I'm also curious, and want to hear from the devs about, what they think of all the yammering we're doing XD Do they find what we've said to be useful - has anything here changed anything, or re-enforced anything for them?
Posts made by TheRippyOne
RE: what do you like to see next from the developers?
RE: Keys distribution date
Quick answer: no. We know about when the pre-alpha will start - 4th quarter, and probably closer to December (I want to say that I saw an actual date in December, but I can't put my eyeballs on it right now). I imagine keys (or key notifications) will be issued 1 or 2 weeks in advance, unless the devs are burning significant midnight oil to meet the deadline, and only issue keys once they are convinced the server won't explode - then you are looking at as little as 3 days, to the day of. XD
RE: NO tank mages
@jarek Strictly speaking, no one is going to have a single stat build - most will have a double stat build at least (and the remainder aren't necessarily weak. Most humans will have a single dump stat, and a single average, at least, unless they go for a 4-stat build). Sorry to be pedantic.
However, it does mean that every build will be able to have at least 2 viable roles - most Fighters, tank or dps, will also be very good archers at the same time. Most Rouges will be able to dps (at range, if not also melee) And CC or spellcast or tank, simultaneously. Skill selection will make more of an impact on "role" than stats will, because everyone will be able to multiple things well.
The actual debate is more about whether any non-Intelligence build can be as good as an Intelligence one, because of the breadth of skills available to Intelligence builds (8 mage schools +, compared to 4~ish physical schools), and that even non-mages need okay int for it's other benefits, making a 4 18's build implausible for them, while mages can use that min/max ideal.
I think you are right that there isn't enough information, but I also think this thread has several ideas for balancing this perceived issue without contradicting anything we've already been told. In essence, I'm not worried at this point, now that the concern has been expressed, and I'm perfectly fine with a non-specialist being as awesome as a specialist - because no one is going to be a specialist, really.
RE: Schools of Magic
@yesper Come to the Beast-side - we have super-magical deer!
RE: Massive battles: will "big numbers" always win?
@target I'm under the impression the friendly fire setting is "on" all the time on Tartaros, with no regard for alignment. Not sure if that holds true during invasions during Tartaros eclipses, since Syd is explicitly treated like Tartaros at those times.
RE: Massive battles: will "big numbers" always win?
@zidroc Can the giant demon invasion quit attacking itself for 5 seconds? ...no, no it can't - friendly fire is in effect XD
on a more serious note, It also depends on how big a difference you are looking at, and what sorts - if you are looking at 100 demons and 90 humans, the difference may not be so significant. Similarly, if you have a really good Illusionist supporting a dodge tank, then the team can tie down several blood demons - whose boost depends on getting hits - something a dodge tank with a passive AoE DoT/CC and buffed evasion is patently made to deny and punish. Good match-ups and tactics can situationaly stymie numbers, if used right.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@gothix Fellow TSW vet - damn I miss that game. Chaos Pistoleer for general running around. I also agree that the balance was excellent. now, there were some builds that were better for some things, more than others - especially in pvp. You saw more dash/cc in the continious pvp map, but not in the king of the mountain, for example. However, even if that were the case, that didn't mean there was a superior build (or even 3 or 4 top builds) - I personally saw at least 12 builds in any given round, and they all "worked" in some ways, and were also counterable (and the counters had their own weaknesses) - it was a glorious mish mash of pyrotechnics and strategy impacting imperfectly all over the place.
RE: what do you like to see next from the developers?
I want to see a bit more about how stats actually translate into effects - how more strength translates into more damage, how badly under 10 stats nerf you, What It All Means, M~A~N~! XD
RE: Planets and their own exclusive resources
The big one we know of are Arboreus' crystals - a requirement to build Syn's mage towers, used to defend against demon invasions - but found only on the Beastman's planet by all indications.
RE: Schools of Magic
@ufke Sounds like Alteration and Enchantment, plus a side order of Restoration.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@gothix Since I don't intend to play a mage, I certainly am fine with that XD
RE: Different types of resources
We know Arboreus has crystals, that Syd and Tartaros have metal ores, and that each environments have a different selection of plants - though not how much of an overlap there is.
RE: Any Roleplaying Communities Planned?
@jetah Jetah's massacre RP - if it's still breathing, they aren't in character XD
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@lovechildbell Well, we also know that learning a skill isn't just "spend x knowledge points, gain skill" - for example, the devs made the example to learn a spell involving seeing it cast (generally on you) repeatedly - to learn it exists - and researching at a library about it before you could spend the points to learn it.
RE: NO tank mages
@dybuk No skin off my nose, I don't have to be right. And if you are, more power to you.
I'm just not sure how to make a weapon that's improved by Enchantment but can still be said to be no better than starting gear (which is something else that the devs have said they wanted). I read the phrase you quoted as the gear boosts were temporary, and the potion effects were either permanent, or that the potions are permanently enchanted to create additional temporary effects on use.
RE: GamesCom Here I Come! And You?
Good luck guys! Bring back many more players! XD
RE: Mount Questions
@jozef How do you know which horse is yours? What if you forget where you left it?
Pulls out a fob, clicks a button - one of the horses whinies
RE: NO tank mages
@dybuk I honestly don't think Enchantments are going to be permanent - they'll be on the spot enhancements on anything that can have a battle effect. Permanently enhance ingredients and materials, yes, but not in terms of gear.
RE: Mount Questions
Permanent mounts seem wise, but I don't know if upkeeping them is a good thing (going back to the first post) - depends on what sort of upkeep we are talking about.
RE: NO tank mages
Well, there is a limit to how many skills you can use at once, so, I'm not sure if you can necessarily benefit from all the schools at once solo. I mean, you have an invoke or 2 for damage, 2 restorations (heal +debuff remover), an abjuration and an illusion for defense (or 2 abjurations), possibly abjuration for spell breaking, and that leaves 1 slot free for an option, if I remember correctly, assuming the mock-ups are followed through on
and that's assuming you don't pack in 1 non-magic damage skill to deal with the magic immune stuff