Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
@Xzoviac said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
Every game of LOL has progression(...)
While a single game in a MOBA has progression, non of that persists to the next match (other than your skill gain as a player).
I was referring to the claim of 'lack of long term profession as a goal of keeping player playing a game'.
I haven't been ingame yet so this is a dumb question for me lol. Is armor one piece or does it come in pieces ie breastplate, greaves, arms etc.? If so can each piece have a different bonus stat?
Even with this reply I'm with Jetah and developed characters will have a significant edge over new characters. I'm glad for this personally as I don't want to play and never see my character progress.
@Farlander There was several separated gear slots like chest, head, boots, necklace, hands, belt, cape, 2x rings, 3x weapons, quiver (arrows) and shield. So 14 slots in total.
@Farlander said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
I haven't been ingame yet so this is a dumb question for me lol. Is armor one piece or does it come in pieces ie breastplate, greaves, arms etc.? If so can each piece have a different bonus stat?
Even with this reply I'm with Jetah and developed characters will have a significant edge over new characters. I'm glad for this personally as I don't want to play and never see my character progress.
one idea is the knowledge will be your character progression. gear should be easily replaceable as you'll probably die often. there's also guild/alliance progression which will be starting a town then eventually getting it to a city while also defending it.
@Logain said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
@Xzoviac said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
Every game of LOL has progression(...)
While a single game in a MOBA has progression, non of that persists to the next match (other than your skill gain as a player).
I was referring to the claim of 'lack of long term profession as a goal of keeping player playing a game'.you are wrong even there. in LoL, you have progression even outside of the game. back in the day, you unlocked rune slots as you lvld up, and back then, as well as even now, you gain talent points as you lvl up your account. (That is, unless they made it even more horribly confusing since i last played).
Well if there are several armor slots doesn't it stand to reason each of those pieces can have stat increasing bonuses? Will it be like D&D and only the highest of the same type counts? Will they stack so in effect you can get +str for example from several pieces? With 14 slots having stat bonuses, even +1 from each is a whopping +14 extra stats. That's alot of extra stats over a starting character. This is sounding more like an rpg to me so I'm cool with it.
@Farlander What I remember, those armor pieces were quite equal what it comes for power. The stat bonuses were just in different places and also had some negative values. Hide armor had bonuses for melee and leather for ranged (bow) combat. However, this was not in balance, because hide armor was really easy and fast to craft, when leather armor needed much more work and time.
@Roccandil said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
- By attribute cap, I meant total (natural + talents + armor + consumable). I remember 25 being mentioned, but that wasn't in Alpha.
Yeah, the attribute cap will be 25. There will be no other ways to have a higher value
- How many talent branches can you complete?
Six branches, in each of these there are only two nodes that give you the attribute bonuses!
@Jetah said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
Isn't the attribute increases a vertical system though?
As I said, the only attribute increases come from talents, equip and consumable (the last two are rare to find). As you can understand the unbalance is minimal.
Anyway, adopting a horizontal system doesn't mean that there won't be a little bit of progression, it's quite essential for a game!
@Farlander said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
Well if there are several armor slots doesn't it stand to reason each of those pieces can have stat increasing bonuses? Will it be like D&D and only the highest of the same type counts? Will they stack so in effect you can get +str for example from several pieces? With 14 slots having stat bonuses, even +1 from each is a whopping +14 extra stats. That's alot of extra stats over a starting character. This is sounding more like an rpg to me so I'm cool with it.
if a stat has a hardcap then getting +1 on each piece could put you over that cap. it'd be better to raise your secondary stat or third stat so your build performs better. it's quite possible that jewelry doesn't grant stat increase but resist or only jewelry grants stat increases.
I dont remember any crafting spotlight which covers this so I dont know.
@Znirf said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
Six branches, in each of these there are only two knots that give you the attribute bonuses!
How many branches can you complete on one toon?
@Roccandil This can give you some information:
"The Talent Points you have – up to 50 – can then be assigned to the nodes of your Talent Tree. The latter is divided in six branches, each focused on one of the main character attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Charisma."
Few notions from my last post ^^. In the text is said that 50 talent points is the maximum, but in that talent tree picture there is 24/60 points unlocked..
It seams that some talent nodes costs only 1 point and some 3 points. However, I was wondering does those cost 3 points at once or is there 3 tiers and you can spend 1, 2 or 3 points on them?
Anyway to @Roccandil 's concern. We can count from there how much we can spread our talent points. There is 25 points in each branch and 150 points in total, so if we have that 50 points in use, then we can cover 50/150 ~ 33,3%.
What I was getting at is beginning the game you have a base character with stats no higher than 20 in any one stat depending upon your race. We are told stats are capped at 25 which means players who have been around for awhile can effectively raise their stats to that cap with knowledge and gear. With this in mind the game takes on a vertical progression because experienced players will be better than starting players. Yay
I want to see progression myself. Having everyone equal like a shooter isn't my ideal rpg.
@Farlander I would presume it is quite rare to get an attribute up to lvl 25 and maybe it is only possible with race special affinity attribute. The natural gap in attributes is 18, but with race bonuses in specific attributes it can be raised higher, 19 - 21. On top of that, in character creation the higher levels in attributes costs more creation points, which causes you to become weak in some attribute(s) if you gap one or few others. So the character creation kind of favors even and balanced attribute distribution. I would also say that there will be some vertical progression with attributes, but I also think that we are not going to see any huge in there.
@Tuoni I would think 20 would be the level is most would shoot for to get the special ability that happens on each stat
@Farlander Yeah that is true.
@Tuoni said in Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting:
Few notions from my last post ^^. In the text is said that 50 talent points is the maximum, but in that talent tree picture there is 24/60 points unlocked..
It seams that some talent nodes costs only 1 point and some 3 points. However, I was wondering does those cost 3 points at once or is there 3 tiers and you can spend 1, 2 or 3 points on them?
That image is purely for a demonstration purpose; the layout of the talent tree will be slightly different. Anyway, I confirm you that the spendable knowledging points will be 50
@Znirf Okay, ty for the clarification.
Thank you for passing all this info to us @Znirf