@benseine Ah. Only hitch in that is that most MMO don't let you switch armor mid-fight (and I'm not sure you want to, given that this is a move by mouse system, so pulling armor out of inventory, equipping it, and then putting the old armor back into inventory, means you aren't moving for several seconds, mid-fight, unless you have a dash from Warfare on tap (that doesn't require a destination click) (I'm assuming Warfare because the others all pre-suppose light armor, and I'm not sure what sort of bork putting heavy armor on during a non-heavy-armor-skill would result in? Open question if you're allowed to use any skill while changing equipment, since a fair number of skills seem to care - like, we know Martial skills want empty hands/gloves, so the devs don't want you switching to a heavy broadsword in the middle of the "leaf wind" combo attack XD don't know if that means they lock the inventory entirely while in combat, or just lock it when a skill is in use, or force lock your skills while the inventory is open)
Posts made by TheRippyOne
RE: Balanced - jack of all trade build
RE: Limited/rare items?
I'd certainly like to see some legendary stuff - maybe not equipment, but decorations or effects could be nifty. Like - first person/team to beat raid boss A gets a special cosmetic aura of said raid boss hulking around as an over form or something, or hanging Grendel's hand in your house's loft because you were the first to complete that questline.
I could also see some interesting options - getting to 50 skill points without hurting a single thing netting you a pacifist's cloak cosmetic option, and maxing out your skill points without killing anyone getting you a pacifist's aura effect.
Or, maybe the best demon (skips the debate on what that means) in a given Eclipse raid gains an aura that involves the demon god hanging about, praising said demon on each kill? Similar idea for the current Arena Champion, and a slightly different (but permanent) one if you defended the title X times before retiring or losing. Maybe give the best Human defender of each Eclipse raid a plaque for their home/wall section, extolling their virtue (and have it upgrade if the Human manages it more than once).
Let's see, what else - doing a friendship questline (or mortal enemy questline on Tartaros) nets a permanent visual thing - Friend of the Fairies gets you a vine wrapped around your upper arm, while Fire Drake Genocide gets you a dragon skull crown of flames over your normal helmet. Limit one to each character? Can be switched out? much internal debate Not exactly exclusive, but really easy to foul-up in someway that permanently locks you out of it? Like, during the Fire Drake example, you can't let any drake escape for the whole duration, and there are a number of flame newts that may appear, and those try to run immediately? nothing that interferes with the quest, just with getting the new hotness XD
I dunno. depends on how exclusive, and how guide-dang-it you want them to be.
(I remember reading a manga [yeah yeah, weeb], with a family playing an MMO - one character got an exclusive scarf for never attacking a certain type of enemy, and then pleasing the ruler of said enemy type with an exceptional food offering. Has a limit (can never attack that enemy type or it breaks) but permanently renders that enemy type passive around the wearer, so if you need to kill x enemies to get through a door, and it's a room full of that enemy type? auto-cleared. It was handy, but they had to miss out on the materials those enemies dropped, and couldn't get experience for killing said enemies. )
RE: Balanced - jack of all trade build
@benseine I am sorry that I wrote Agility, not Dexterity. XD
I'm not sure if any pair of 18s can result in a solid jack - a pair of 18s means a pair of 13s and 12s, too, and I don't particularly know if anyone really want to depend on a 12 as a central stat to a build. The 14 that becomes (with the +2 stat boost off the skill tree), might make it viable, but it's semi-worrisome. And if a character can't use a skill set effectively, I'm not sure they count as a jack.
I'd like to discuss the defensive relation of CON/STR vs. CON/DEX. I find that I can't, having not enough information XD most frustrating, that! XD for example, I don't know if 14 CON/14 STR (cum 16 CON/16 STR) allows a character to wear (close-to) the heaviest armor; I assume it does get you a majority of it, for various reasons, but I can't be certain. Similarly, I can't debate the value of gaining x defense bonus from wearing y armor, versus defense of (y-a) version of it you can wear at -2 strength, when compared to the +z% dodge you gain from putting those 2 points into DEX, instead. Way too many variables to cogently speak to. Maddening, I say! I am most miffed that an intelligent discussion is thus derailed! DEVS! Give us the deets! Thank You! XD
(I'm also not sure why anyone would need to carry an extra set of armor? If a character can't wear it at their minimum stats, they don't want to wear it in the fight, because at some point a player will mis-time their cast of the CON buff, or get counter de-buffed, or lose their buff due to enemy wiping, and if that means the armor pops off (or you get paralyzed, or whatever the penalty ends up being), it's no good XD better to wear what can always be worn, and get the benefit the buff gives on top of that, as opposed to worrying about losing the buff and the armor at the same time at a potentially critical point. Conversely, if the only time the check is made is when you go to put it on, then there is no trouble, cause it's equipped somewhere safe, immediately after buffing, and it's all good. On the third hand, if the armor requirements ignore buffing/de-buffing (because the devs don't want to code armor popping off XD ), then the jack is stuck with the armor of minimum statistics anyways, and there's no better armor to lug)
RE: Balanced - jack of all trade build
I actually included jack of all trades as a build over in my build thread - https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/5940/character-creation-ideal-build-analysis-and-discussion-of-initial-attribute-builds/44 - for humans, one of the better options is 1 18 (in Intelligence) and 5 14s - and then use Alteration magic to bolster the 2 important stats up to 17 for whatever role you feel like playing at any given moment. Capitalize on your good mana regen to use the playstyle's big guns - whatever those are - and have 2 or 3 skill slots left to customize the build for the intended next adventure.
Wanna tank? Bolster Con and Dex, tap in a massive aggro, a big defense, a restore or 2, and then fill the 1-3 spare slots with the bread and butter - shield bash, an AoE that centers on you and cc's/dot's the surrounding enemies, and/or a rush/teleport to get you into the mix faster.
Ranged DPS? Bolster Perception and Agility, slot in a big wide line for the zerg rush, a single target for massive damage, a dodge out or 2 to stay free, and then fill in the rest with more standard attacks, traps, or even an illusion or music (cause, hey, 14 Charisma ain't bad), to suit whatever you intend to do next.
and so on.
The major downside is spending 2 slots on bolsters - the jack-wizard will never have the same flexibility in skill selection that a purpose-built will when they play outside of wizard. There is also minor concerns about an abjuration specialist breaking their buffs - but, again, at worst you are running a 14 in every other stat - breaking down to that is not going to be awful. (abjuration necromancers, though, or mage breaker meleists, or trapist rogues, all of whom specialize in de-buffs, might turn into much bigger problems)
And, of course, you are still one of the most powerful wizard in human society, which is nothing to sneeze at, regardless.
RE: Demon Alignment?
@jahlon But I really liked the old lady former Sith from KOTOR2!
RE: Future Plans for new races and/or planets?
@dybuk I think the devs mentioned initially that everyone would start with 2 slots, and that they were convinced to make it 3 - so people could have 1 character of each race. Further, most of the KS packs included at least 1 more slot - so I don't think this will be too big a deal.
RE: Inquiry About Race Customization
@fibs okay, your statement that this game has a different sort of player basis is accurate. It doesn't change the financial burden placed on the devs, and it doesn't change the financial duty they have, to themselves, their company, and us, who signed over our money to support all of this, to spend that money wisely.
Since they've already said they want to do at least 2 more animals, they believe the risk is within the bounds of reasonable action. If people convince them that one of those 2 should be a rabbit, that's fine. The budget for it is there, the pro-rabbit folk just need to convince the devs that that is how it should be spent (That has yet to be done in any concrete fashion, and is thus where I suggested the pro-rabbit faction focus their efforts). I said that before. And you don't seem to disagree on that point?
Ergo, I assume you comment on a different sort of player base is a counter argument to my concerns about making the rabbits a 3rd new beast race, or a re-skin. Either of these would be an unbudgetted expense at this point, which is why I was less confident about their viability at this point. I'm not opposed to any 3rd new beast race or re-skin, as such, I'm saying that the devs need to see enough interest to take the risk of spending money on it (that they probably don't have right now). The financial costs, and the risks of doing "something more" with a limited budget, are real things, regardless of the nature of the player base, and I'm not sure what bearing the nature of the player base has on this particular point. "We have more casual players, and thus..." what? You still need to pay the artists and potentially the programmers for the extra time, no matter who is playing, and you still need to test everything to make sure it works properly. Am I wrong?
And I'm not particularly interested in whether such a skin would succeed or fail with any particular segment of the player base - I'm saying that the devs need to see that there is sufficient interest to know it won't be, before they invest in the effort, at this point.
I suppose you brought up segmenting the player base as a way to refute whether the 3rd new race would be more viable than the skin. While I admit that I don't have any hard numbers available, I am fairly certain that the cash sink involved in either would be significant, and that the skin wouldn't be less costly enough to match the shown interest so far. I do think most of the costs are relate to the art assets, and those are the same in both cases. Statistically, having a new way to play has been a better driver of sales, in my experience. I may be in the wrong in this case - but there is currently nothing to show that, one way or the other. I'm not saying you are wrong, I am saying that no one has any clues, and the devs can not work without that information. Trying to convince them of anything without some hard numbers is going to be difficult. We probably need to run a couple polls to see how much we as a group would be willing to spend, and do some basic multiplication to show what that would bring in. Hopefully the devs could then definitively say "no, that's not enough" or "yeah, we could do that for that sum" and we'd got on with this.
RE: Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
@kairosval Much appreciated, both the asking and pointing out you did! so the devs are intent on making under 10 painful regardless of what stat is under 10. Worth while consideration, that XD
RE: What kind of Arch-type are you?
Well, that's still a potential thing. We just need to get some more people in here and buying into it XD
RE: NPC Strength
@target I'm assuming the buildings will have a lot to do with the nature of the NPC's you'll have in town - build a gym, and make the npc's go to it, and you'll get tougher npcs. Build a music hall, and maybe they will get more charming, upping your merchants' capacity to generate revenue.
Throw out the least productive 10% every month and they remainder will be awesome! And prone to heart attacks! XD
If you want the town full of non-morons, either build a school, or expel all the kids and hire new villagers every generation! (oh gods, the resumes...the on-boarding...!)
RE: Alpha acces KNIGHT - EARLY BIRD 150$
there is supposed to be a store coming out that will include early bird packs, though how many, and for which tiers, is currently unknown. We do know the devs have said they are working on the store at this moment, and we expect it to be done before the end of August, but beyond that, it's anyone's guess - Stay tuned!
RE: NPC Strength
I'm not sure how many NPCs we'll see, really - and I imagine most of them will be immortal and non-offensive 90% of the time. A bit crass to build an emporium, hire a purveyor, and then have him die on the first day of work, don't'cha know?
Soldiers/guards seem like the obvious exception, and it seems to me that those will have abilities based on the sort of buildings a town has for the sake of recruiting and training them?
I mean, heaven help all of them if the town gets sacked, but short of that, I don't see any of them dying by anything other than old age (which they will), and possibly internal abuse - "pay" a purveyor too little, and they might, theoretically, starve to death, or quit. Get a reputation for stinginess and you'll need to put up a substantial incentive to woo a new one. Conversely, set up a cozy life for them, and NPCs might proposition your town to be hired for "free" because it is such a good environment.
RE: will the game be available for linux ?
@jetah Because hope springs, the devs are optimists that believe in the best of humanity and common sense, and it very occasionally works XD
RE: Demon Redemption
@esher That wasn't what I was thinking about - but it is pretty clearly an abomination Cha, so, good eye/memory! And it's got the same deal going - +1 pair of horns, +1 red dye job XD
RE: Demon Redemption
@talonair From what little we've seen, the angelic and abomination forms are derived from the related demons and beasts - an Infernal gone angel will look different from a blood divine, for example. Further, we've seen the Nhee gone abomination in art work - it a bear with giant horns, bigger teeth and claws, and turned blood red. Admittedly, it's not an official thing, but it's a general hint, I would think.
so, that's some idea about what these transformations will be like - you'll still look vaguely like "you" but with the demonic stuff stripped out and replaced with heavenly set - bright auras, feather/halos, ancient rune masks of power, etc. XD
I will remind those who have never done a deep dive on the old testament - 90% of all angels look freakishly weird in various ways, so making a significant guess on what an any of the three angels will look like, other than humanoid because the game runs on that for player characters, is pretty shot in the dark.
RE: Future Plans for new races and/or planets?
@dybuk well, for example - a planet with something similar to the dark world Aether from Metriod Prime 2, or the mists in FF Crystal Chronicles - the environment is constantly mean nasty and potentially lethal if you aren't carrying some planet-specific resource, which degrades over time, and you need to gather a lot of it to make a field to protect a town (And more to guard a city). more of a survival mode, PvE experience with an emphasis on resource hunting and conflicts over resource wells.
other ideas - a "hardcore" planet that gives enhanced drops/knowledge/etc. but features tougher enemies, and has a much harsher return from the dead penalty, and a much slower resurrection timer.
An oceanic world where most of the combat and exploration involves submarines and dive suits. (which are to darn big to Gate around)
On similar note - a world made up of floating islands that you have to hanglide between. think Skyward sword sort of deal. Possibly able to do things on the islands to affect wind, which affects travel. then you can have fights over which way the wind blows, or build a town there and charge to change the wind direction?
either of those would be way, WAY later, obviously. game has to handle 2.5d well before going for 3d XD
um...let's see. a rain forest environment with a risk of flash floods, but if you look around after the floods, you find stuff from people who've died in said flash floods. sort of the world is engaged in pvp on you. Ligthning strikes, too. just, Natural disasters a-go-go XD Toss in some tree huts and you have a meaner Arboreus, effectively, for those who like the idea, but want less safety in their pve experience.
RE: This game is a potential PVE gold mine
@esher yup. and I imagine some areas on Arboreus will be more or less prone to different sorts of pvp - for example, if you can only Gate into certain points, then Demons can only raid into certain areas, due to their time limit. Which will probably limit the amount of Real Politicks going on - Do you want to own a town that is constantly under demon siege? more likely, you'd rather chip in a bit to keep them away from your own homestead, if at all possible.
the farther you go from such a landing zone, the more backstabbery you'd get into, because it would become safer to denude your town of defenders to go reave someone else's place for a bit. XD
RE: Will there be raids?
Well, there is the Tartaros Eclipse, which is a planetary raid? ~Ish? all of demon kind against the humanity? (and whatever beastmen decide to go help XD)
Well, in theory, any ways.
RE: Gender of Heroes
@trelia I once had a newbie I was assisting/getting acclimated ask if I was a grandparent - because I typed in complete sentences. XD