@fexel First, Welcome! We're glad to have you!
second - Alpha access is based on the tier you bought into, none of the pre-alpha shenanigans XD so, you're either in, or you're not, and you should already know.
@fexel First, Welcome! We're glad to have you!
second - Alpha access is based on the tier you bought into, none of the pre-alpha shenanigans XD so, you're either in, or you're not, and you should already know.
For those chomping at the bit
@prometheus said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 45, 2018:
Hi everyone!
We're just a couple weeks away from the start of the Fractured Pre-Alpha.
Take your Pills! XD https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/7075/fractured-content-pills-week-45-2018
But if you made the extra whatever show the armor, then there shouldn't be a problem, I'd imagine (again, I'm expecting we're going to get 6 to 10 generic armors for visual purposes, dye-able, and then skins which differentiate based on which of those 6-10 they are applied to. So, you use Guild skin on your Light Armor, it becomes Guild Light Armor, and instantly recognizable as such). For a tabard, it might change the armor to be sleeveless on light, obviously armored to the elbow on medium, and fully obviously armored on heavy. Slap it on a gi, and you get ragged cloth sleeves to the bicep. Slap it on your robe, and you get full sleeves. Wear nothing but the tabard, and you still, clearly, have no pants XD
agreed, in my opinion - I've seen way to many people use any form of communication to be a total jerk in game - having voice built into a game without some really stringent limits to avoid abuse just begs for some people having a straight-up awful time of it.
@jetah I thought demons liked blaspheme? XD
But what do you think of the terms Order vs Chaos, instead of good vs bad?
I don't think that there will be much in the way of quest chains, excepting the religious ones for God favor,
Maybe it ought to be "Picky Vs Indiscriminate," instead of "Good vs Evil," or maybe "Order vs. Chaos" in the SMT vein
@mrchipps should be totally heart-pounding XD
It's going to have almost no similarities, but I hope it's a bit like the Ancient Cave from Lufia 2. Just, jaw clenching, every step may be your last, "please give me a resource RNGESUS PLEASE" heart-pounding dungeon crawl where you are not likely to make it.
At All.
(for those who haven't played Lufia 2 - the Ancient Cave is 100 floors of randomly created monsters and environments. upon entry, you revert to level 1, entirely unequipped, with just 10 potions. The only exit is to use Providence - an item found after level 20 in a random chest. yes, this means it is absolutely critical to look in every chest after level 20 until you find it. The only other way out is to win. The only exception to losing gear is the special gear found in the AC - certain rare chests would provide a random item or equip, which would be available on future runs. Finding good AC gear and Providencing out so it's saved is the short term goal. Now, clearly, almost none of that makes sense in Fractured. But the feel of it, that you had to think carefully, strategize the best course through the rooms, when to explore versus fight, the order of the monsters you attack - everything is critical, a single misstep could end you. I loved that razor-edge feeling, that tension of "do I press on, risk death and losing everything, or do I play it safe and claim my gains," the desperate "I have to hang on, 1 more level, 1 more and I'll find the way out," the sense of discovery, occasionally of the "oh shit I'm gonna die RUN" variety, I want that. I want it all!
(for those who think that the AC sounds terrible, it's kind of noteworthy that a straight AC run mode is the ultimate reward for completing the game on all it's other modes, and people loved it XD It's a heck of a lot more panic-inducing than most dungeon-crawlers once you get into it XD but it's also a lot fairer than you'd expect - time moves when you do, so if you get caught, you did it to yourself)
@33hp said in System controlled caravans.:
Okay, sorry - I know NPC, MC, PC - is NPS a non-player system? never seen that abbreviation before...
Honestly, I have some high hopes for the Labyrinth. Now that we've hit a second floor, it can get to be so much better...
@wolfkomodo46 Then I'm also sorry - I saw "gate" and thought the interworld one - I hadn't thought of the intra-world one. So, it's also my mistake.
@wolfkomodo46 said in Mail & COD:
Also, since players can't carry items through the teleport gates, I doubt the items can go by themselves through such a gate either.
Um - items can get through gates somehow - the Devs specifically mentioned using Arboreus materials in constructing a Syn home. I'd assume it's by being carried by players? not sure how it would work, otherwise?
@jetah But you do have a concept, oh consumer of worlds XD
Some more reading:
This time around, Sollarium is going to be an Udo (wolf), that's sort of an explorer/vagabond/maybe mail-carrier? High charisma, high Perception, moderate dex and int, average strength/constitution (or mod int and con, low str. still working details). Charisma/Dex fuels illusions and movement to gtfo - and there will be much gtfo - and a little offense, a little spellwork in case my copious supply of Caltrops do not convince you to LET ME LEAVE(!), but not much carry capacity. Want to get a letter to the Shield Heights? sure, I've been there. Need it there today? no one faster in the business. Promise not to use your letter as collateral in a game of cards? ummmm...I promise I'll win? XD
Transa is going to be a human merchant/sniper. High Dex/Perception, Good int, Mod Cha/Con, Average Strength. Lot's of range, lot's of probability buffs/tom-foolery. "But Rippy, how is that different?" - More Dakka. MUCH more dakka XD Transa welcomes anyone raiding. Looting your thieving corpses is a nice side-business! May be a Lich...
Safeakala is going to do human Mass-Shieldmaiden bit - run High Con, Mod-high Precep/Int, Mod Dex, average strength. High defense, high aggro, buffs/abjuration to pass her toughness to others, little recovery, much counter-offensive - esp if we've got some warfare/Martial skills that get empowered/activated from being smacked around.
Bloody Ash - Demon, probably infernal, near-best Con, Mod-high Str/perception/dex/int, min Charisma. Pure meleeist, Heavy damage/reactive/self-damage for gain, with a healthy dose of local area effect/CC to keep enemies next to her, and a bit of regen/life-steal if available. Very "I'm not trapped with you, YOU'RE ALL TRAPPED IN HERE WITH ME!"
Harial - Human Warfare specialist favoring speed over power - High Perc/Con, mod-high Str/Dex, average Cha/Int. Dual wielding swordsman who specializes in chaining/stunning attacks to lock an opponent into a world of pain, with a few repellers to keep the rabble away while he deals with their friend properly, and a chaser to jump to the next target. May be a Lich.
Sixth slot is still up in the air - let's see what the un-announced beastmen and demons are like XD
@eurav HM...that...yeah, that sounds more correct. I was reading your statement as "n-characters in 1 house" - which would mean an easy way to get goods from Arboreus to Tartaros (and vise versa) though that house.
I don't remember the devs saying that, but I'm not paying too much attention to the housing materials atm, so I'll believe you XD I'm not sure that the town requirements are low enough that one person can incorporate (And I can't help but think the strain would be a monster - 1 dude building 6 houses - ow), but the point is well taken.
@jetah sure, but you'd still want the warning that an ai was about to shoot you with Hershel's Meteorite Strike (Lv 3 - Colony Drop Style~), right? to hear it coming, so you can at least try to get out of the way (or quickly find the impertinent enemy and geek the mage), correct?
I sort of lost the original point, in that I focused on my play experiences where I was forced into blind-shot spray and pray strategies due to power imbalances and system limitations - the point was that there can be things coming from off-screen, and sound is a common means of warning a player of "incoming" - regardless if the shot is fired by another player, or an ai run enemy. In my second example, the issue was explicitly that an ai could "see" farther than I could, and so trying to fight it "fairly" wasn't really possible, given the other factors - a problem that can easily occur in Fracture, too, if a projectile can travel farther than the edge of the screen, where a player can't see, but an ai "can" (or, rather, doesn't have that limit).
Similarly, Arc Lightning from Diablo is a homing spell (sort of) - if a spell can find a target for the player, then you aren't really spraying and praying - you are going to be making successful hits from off-screen because the spell augments your ability to aim. without some warning, the target is a sitting duck, at least for the first shot. with an audio warning, you at least realize that you need to get a barrier up - run into a room and shut the door, so the spell smashes the door, not you, for example.
@eurav small point - each of your characters will have their own house, from what I've seen. We can give all of our toons access to all of our houses, for the sake of sharing goods, but a particular toon must travel to the proper house to pick up whatever it is you left for yourself.