I'm an Immortal. I have inside me blood of kin! XD
Posts made by TheRippyOne
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
@baumhauer Hail, High Holy Tree Hugger! (is all for such things XD )
RE: Estimate on Founder Packs?
You asked "when" not...right.
I doubt you'll see the store for at least 2 weeks. if nothing else, Dynamight is on a skeleton crew for the first 2 weeks in August, and they won't get the official count from KS until then. I imagine you will see it before the end of August, however.
RE: Classes
@target A good point! It will interesting to see how the devs call the balance.
RE: Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
yup. and, as is fairly normal, that -2 con doesn't bother you in the least because you don't get anywhere close to that ceiling XD
About the only thing I'd add is that, while your general attack isn't mana based, as far as we can tell, all your skills are - "mana" is just the catch all term for "thing we expend doing skill stuff" - so while you are fine pinging arrows at someone all day, you care about Intelligence (mana regen) for how often you can Arrow Shock Wave! the unruly masses if they try to zerg rush you XD Over all, I think you have it nailed down pretty well.
RE: Classes
@grofire yeah, but Lich doesn't conjure up warm and fuzzy images, either? I'm assuming that the Lich transformation is going to revolve around making a sacrifice of some sort for power, even if it doesn't involve an actual karma shift to accomplish (and that they get hit with the same transformation effects as the Abomination and Angels do - a stat rebalance and a new power - but seeing as humans don't have a power, I imagine the rebalance will be mostly negative?)
RE: Gods and Alignments
Well, and this is just speculation - it seems to me that, if you have 6 gods, and 6 stats, and 2 are blatantly linked - Galvanos to Intelligence, and Iridia to Charisma through luck - it might be that thier blessings give something stat related - like, bearing a Blessing of Glavanos might grant a skill to enhance mp regen temporarily?
RE: Classes
I am very hopeful we see more races. Right now, Lich is at least in consideration - that will be an evil evolved human, I'd assume, like the Beastman Abominations. I'm going to further guess that there is a Saint (working name) version, too - Human gone full good.
After that (cause, really, that is the the obvious stuff), I'm hoping that we pick up 2 more Beasts, and 3 more Demons - give each side a full count for each stat Affinity, and crank out some more options for weird and zany powers. Like, Beast Strength-favored gaining an AoE control ability that drags targets towards them and expands their weapon range, giving it splash damage while transformed. Make it a Cape Buffalo. Or a Hippo. Something territorial, mean, and causes significant human mortality.
Or a demonic eye critter (Intelligence Affinity) that let's any ally (itself included) target anything that any other ally sees with a ranged attack, regardless of intervening space or obstacles. Bit of an Udo power-counter favoring a group play dynamic - doesn't grant any stats directly - power balance to having it always on - but, for example, if a blood lands an attack by this method, it still gains it's blood boost.
Kind of stuck on the Perception-beast. Bat would work, but that's a little off, given that all the other critters are large. Easy buff though - while transformed, sees through Concealment and Illusions, and randomly blinds enemies on hit for a few seconds - in game terms, interface screw in pvp.
Hm...Demon Constitution - obvious buff is obvious (boosted by being damaged) - but we already have blood and Hellfire, so, that's boring. How about reflecting a percentage of damage taken? Make it a walking thorn/spike thing? but, less lame than that sounds.
Demon Dexterity - Spidery thing? or go full cenobyte and make a multi-legged walking mutilated corpse? I dunno. Power is easier - does more damage the more it moves between hits while still in combat. favors charge in/evade out style to build "momentum" to increase impact. Seems boring though. meh. Hits establish a Damage over Time that hurts based on how much the other person moves? specialty then becomes kiting and using push/pull control moves. That feels better. more evil - just shoving a dude around like a puppet and making them bleed to death. Proper cold hearted bastardly conduct. proper villain stuff.
RE: Elusive - Casual Beastman Guild
@kellewic Hey! It's another cool person!
RE: Schools of Magic
Well, my first is going to work with divination and illusion (answering the eternal question of "what is that?!" and then keep everything distracted while I get to it) - Deific communion also sounds fun.
But, honestly, Enchantment/Alteration interest me more, in general. I Like Crafting, so, get the good stuff, craft the good stuff, make the good stuff better XD (possibly pester someone with divination to find out what the good stuff is...)
RE: Elusive - Casual Beastman Guild
You seem like a smart, capable, and non-despotic liege, so, I'd like to join in, too! The Immortal Sollarium pledges to your township.
RE: Larger Crafting Possibilities?
"We are building, a boat."
Devs: what.
"We are building a boat, we are bringing logs and nails and sail cloth," Devs: who implemented sail cloth?! "and sail cloth and rope, and we, are going to go sailing."Devs:...well...um...(anyone actually implement hit detection on the ocean areas? are they just going to fall through? oh gods, why?!) - That's for a later expansion!!!
I do like the idea of building "Things" of a grand proportion - but I'm not sure if how that works with the blueprinting system the devs are using for the starter buildings. maybe something like Skyrim's build mechanism, where you bring materials, and then put it through a work bench interface to make structures, furniture, and modifications?
RE: A Point of Concern: "Horizontal Progression"
@myux Well, we do know that there will be some downsides - there's a "malus" for any stat under 10 - Intelligence's is it mucks with your memory slots. Plus, "mana" is the catch-all meter for fueling your skills - and it's regen is Intelligence based.
Also also, it seems unlikely that any gear directly buffs any stat; some aspect, sure - you might find a piece that enhances mana regen, for example - but given how emphatically the devs are limiting stat growth, I doubt you'll find any that boosts them.
(and, yeah, the above example is a spitball one to done for numbers, not an expectation, but...still thought it needed to be said)
RE: A Point of Concern: "Horizontal Progression"
@jahlon Normally, I'd agree, but apparently the devs read the forums for ideas, so it is kind of worthwhile having a debate just so they know what everyone is thinking about? IT's how we went from a single server to an international series of servers.
RE: I'm interested to hear your opinions...
I can appreciate your concern about the view limiting your attachment to your character - distance breeds distance, in games. Combat gets less visceral and more tactical, for example. However, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't bond with your character - as several people have mentioned, they have bonded in similar circumstances, at least some of the time. While the MOBA comparison is valid, what will matter more is the time you'll spend with this character you've made - there is a very social/story oriented bend in the game style - and so you might find yourself engrossed in the unique story you create.
RE: Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
I saw that, and thought it was confusing, but you do highlight one of the best possible scenarios. You could get a real windfall by taking a bump in a high stat, and a hit in a moderate one (assuming it doesn't drop you under 10 and into malus territory).
HOWEVER, it then feels like you'd have to build around the evolution, not the initial form...which might be a weak set-up until you can work your way down/up, morally speaking, but would be quite powerful in the long run. Also, it could be bad if a high stat dropped, and bumps up one a lesser one - the reverse of your scenario, where you'd lose an 18 to gain a 17, and thus lose bonus access, and is a net loss.
Definitely food for thought, and an interesting complication.
RE: Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
@gothix okay shadow demon
20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 9
(ifs)like I said, boosting a non-affinity stat is expensive XD
An alternative is to go 2 20, 1 11, 2 10, 1 8 - with the understanding you'll go for the +2 skill boost to keep away from the malus of a low stat. Fibs is right, a 9 might have some value we don't know yet, but the basics we do know argue for taking the slight hit to enhance a more useful stat
RE: Fighting Sense, and knowledge
To me, it looks like PVP is going to be 70% wildcard for humans, and 60% wildcard for everyone else. Of course, that's true for your opponents, as well. If someone has a weapon, you can drop the number of skills you need to worry about to that subset - about 30-40 skills, and the spells that work well with them - reducing the uncertainty by another 20%. Wizards, I agree, are going to be much scarier over all, due to their high variability.
The only thing I know of that gives any sort of reflection is the Erwydra's alt form, which has spell reflect for the duration - and that is visually easy to discern.
(If PVP is your thing, an Erwydra Wizard might be your best initial bet, honestly, since they have a better number of options as a general tool kit, that alt mode reflection, and the capacity to GTFO if a match-up goes badly. Just hope you don't get stealth ganked by a rogue - cause Erwy mages are squishy squishy boys)
RE: Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
@greenfire Huh. that's good to know. I'm sort of hoping for frequent wipes myself, for much the same reason.
RE: Completionist Titles
I'd be up for some titles - a map completion (or 5), a series of Bestiary completion (Ecologist of Arboreus, Tamer of Tartos, etc.), maybe one per long quest chain completion, skill tree completion, Rulership of a town/city/metropolis...hmmm, anything else? if there's an arena, champion of the arena, certain pvp feats....maybe a Title noting some other feats (kill 10,000 living beings - "Psycos," heal 10,000 Health - "Medic!" etc)