thank you so much for this little sneak peak

Posts made by Shivashanti
RE: The Data Transfer Is Here!
@Cellticlink what support? all they did was to make literally everything worse. and yes, gamigo isn't a thing anymore in this project.
RE: Feedback on Residents
the problem with citizenship is that we literally have no security options right now, we can't set roles or rights to harvest the fields etc, so you don't want any strangers as citizens right now.
RE: Most of the newer changes kind of just suck.
I pretty much agree with the post, especially the loot has to change again. There is not even PvP as a neutral player right now because you gain nothing out of it. I even wonder if the old militias (which aren't a thing anymore?) would change something about that, but atm there is literally no point in PvP'ing as neutral or red beside maybe legends.
RE: FireArrow not working on spell channel weapons
it has to be spell channeling AND range weapon, the tooltip is missleading
trees and packing station
the trees now drop no logs at all and the packing stations are still bugged (you can't take the bags out of the station), so no way to level up the towns.
RE: Patch Log - v.b.0.0.l6
@Prometheus any info about that bug ? is it rare? because if it's going to persist we wont be able to rank up the cities.
Birch trees
logs fall under the ground at around -3kW -3k N, yew trees worked fine there. ( well one of them did, not so the others xD)
RE: Glyph User Migration FAQ
Well i use opera aswell but ran into problems which got solved through the support.
RE: Glyph User Migration FAQ
I get this:
So now my problem is when i click support i should chose a game, but fractured isn't there, what should i do now? This all is such a bad execution, 6 days before launch of the beta this stuff should work without problems.
RE: Race interactions/limitations?
Well you can respecc your build anytime you want in a inn. But for the main stats of your character last info was we will get one free respec, after that we have to pay a good amount of gold and you can only do it like one time a month iirc.
RE: Item System
There's always pros and cons in your build, be it the character stats itself (in order to go high in one stat you have to sacrifice the points in another stat) or on the gem enchantments (pretty much the same as in the character stats, you have to sacrifice for example defense against magic dmg if you want defense against physical dmg, or you go for a balance but aren't that good in one or the other). So there is always a choice you have to make in terms of character and gear bulding. I would even go so far to say it's deeper than in ESO, but i haven't played that in a while so i might be wrong.
RE: Race interactions/limitations?
There wont be NPC's at all, so also no factions. And even if you discover every spell, that doesn't mean you're good with every skill since they are character stat dependent which you can't switch that easy after creation of the char.
RE: So what is the difference betwen Albion and this "Dynamic" game besides graphics?
Couldn't sum it up better than the poster above. On top of that you have way more skillshots here than in Albion, even the autoattacks are skillshots. And zerging wont be that much of thing here aswell because of friendly fire with all aoe skills, or at least you have to coordinate it way better.
RE: About Consumables
I second this, we could even have a belt slot added with 1-3 consumable slots as gear maybe, which turns on a extra 'belt skillbar'.
Mana Drain
The ability Mana Drain doesn't steal mana from the target (tested in pvp) i get the drained mana but the target doesn't lose mana at all. Also if i cast it on a low hp mob and it dies the drain continues and i'm getting mana if the target is already dead.
RE: Stutters
@GamerSeuss it actually IS a game issue this time which will be fixed with the current patch (hopefully)
RE: items in the imbuing table are shareable
@GamerSeuss well we have the new system in place for enchanting and socketing where everybody gets it's own window and multiple people can use the station at once, so i guess it's just a oversight at the imbuing table
RE: First time playing fractured! Some notes/feedback
(as an archer) kiting is janky because if you mis-click you are suddenly running towards the enemy instead of shooting
This is an intended drawback in the combat system. They want the mouse driven action system so that you can sometimes mistarget and end up running instead of attacking sometimes.
my tip is just to use the right mousebutton to attack and the left to move, the right mousebutton is like shift click in diablo and holds you in place