want.
It's not like the current system is true RNG where you have no idea what the regents do, or what numbers they give, or what number is needed. You can completely remove the RNG if you want. It doesn't make sense to look at a system that allows you to do a little extra work to remove RNG completely and then say remove this because it has RNG in it.
Just do the extra step and remove the RNG
well, i seem to not get it, there is no rng involved already
oh god this seems complicated!!! Imma just have to let other people figure this out and just slot in the best items to min/max the enchantments... this seems like sooo many properties to play around with in terms of enchantment (not complaining) but this is giving me headaches just thinking about it...