The other races are much more complicated.
To start with, they run an 8 point deficit to humans in the best case scenario - humans can do 4 18's, while the non-humans flat out can't (it would cost 108 points, and that's if one of those 4 is the "favored" stat). Using their race powers helps with that problem, to some extent, but you need to be using a build that benefits from it - a blood demon that doesn't do damage can't get buffs, so their racial power goes to waste when they are a pure support/healer, for example (As I understand it, based on what's been written about their powers).
Further, there is the matter of them having variable stat limits. A Hellfire can't put an 18 into Perception, so a decent build might involve 2 18's (including their favored stat), 2 16's, an 8, and a 6, just because the build they are aiming for doesn't really need a dex 18, and they'd rather make sure that they get no penalty in knowledge growth. Conversely, a Hellfire that maxes out their "best" stats (21 Str and Con), might round it out with a 14, 10, 8, and 6, again using the +2 int skill to keep their growth up.
Which is a point in itself. While humans generally can come by a 10 to slot in intelligence (for a non-mage) pretty easily, the non-humans are going to look at that 8(+2) strategy a lot harder, just because that's 2 points they can spend elsewhere at the start, and the +2 can be re-spent later as needed - the economy is different enough that it becomes "a thing."
Of special note are the Shadow and the Erwydan - maxing out their 3 good stats leaves them with no points left - their other 3 stats are all 6's. this locks these characters into being rogue/archers and generalist mages, respectively - they are QUITE good at those roles, but there are really sharp limits in their utility outside of them - neither can take a hit, for example.
Even still, here are some general point distributions.
3 18's (including favored stat), 11, 10, 6 - good focus, but...
2 18's (ifs), 2 16, 1 8, 1 6 -this one probably works better in that regard
2 18's (ifs), 1 15, 1 13, 1 10, 1 8 - decent build, +2 int skill for growth
1 18 (ifs), 4 14, 1 10 - same general idea as the best human jack of all trades
1 18 (ifs), 1 14, 4 13 - the other version of JoaT. both should work "okay"
and here are a couple playing up the 21 favored stat
1 21, 1 18, 1 16, 2 10, 6 - a superior focused build, in my opinion.
1 21, 2 16, 2 10, 8 - not so good, but it gets into that +2 int skill range
1 21, 3 13, 2 12 - Really, only Blood and Erwydan can make this work well - super int spell boosting to make up for mediocre stats everywhere else
OR a 20 in the favored stat (which still get you that bonus to start, so, not bad)
1 20, 1 18, 1 15, 2 10, 8 - probably better than either of the 21 versions, since it puts the character in line with that second bonus and get's you in range for that +2 int skill.
and that's about it, really. the double 21 on the Hellfire example is pretty much the best way to play raising anything other than your favored stat past 18 - it's effectively too expensive to have many variant options. You can get a second 8 if you have a 21 and a 20, instead of 2 21...but there's only 1 stat that benefits from being 8, so...and there isn't a notable benefit to having a 19, as such, so you're better off spending those 4 points elsewhere. If you disagree, let me know!
Anyway, as mentioned, Erwydra and Blood are the best options for going for a spell-boosted jack of all trades, in my opinion, since they naturally get enough intelligence to make up for the notable lower stat spread everywhere else. Shadow might be able to manage it, but pulling an 18 outside of their favored stat is painful enough that the spread won't be good - better to go for a focus build that gets supplemented with spell boosting.
Max'ing the best stats in each race is a build strategy (for everyone other than Chadra and Unouadra; again, 19 scores don't seem to have a point), but it leads to very limited options, in my opinion - Shadow, Erwydra, and Blood all fail to have enough Con if you play to their strengths, and Cheendra and Hellfire, at their "best," belong nowhere else. Fun to play, and unrivaled their roles, but they have trouble being anything "more" than those roles.
in the end, playing to the powers of the species makes for a better build direction, I think, using either the 20 build spread, or the 2 18, 15, 13, 10, 8 to focus on the races nature in some fashion. Chadra, Udodra, Blood, and Shadow have the most "neutral" bonuses, so they'll work better in these spreads for the widest number of options (Hellfire need to be hit to get their bonus, which excludes them from range work, Nheedra are gifted towards melee in a different way). Erwydra could, in theory, play in melee as a rouge, but a lot of it depends on properly using their hart form - a problem if a battle goes to long, or occurs too often; it would take exceptional skill, in my opinion.