b2p+sub is the best model imo (looking at you ff and wow) they are mostly the best maintenanced games. The problem why we don't see more of this but more f2p with p2w mechanics is that the mmo market lack immensly on actual GOOD games the last years, so they have to go on the money milking train.
Posts made by Shivashanti
RE: B2P vs F2P
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
even albion rolled back that decission now and put a cap of 300 (i think) in for testing
RE: Mobs Should not Leash?
I wouldn't bother too much with the leashing and general fighting stuff for now, because the mobs don't have any AI beside of faceaggro and follow till they leash. It will become different in the (near) future.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
@Pluto they should deal with nightmares like that if they just want to zerg mindless
RE: First Impressions
I believe it will be a true sandbox like you want. Maybe with some modernisation but i'm pretty sure you will get the freedom you need. I don't see where the devs create a community which follows carotts. The Foundation thing is just a nice thing to have while we wait and a pretty nice way to let the word of fractured spread over the internet. It has nothing to do with ingame mechanics.
RE: Next Test in February
no it will be only for legend pack backers or above
RE: Fighting spiders in creeping woods
@Prometheus i was in creeping woods for a good amount of time but never encountered that problem, might be because it was before the weekend
RE: Honest thoughts on stress test.
@Pickle tooltips were implemented in a patch in the stresstest
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
@Shadowkhan you use the knowledgepoints (kp) to unlock the new skills you found
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
@Shadowkhan You can get new skills ONLY by fighting monsters
RE: First Impressions
@hooby You get rewarded by the weekly drawings for Forum activity, it's worth 1k foundation points
RE: Honest thoughts on stress test.
@Nyquil44 i think the enchantment system is well thought out. Once you get it it's pretty nice.
RE: Some suggestions
@Razvan i have nothing against a bunch of people doing that by hand, but i think this bot-mania just sucks. People are just too lazy nowadays
RE: Really Disappointed.
@Elric That sounds like someone who posts just to cause drama
It's exactly this, btw the titles say nothing, just that someone is around quite a time and did foundation stuff
RE: Some suggestions
@Woniken can you give me just one good example of using a bot for item values for loot at certain places beside to not have to go out in the wilderness and actually exploring the game?
RE: Daily Posting?
@Corvin they aren't flooded because we have this: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/274/daily-message-posting/59674
RE: MMORPG with MOBA movement is an issue?
@Eurav because you can focus on aiming with the mouse and not moving too with it, it's a complete different playstyle. And we got mostly skillshots so you are in a advantage if you can for example just move right and shoot left, if you have to do that with mouse moving much more "skill" (mouse movement, clicking per minute) is involved
RE: MMORPG with MOBA movement is an issue?
Well with wasd movement you would have a clear advantage over mouse to move users. I don't think to have both is a good idea, so it has to be wasd only or mouse only. I personnaly would prefer mouse only