I knew it was a free Alpha test, so I wasn't expecting much... However, my 1 hour in the game was frustrating and pointless. I started out messing with gathering / crafting and some PvE. That part was alright, but going any farther was a waste of time. Literally every single plot on the map is taken. I ran for 40+ minutes and did not see a single open plot of land to test any of the player housing and building mechanics. Meanwhile, all I see in chat is a bunch of kids trolling new players. People would ask where there were open plots, so trolls would suggest spots that were open - and then laugh when people got there to find all the spots taken. Fun stuff.
Why have an open Alpha test if every single plot on the map is already taken? This means no new players can even test a major part of the game. On the bright side, I'm glad I ran into the toxic community and gameplay issues before I invested any money into the game. It's just disappointing, because I thought this game had an insane amount of potential.