it was answered in that they plan on it but can't give details because it could compromise the system.
tartaros wont have them because of the full time pvp, human planet might have it because of the optional pvp, beast planet will be plagued.
Oh, that makes alot more sense now. I was wondering what the descriptions meant for the race overviews. Didn't consider it being the states of PK on the planets.
@Bernu sorry mate, i may be the master of a guild composed entirely of two brothers and a friend, and i may have to swallow most of my pride, but even alone, i will lead my own guild!
Also, Crownless Order is EU based right?
Yes, it is
haha @LonelyCookie, Ima not even in the guild and I beat you all to the response :3
alot of this makes it seem like a multiplayer skyrim, lol. do what u want, when u want. (that is if you ignore the quests in skyrim and just play to have fun and explore)
@Feanor I can only assume that you spell cancelling might have something to do either with latency, or possibly casting the next spell in your series too quickly? If not, I'm out of ideas, lol
I really hope they can pull this off. So few devs are willing to set up a game like this, coz whales will make the dough and kneed it for them too. Even after paying for the Immortal pack for alpha testing, i would be happy to see the game remain as a buy to play. So far they have given everything they have said they would, so i don't see any reason to stop trusting the devs in the near future. They definately seem to be developing for the players, not the pay cheque. Hopefully they can still get the pay cheque through pure player love for this game ^c^
If anyone is still looking for a guild, or possibly even for possible allies, feel free to check us out!! We're still very active and eagerly awaiting the next test's launch, just like everyone else!! The discord link is in the original post if you want to take a peek and say hi We look forward to playing in the next test with everyone!!
@Xzoviac I don't think you seem you understand what RPG means... All it means is that you play as a character in actuality... you play that characters role in a game, no matter how limited it is. It could be as extensive as levelling up to lvl 10m and equipping up to 20 different pieces of armour and weapons, and having minions and pets and be able to build your own town and city, or build a space station... or it could be something as simple as being a herb farmer, talking to only 3 different NPC's, levelling up your proficiency and understanding of the herbs and not being able to change any equipment. Just gathering herbs and selling them. it is still an RPG... you are playing the role of a herb gatherer... it just wouldn't be as interesting as the RPG where u have 10m levels to go through and 20 different pieces of gear to make choices. In almost all JRPG's you dont get any choice to do much of anything... they are completely linear.
I believe i have a potential solution to this!! Make it so, depending what side of the packaging station you click on, you either open up the crafting interface, or auto-loot a random food pack inside the packaging station.
I know P2W will be brought up, and lets be honest, there arent any games, or are very few online/service games, that dont offer a way to spend cash to bypass time. it's just what it is today in gaming.
one game i know of that has 0 pay to win involved is path of exile. everything is cosmetic. the only 'helpful' things u can buy are extra tabs to store more loot or more character slots, but they arent neccissary to get ahead of anyone that has spent money. Everyone is on virtually even footing on that game
Even though I had already gotten a pack a while ago, and i cant get any of my friends to buy them, thanks for extending it for more people that are interested in getting it ^c^ And also a big thankyou for having the courtesy to let everyone know they will be disconinuing soon :3
I'd probably make some kind of quadraped with impish cat ears, the ability to stand on two feet as well to weild something like a bow. thick flowing fur, lizard eyes and a scaled tail similar to a snakes. Having the ability to use weapons or tools, attack with razor sharp claws, stun its' foes with a tail whip or rip them to shreds with razor sharp tetth while being brutish in strength having a strong hide to negate damage it takes :3
@Prometheus Like I promised in the previous comment, I went one step further again. I travelled accross the map again, back home and started a recording to show just how bad it can get if left long enough. It needs to be fixed somehow.
Well, crap... I forgot to record the audio...
I shoulda checked that XD
I closed the game, before I realised... so I just have to explain what I was saying in the video...
First: I followed my mouse along the path I took, heading up to Sea Trolls, from Duath. I stopped the cursor on the forest troll camp, as I was explaining that, at that point, I started looking at my minimap to move around, instead of the screen, coz it was starting to hurt my eyes.
By the time I got to Vandiir, even looking at the mini map, it was starting to hurt my eyes. By the time I got to Direwood Citadel, I wanted to stop, as it was giving me a headache, even just looking at the minimap, coz of the screen jumping in my peripheral vision. I continued to follow the path i took, with my mouse, all the way back to Duath.
On the Task manager and Resource monitor, I was talking about how they compared to the screenshots in the previous post on this thread. Beforehand, task manager CPU would go down to 40% while not having the game open. At that point, it was 60% minimum.
At the end, I was explaining that it is only with movement that there is jumpiness. Everything else is perfectly fine.
@Jetah regardless of if u need premium tabs to use online bots to sell stuff, it is 100% FTP. you dont need stupid amounts of currency to beat path of exile and reach lvl 100... just lots of grinding. People with premium stash tabs wont have an advantage to someone that doesn't, that has some brains in their head.
the premium stash tabs mean that player can play the game whereas the f2p will have full tabs then will have to wait till stuff sells, if ever. the only bypass is getting another account and trying to trade.
If you have full tabs... do this thing called... selling items... or this other thing called... getting rid of stuff you don't need.... stop being such a hoarder...
Increasing your endurance to 2k will reduce your shown hp to 8k, as the 500 hp is moved over to endurance.
Does it really work this way? If i enchant piece of equipment with +endurance i lower my health? Seems weird.
Yeah. Your HP is total HP, which includes endurance. Endurance is basically a recoverable stagger threshhold (using potions, bandages and healing spells. When Your HP goes down tho, there is no way to recover it during a fight. You need to go to a campfire to rest up. I am pretty sure every time u take a hit, you take a % of damage as true damage as well, taken directly from your life. So no matter how good u r at maintaining your endurance with potions, spells and such, you will still have to go and rest eventually.
@Orison if you are looking for environmental features, then you should have probably bought a pack to join a beta instead. Beta is where the game is usually alot more progressed and is for final bug catching and patches. Even then, environmental features aren't guaranteed tho.
Well it's certainly not unusual for games to miss dates. The main thing is the game comes out with few bugs. The biggest source of downvotes on steam is games not running correctly at launch.
I would have to agree. Developers these days have gotten pretty lazy overall in terms of actually finishing a game properly before a full release. There are even cases where a game gets released, then a patch is put out a few months later that is almost half the size of the initial game...
games were rarely perfect back in the 90's, but they were usually more complete than games r these days. Sometimes even less buggier than the ones nowadays are, even after they have been patched a few times.
With the cart, are we going to be able to see what rss we have piled on top of it, or is it gonna look like it does and just fill up and we have to remember? If we could see the rss, that'd be really neat and add depth to the game. It would also make it possible for a player that only needs, say 5 logs, to get just 5, rather than them having to travel and forgetting if they had 3 or 4 in the cart and get back home 1 short, coz they thought they had 4.
one think i would be really excited to see on game release or as an update after it even, is being able to get blueprints to get house room addons. Like, you get a blueprint to build a house, build it, then if u manage to get one of these addon blueprints, you can add a room to the side of the already existing house would make it hella more personalised and make the house look more like a house, rather than just 1 giant room.